% Version dated June 30, 2003 REFERENCES FOR LEAST SQUARES METHODS {\AA}ke Bj{\"o}rck This is an updated vesrion of a BibTeX reference base which I have used for the book Numerical Methods for Least Squares, SIAM, 1996 (reference {bjor:96}). It has been modeled after the BibTeX reference base of Pete Stewart, and the same comments applies to its use. Below I repeat some of the introductory comments of his base: CITATION KEYS A citation key is divided into two fields, :, separated by a colon. The author field is constructed as follows. If there is only one author, the first four letters of his or her last name are used to form the field (but only one letter each from prefixes, e.g. van de Geign becomes vdge). If there are two authors the first two letters in their last names are used. If there are three authors the first two letters of the first are used with one letter from each of the second and third. If their are four, one letter from each is used. Warning: there may be a few exceptions to these conventions. NAMES Names appear in the order in which they appear in the reference, and entries are alphabetized by the first name to appear. To keep BibTeX from becoming confused, only initials of given names are used. Between some entries you will find clusters of two letters--e.g. -ac- -ad-. These can be used to position yourself within the reference base. KEYWORDS Each entry has a keyword field, labeled kwds. The program bibsrch (see below) will search the file for matches in a user-specified combination of conjunctions, disjunctions, and negations. The user can also specify the author. The program getkey dumps the keywords on the standard output. To get an alphabetized list of all key words from the file ref.bib try getkey ref | sort -uf > keywords The choice of key words is a highly personal matter. I have used a number of abbreviations to keep the kwds field to a manageable size. Here they are. approximate methods (appr) augmented system (augms) backward perturbation (pert), banded least squares (band), blas (blas), block angular system (basys), block methods (block), Chebyshev approximation (cheb), Cholesky (chol), condition (cond), conjugate gradients (cg), constrained least squares (constr), control theory (contr), covariance matrix (covar), CS decomposition (csd), downdating (downd), eigenvalue problem (eigv) equilibration (scale), error estimate (err), fast Fourier transform (fft), fill-in (fill), generalized eigenvalue problems (geig), generalized inverse (ginv), generalized linear model (glsq), generalized QR decomposition (gqrd), geodesy (geod), geometric elements, fitting (geom), generalized singular value decomposition (gsvd), Givens rotation (rot), graph theory (graph), Gram-Schmidt (grsch), history of least squares (hist), Householder (house), hyperbolic rotation/Householder (hyp), ill-posed (illp), interior point methods (intpoint), interval analysis (err), iterative method (iter), iterative refinement (ir), Kronecker product (kron), Lanczos (lanczos), linear algebra general (la), LU decomposition (lud), matrix approximation (max), nested dissection (nestdis), nonlinear least squares (nlsq), normal equations (ne), null basis (nullsp) optimization (opt), ordering for sparsity (perm), orthogonalization (orth), orthogonal regression (orthreg), precision (err), preconditioning (precond), pseudo-inverse (ginv), parallel computation (prll), perturbation theory (pert), polynomial approximation (poly), projection (orth), QR decomposition (qrd), quadratic programming (quadpr), random matrix (rand), rank degenerate problems (rank), rank revealing QR factorization (rrqr), recursive least squares (rls), regularization (regul), regression (regr), robust estimation (rob), scaling (scale), signal processing (signal), singular value decomposition (svd), software (soft), sparse (sparse), spline approximation (spline), statistics (stat), structured least squares (struc) survey paper/book (survey), systolic (syst), test matrix (test), Toeplitz (toep), total least squares (tls), underdetermined systems (uds), updating, downdating (upd, downd), Vandermonde systems (vand), variable projection (varpro), vector processing (prll), weighted least squares (wlsq)" The program getkey also prints out these correspondences in the appropriate places. (They are actually key words in the last article of the base; take a look.) DISCLAIMERS Do not use the references in a paper, unless you have checked them out for yourself. Naturally, I am interested in hearing about any errors you may find. This reference base downdated regularly, and items can disappear. For example, I will generally remove techreports as I find them published in journals. If you use this base in a \bibliograpy command, save your bbl files! BIBSRCH The programs bibsrch and getkey, written by G.W. Stewart, may be generated from the file bibsearch.tar, available by anonymous ftp at thales.cs.umd.edu in the directory pub/references. Simply place bibsearch.tar in the directory where you want the directory containing the programs. Then tar xf bibsearch.tar cd bibsearch more README and you will be told what to do next. @article{abde:71, author = "N. N. Abdelmalek", year = "1971", title = "Roundoff Error Analysis for {Gram-Schmidt} Method and Solution of Linear Least Squares Problems", journal = "BIT", volume = "11", pages = "345--368", kwds = "err,grsch,qrd" } @article{adco:1878, author = "R. J. Adcock", year = "1878", title = "A Problem in Least Squares", journal = "The Analyst", volume = "5", pages = "53--54", kwds = "regr,stat,tls" } @phdthesis{adle:98, author = "M. Adlers", year = "1998", title = "Sparse Least Squares Problems with Box Constraints", school = "Department of Mathematics, Link{\"o}ping University", address = "Sweden", type = "{Lic.} thesis", kwds = "sparse, constr," } @phdthesis{adle:00, author = "M. Adlers", year = "2000", title = "Topics in Sparse Least Squares Problems", school = "Link{\"o}ping Studies in Science and Technology", address = "Link{\"o}ping University, Sweden", type = "{PhD thesis}", number = "634", kwds = "cg, iter" } @article{adbj:00, author = "M.~Adlers. and {\AA}.~Bj{\"o}rck", year = "2000", title = "Matrix Stretching for Sparse Least Squares Problems", journal = "Numer. Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "7", pages = "51--65", kwds = "sparse" } @book{ahhu:83, author = "A. V. Aho and J. E. Hopcroft and J. D. Ullman", year = "1983", title = "Data Structures and Algorithms", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", address = "Reading, MA", kwds = "" } @article{aike:34, author = "A. C. Aiken", year = "1934", title = "On Least Squares and Linear Combinations of Observations", journal = "Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Sec. A", volume = "55", pages = "42--47", kwds = "regr,stat" } @article{ajje:84, author = "M. A. Ajiz and A. Jennings", year = "1984", title = "A Robust Incomplete {Choleski}-Conjugate Gradient Algorithm", journal = "Internat. J. Numer. Methods. Engrg.", volume = "20", pages = "949--966", kwds = "cg, precond" } al- @article{alfl:85, author = "M. Al-Baali and R. Fletcher", year = "1985", title = "Variational Methods for Non-linear Least Squares", journal = "J. Oper. Res. Soc.", volume = "36", pages = "405--421", kwds = "nlsq" } @article{alfl:86, author = "M. Al-Baali and R. Fletcher", year = "1986", title = "An Efficient Line Search for Nonlinear Least-squares", journal = "J. Optim. Theory Appl.", volume = "48", pages = "359--377", kwds = "nlsq" } @phdthesis{alba:84, author = "M. Al-Baali", year = "1984", title = "Methods for Nonlinear Least Squares", school = "Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Dundee", address = "Scotland", type = "{Ph.D.} thesis", kwds = "nlsq" } al- an- @article{alpp:88, author = "S. T. Alexander and C.-T. Pan and R. J. Plemmons", year = "1988", title = "Analysis of a Recursive Least Squares Hyperbolic Rotation Algorithm for Signal Processing", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "98", pages = "3-40", kwds = "downd, hyp, signal, rls" } @article{alva:90, author = "F. L. Alvarado", year = "1990", title = "Manipulating and Visualization of Sparse Matrices", journal = "ORSA J. Comput.", volume = "2", pages = "186--207", kwds = "sparse, soft" } @phdthesis{ames:91, author = "P. R. Amestoy", year = "1991", title = "Factorization of Large Sparse Matrices Based on a Multifrontal Approach in a Multiprocessor Environment", school = "CERFACS", address = " Toulouse, France", type = "{Ph.D.} thesis", number = "TH/PA/91/2", kwds = "sparse, prll, thesis" } @article{amdd:96, author = "P. R. Amestoy and T. Davis and I. S. Duff", year = "1996", title = "An Approximate Minimum Degree Ordering Algorithm", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "17", pages = "886--905", kwds = "sparse" } @article{amdu:89, author = "P. R. Amestoy and I. S. Duff", year = "1989", title = "Vectorization of a Multiprocessor Multifrontal Code", journal = "Internat. J. Supercomp. Appl.", volume = "3", pages = "41--59", kwds = "sparse, prll" } @article{amdu:93, author = "P. R. Amestoy and I. S. Duff", year = "1993", title = "Memory Allocation Issues in Sparse Multiprocessor Multifrontal Methods", journal = "Internat. J. Supercomput. Appl.", volume = "7", pages = "64--82", kwds = "sparse, prll" } @article{amdp:96, author = "P. R. Amestoy and I. S. Duff and C. Puglisi", year = "1996", title = "Multifrontal {QR} Factorization in a Multiprocessor Environment", journal = "Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications", volume = "3", pages = "275--300", kwds = "sparse, prll" } @article{anpa:94, author = "A. A. Anda and H. Park", year = "1994", title = "Fast Plane Rotations with Dynamic Scaling", journal = " SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "15", pages = "162--174", kwds = "rot" } @article{anpa:96, author = "A. A. Anda and H. Park", year = "1996", title = "Self-Scaling Fast Rotations for Stiff Least Squares Problems", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "234", pages = "137--162", kwds = "rot, qrd,wlsq,constr" } @book{anbb:95, editor = "E. Anderson and Z. Bai and C. Bischof and J. Demmel and J. Dongarra and J. {Du Croz} and A. Greenbaum and S. Hammarling and A. McKenney and S. Ostrouchov and D. Sorensen ", year = "1995", title = "{LAPACK} Users' Guide. Second Edition", publisher = "SIAM", address = "Philadelphia", kwds = "prll,soft" } @article{anbd:92, author = "E. Anderssen and Z. Bai and J. Dongarra", title = "Generalized {QR} Factorization and its Applications", year = "1992", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "162--164", pages = "243--271", kwds = "gqr" } @article{anka:75, author = "N. Anderson and I. Karasalo", year = "1975", title = "On Computing Bounds for the Least Singular Value of a Triangular Matrix", journal = "BIT", volume = "15", pages = "1--4", kwds = "err, rank, svd" } @techreport{ango:72, author = "R. S. Anderssen and G. Golub", title = "Richardson's Non-Stationary Matrix Iterative Procedure", institution = "Computer Science Department", year = "1972", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "STAN-CS-72-304", address = "Stanford University, CA", kwds = "iter" } ar- as- @article{ario:00, author = "M. Arioli", year = "2000", title = "The Use of {QR} Factorization in Sparse Quadratic Programming and Backward Error Issues", journal = " SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "21", pages = "825--839", kwds = "sparse, qrd" } @article{ardd:89, author = "M. Arioli and J. Demmel and I. S. Duff", year = "1989", title = "Solving Sparse Linear Systems with Sparse Backward Error", journal = " SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "10", pages = "165--190", kwds = "sparse, pert" } @article{ardr:89, author = "M. Arioli and I. S. Duff and P. P. M. de Rijk", year = "1989", title = "On the augmented system approach to sparse least-squares problems", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "55", pages = "667--684", kwds = "sparse, augms" } @article{ardr:92, author = "M. Arioli and I. S. Duff and D. Ruiz", year = "1992", title = "Stopping Criteria for Iterative Solvers", journal = " SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "13", pages = "138--144", kwds = "iter, pert" } @article{adrs:95, author = "M. Arioli and I. S. Duff and D. Ruiz and M. Sadkane", year = "1995", title = "Block {Lanczos} Techniques for Accelerating the Block {Cimmino} Method", journal = " SIAM J. Sci. Comput.", volume = "16", pages = "1478--1511", kwds = "iter, sparse, prll" } @article{ardn:92, author = "M. Arioli and I. S. Duff and J. Noailles and D. Ruiz", year = "1990", title = "A Block Projection Method for Sparse Matrices", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "13", pages = "47--70", kwds = "sparse, iter" } @article{arla:86, author = "M. Arioli and A. Laratta", year = "1986", title = "Error analysis of an algorithm for solving an underdetermined linear system", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = 46, pages = "255--268", kwds = "err, uds" } @article{arla:86a, author = "M. Arioli and A. Laratta", year = "1986", title = "Error analysis of algorithms for computing the projection of a Point onto a linear manifold", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = 82, pages = "1--26", kwds = "uds, orth" } @article{asgr:89, author = "C. Ashcraft and R. G. Grimes", year = "1989", title = "The Influence of Relaxed Supernode Partitions on the Multifrontal Method", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "15", pages = "291--309", kwds = "sparse, prll" } @techreport{ashc:87, author = "C. Ashcraft", year = "1987", title = "A Vector Implementation of the Multifrontal Method for Large Sparse Positive Definite Systems", institution = "Engineering Technology Division, Boeing Computer Services", address= "Seattle, WA", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "ETA-TR-51", kwds = "sparse, prll" } @incollection{ashk:71, author = "V. Ashkenazi", year = "1971", title = " Geodetic Normal Equations", booktitle = "Large Sets of Linear Equations", editor = "J. K. Reid", pages = "57--74", publisher = "Academic Press, New York", kwds = "geod, ne" } av- @inproceedings{avto:79, author = "J. K. Avila and J. A. Tomlin", year = "1979", title = "Solution of Very Large Least Squares Problems by Nested Dissection on a Parallel Processor", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Computer Science and Statistics 12th Annual Symposium on the Interface", editor = "J. F. Gentleman", publisher = "University of Waterloo, Canada", kwds = "sparse, perm, prll" } ba- @techreport{bai:92, author = "Z. Bai", year = "1992", title = "The {CSD}, {GSVD}, Their Applications and Computations", institution = "Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, University of Minnesota", address = "Minneapolis, MN", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "IMA Preprint Series 958", kwds = "csd, gsvd" } @article{bade:93, author = "Z. Bai and J. W. Demmel", year = "1993", title = "Computing the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Comput.", volume = "14", pages = "1464--1486", kwds = "gsvd" } @article{bazh:93, author = "Z. Bai and H. Zha", year = "1993", title = "A New Preprocessing Algorithm for the Computation of the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Comput.", volume = "14", pages = "1007--1012", kwds = "gqrd, gsvd" } @article{bana:38, author = "T. Banachiewicz", year = "1938", title = "Principes d'une nouvelle technique de la m\'ethode des moindres carr\'es", journal = "Bull. Internat. Acad. Polon. Sci. A", pages = "134--135", kwds = "chol" } @book{bard:74, author = "Y. Bard", year = "1974", title = "Nonlinear Parameter Estimation", publisher = "Academic Press", address = "New York", kwds = "stat, nlsq" } @techreport{bare:82, author = "E. H. Bareiss", year = "1982", title = "Numerical Solution of the Weighted Linear Least Squares Problems by {G}-transformations", institution = "Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science", address = "Northwestern University, Evanston, IL", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "82-03-NAM-03", kwds = "wlsq" } @article{barl:85, author = "J. L. Barlow", year = "1985", title = "Stability Analysis of the {G}-algorithm and a Note on its Application to Sparse Least Squares Problems", journal = "BIT", volume = "25", pages = "507--520", kwds = "wlsq" } @article{barl:88, author = "J. L. Barlow", year = "1988", title = "Error Analysis and Implementation Aspects of Deferred Correction for Equality Constrained Least Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "25", pages = "1340--1358", kwds = "constr, err" } @techreport{barl:89, author = "J. L. Barlow", year = "1989", title = "The Accurate Solution of Sparse Weighted and Equality Constrained Least Squares Problems Using a Static Data Structure", institution = "Dept. of Computer Science, The Pennsylvania State University", address = "State College, PA", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "CS-89-03", kwds = "wlsq, constr,sparse" } @article{barl:90, author = "J. L. Barlow", year = "1990", title = "On the Use of Structural Zeros in Orthogonal Factorization", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput.", volume = "11", pages = "600--601", kwds = "constr, err" } @article{baha:88, author = "J. L. Barlow and S. L. Handy", year = "1988", title = "The Direct Solution of Weighted and Equality Constrained Least Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "9", pages = "704--716", kwds = "wlsq, constr" } @article{baip:87, author = "J. L. Barlow and I. C. F. Ipsen", year = "1987", title = "Scaled {Givens} Rotations for the Solution of Linear Least Squares Problems on Systolic Arrays", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "8", pages = "716-734", kwds = "prll, rot" } @article{banp:88, author = "J. L. Barlow and N. K. Nichols and R. J. Plemmons", year = "1988", title = " Iterative Methods for Equality-constrained Least Squares Problems.", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "9", pages = "892--906", kwds = "iter, constr" } @article{bave:92a, author = "J. L. Barlow and U. B. Vemulapati", year = "1992", title = "A Note on Deferred Correction for Equality Constrained Least Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "29", pages = "249--256", kwds = "constr" } @article{bave:92, author = "J. L. Barlow and U. B. Vemulapati", year = "1992", title = "Rank Detection Methods for Sparse Matrices", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "13", pages = "1279--1297", kwds = "rank, rrqr, sparse" } @article{bayz:96, author = "J. L. Barlow and P. A. Yoon and H. Zha", year = "1996", title = "An Algorithm and a Stability Theory for Downdating the {ULV} Decomposition", journal = "BIT", volume = "36", pages = "14--40", kwds = "upd, rrqr, svd" } @techreport{bazy:93, author = "J. L. Barlow and H. Zha and P. A. Yoon", year = "1993", title = "Stable Chasing Algorithms for Modifying Complete and Partial Singular Value Decompositions", institution = "Department of Computer Science", address = "The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "CSE-93-19", kwds = "upd, svd" } @inproceedings{bayo:97, author = "J. L. Barlow and H. Zha and P. A. Yoon", year = "1997", title = "Solving Recursive TLS Problems Using Rank-Revealing {ULV} Decompositions", pages = "117--126", booktitle = "Recent Advances in Total Least Squares Techniques and Errors-in-Variable Modeling", editor = "Sabine Van Huffel", publisher = "SIAM, Philadelphia, PA", kwds = "tls, rls, rrqr" } @book{babc:93, editor = "R. Barret and M. W. Berry and T. Chan and J. Demmel and J. Donato and J. Dongarra and V. Eijkhout and R. Pozo and C. Romine and H. van der Vorst", year = "1993", title = "Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods ", publisher = "SIAM", address = "Philadelphia", kwds = "iter, survey" } @article{barr:94, author = "A. Barrlund", year = "1994", title = "Perturbation Bounds for the Generalized {QR} Factorization", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "207", pages = "251--272", kwds = "pert, qrd" } @article{barr:98, author = "A. Barrlund", year = "1998", title = "Efficient Solution of Constrained Least Squares Problems with {K}ronecker Product Structure", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "19", pages = "154--160", kwds = "kron,constr" } @article{baro:73, author = "I. Barrodale and F. D. K. Roberts", year = "1973", title = "An Improved Algorithm for Discrete $\ell_1$ Linear Approximation", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "10", pages = "839--848", kwds = "rob" } @article{baph:75, author = "I. Barrodale and C. Phillips", year = "1975", title = "Algorithm {\rm 495}: Solution of an Overdetermined System of Linear Equations in the {Chebyshev} Norm ", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "1", pages = "264--270", kwds = "cheb" } @article{baro:78, author = "I. Barrodale and F. D. K. Roberts", year = "1978", title = "An Efficient Algorithm for Discrete $\ell_1$ Linear Approximation with Linear Constraints", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "15", pages = "603--611", kwds = "rob" } @incollection{bags:70, author = "R. H. Bartels and G. H. Golub and M. A. Saunders", year = "1970", title = "Numerical Techniques in Mathematical Programming", pages = "123--176", booktitle = "Nonlinear Programming", editor = "J. B. Rosen and O. L. Mangasarian and K. Ritter", publisher = "Academic Press, New York", kwds = "qrd, rank" } @article{baco:80, author = "R. H. Bartels and A. R. Conn", year = "1980", title = "Linearly Constrained Discrete $\ell_1$ Problems", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "6", pages = "594--608", kwds = "rob, constr" } @article{bacc:80, author = "R. H. Bartels and A. R. Conn and C. Charalambous", year = "1980", title = "On {Cline's} Direct Method for Solving Overdetermined Linear Systems in the {$\ell_\infty$} Sense", journal = " SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "15", pages = "255--270", kwds = "cheb" } @article{bacs:78, author = "R. H. Bartels and A. R. Conn and J. W. Sinclair", year = "1978", title = "Minimization Techniques for Piecewise Differentiable Functions: The $\ell_1$ Solution to an Overdetermined Linear System", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "15", pages = "224--241", kwds = "rob" } @article{bamw:67, author = "W. Barth and R. S. Martin and J. H. Wilkinson", year = "1967", title = "Calculation of the Eigenvalues of a Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrix by the Method of Bisection", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "9", pages = "386--393", kwds = "svd" } @article{baue:65, author = "F. L. Bauer", year = "1965", title = "Elimination with Weighted Row Combinations for Solving Linear Equations and Least Squares Problems", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "7", pages = "338--352", kwds = "grsch, qrd" } @article{baue:66, author = "F. L. Bauer", year = "1966", title = " {Genauigkeitsfragen bei der L{\"o}sung linear Gleich\-ungs\-systeme}", journal = "{Z. Angew. Math. Mech.}", volume = "46", pages = "409--421", kwds = "pert, cond, scale" } be- @article{beni:66, author = "A. Ben-Israel", year = "1966", title = "On Error Bounds for the Generalized Inverse", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "3", pages = "585--592", kwds = "pert, ginv" } @article{beco:66, author = "A. Ben-Israel and D. Cohen", year = "1966", title = "On Iterative Computation of Generalized Inverses and Associated Projections", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "3", pages = "410--419", kwds = "iter, ginv" } @article{biwe:63, author = "A. Ben-Israel and S. J. Wersan", year = "1963", title = "An Elimination Method for Computing the generalized Inverse of an Arbitrary Matrix", journal = "J. ACM", volume = "10", pages = "532--537", kwds = "ginv" } @book{begr:74, author = "A. Ben-Israel and T. E. Greville", year = "1974", title = "Generalized Inverses: Theory and Applications", publisher = "John Wiley", address = "New York", kwds = "ginv" } @article{beno:24, author = "Benoit, Commendant", year = "1924", title = "Sur la m\'ethode de r\'esolution des \'equationes normales, etc. (Proc\'ed\'es du commandant {Cholesky})", journal = "Bull. G\'eod\'esique", volume = "2", pages = "67--77", kwds = "chol, ne" } @article{tate:90, author = "A. Ben-Tal and M. Teboulle", year = "1990", title = "A Geometric Property of the Least Squares Solution of Linear Equations", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "139", pages = "165--170", kwds = "wlsq" } @phdthesis{benz:93, author = "M. Benzi", year = "1993", title = "A Direct Row-Projection Method for Sparse Linear Systems", school = "North Carolina State University", address = "Raleigh, NC", type = "{Ph.D.} thesis", kwds = "iter" } @inproceedings{beme:94, author = "M. Benzi and C. D. Meyer", year = "1994", title = "An Explicit Preconditioner for the Conjugate Gradient Method", booktitle = "Proceedings of the {Cornelius} Lanczos International Centenary Conference, Raleigh, NC, Dec. 1993", editor = "J. D. Brown and M. T. Chu and D. C. Ellison and R. J. Plemmons", publisher = "SIAM, Philadelphia", pages = "294--296", kwds = "precond, cg" } @article{bemt:98, author = "M. Benzi and C. D. Meyer and M. T\.{u}ma", year = "1998", title = "A Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioner for the Conjugate Gradient Method", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Comput.", volume = "19", pages = "968--994", kwds = "precond, cg" } @article{bepl:74, author = "A. Berman and R. J. Plemmons", year = "1974", title = "Cones and Iterative Methods for Best Least Squares Solutions of Linear Systems", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "11", pages = "145--154", kwds = "iter" } @article{berr:92, author = "M. W. Berry", year = "1992", title = "Large Scale Sparse Singular Value Computations", journal = "Internat. J. Supercomp. Appl.", volume = "6", pages = "13--49", kwds = "sparse, svd" } @techreport{berr:92b, author = "M. W. Berry", year = "1992", title = "A {Fortran}-{\rm 77} Software Library for the Sparse Singular Value Decomposition", institution = "University of Tennessee", address = "Knoxville, TN", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "CS-92-159", kwds = "sparse, svd, soft" } @techreport{berr:93, author = "M. W. Berry", year = "1993", title = "{SVDPACKC}: Version {\rm 1.0} User's Guide", institution = "University of Tennessee", address = "Knoxville, TN", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "CS-93-194", kwds = "sparse, svd" } @inproceedings{berr:94, author = "M. W. Berry", year = "1994", title = "A Survey of Public-Domain {Lanczos}-Based Software", booktitle = "Proceedings of the {Cornelius} {Lanczos} International Centenary Conference, Raleigh, NC, Dec. 1993", editor = "J. D. Brown and M. T. Chu and D. C. Ellison and R. J. Plemmons", publisher = "SIAM, Philadelphia", pages = "332--334", kwds = "iter, lancz" } @inproceedings{beau:94, author = "M. W. Berry and R. L. Auerbach", year = "1994", title = "A Block {Lanczos} {SVD} Method with Adaptive Reorthogonalization", booktitle = "Proceedings of the {Cornelius} {Lanczos} International Centenary Conference, Raleigh, NC, Dec. 1993", editor = "J. D. Brown and M. T. Chu and D. C. Ellison and R. J. Plemmons", publisher = "SIAM, Philadelphia", pages = "329--331", kwds = "iter, lancz" } @article{bego:91, author = "M. W. Berry and G. H. Golub", year = "1991", title = "Estimating the Largest Singular Values of Large Sparse Matrices via Modified Moments", journal = "Numer. Algorithms", volume = "1", pages = "363--374", kwds = "sparse, svd" } @article{bert:1855, author = "J. Bertrand", year = "1855", title = "Sur la m\'ethode des moindres carr\'es", journal = "C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris", volume = "40", pages = "1190--1192", kwds = "ne, hist" } bi- @article{bien:1853, author = "I. J. Bienaym\'e", year = "1853", title = "Remarques sur les diff\'erences qui distinguent l'interpolation de {M. Cauchy} de la m\'ethode des moindre carr\'es et qui assurent la sup\'eriorit\'e de cette m\'ethode", journal = "C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris", volume = "37", pages = "5--13", kwds = "ne, hist" } @article{bitt:91, author = "M. Bierlair and P. Toint and D. Tuyttens", year = "1991", title = "On Iterative Algorithms for Linear Least-Squares Problems with Bound Constraints", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "143", pages = "111-143", kwds = "iter, constr" } @inproceedings{bisc:89, author = "C. H. Bischof", year = "1989", title = "A Block {QR} Factorization Algorithm Using Restricted Pivoting", pages = "248--256", booktitle = "Supercomputing 89", editor = "", publisher = "ACM Press, New York", kwds = "qrd, prll, blas" } @article{bisc:90, author = "C. H. Bischof", year = "1990", title = "Incremental Condition Estimation", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "11", pages = "312--322", kwds = "cond" } @techreport{bisc:90a, author = "C. H. Bischof", year = "1990", title = "Adaptive Condition Estimation for Rank-one Downdates of {QR} Factorizations", institution = "Argonne National Laboratory, Math. and Computer Sciences Div.", address = "Argonne, IL", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "ANL/MCS-P166-0790", kwds = "cond" } @article{bisc:91, author = "C. H. Bischof", year = "1991", title = "A Parallel {QR} Factorization Algorithm with Controlled Local Pivoting", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "12", pages = "36--57", kwds = "cond" } @article{biha:91, author = "C. H. Bischof and P. C. Hansen", year = "1991", title = "Structure Preserving and Rank-Revealing {QR} Factorizations", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "12", pages = "1332--1350", kwds = "sparse, rrqr" } @article{biha:92, author = "C. H. Bischof and P. C. Hansen", year = "1992", title = "A Block Algorithm for Computing Rank-Revealing {QR} Factorizations", journal = "Numer. Algorithms", volume = "2", pages = "371--392", kwds = "cond,rrqr" } @article{bilp:90, author = "C. H. Bischof and J. G. Lewis and D. J. Pierce", year = "1990", title = "Incremental Condition Estimation for Sparse Matrices", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "11", pages = "644--659", kwds = "sparse, cond, err" } @article{bipt:93, author = "C. H. Bischof and C.-T. Pan and P. T. P. Tang", year = "1993", title = "A {Cholesky} Up-and Downdating Algorithm for Systolic and {SIMD} Architectures", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Comput.", volume = "14", pages = "670--676", kwds = "downd, prll" } @article{biqu:98a, author = "C. H. Bischof and G. Quintana-Ort{\'i}", year = "1998", title = "Computing Rank-Revealing {QR} Factorizations of Dense Matrices", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "24:2", pages = "226--253", kwds = "rrqr" } @article{biqu:98b, author = "C. H. Bischof and G. Quintana-Ort{\'i}", year = "1998", title = "Algorithm 782: Codes for Rank-Revealing {QR} Factorizations of Dense Matrices", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "24:2", pages = "254--257", kwds = "rrqr" } @article{bivl:87, author = "C. H. Bischof and C. F. {Van Loan}", year = "1998", title = "The WY Representation for products of Householder Matrices", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput.", volume = "8:1", pages = "2--13", kwds = "" } bj- @article{bjer:51, author = "A. Bjerhammer", year = "1951", title = "Rectangular Reciprocal Matrices with Special Reference to Geodetic Calculations", journal = "Bull. G\'eod\'esique", volume = "52", pages = "118-220", kwds = "ginv" } @article{bjor:67, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1967", title = "Solving Linear Least Squares Problems by {Gram-Schmidt} Orthogonalization", journal = "BIT", volume = "7", pages = "1--21", kwds = "qrd, grsch" } @article{bjor:67a, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1967", title = "Iterative Refinement of Linear Least Squares Solutions {I}", journal = "BIT", volume = "7", pages = "257--278", kwds = "ir, grsch, qrd" } @article{bjor:68, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1968", title = "Iterative Refinement of Linear Least Squares Solutions {II}", journal = "BIT", volume = "8", pages = "8-30", kwds = "ir, constr" } @inproceedings{bjor:76, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1976", title = "Methods for Sparse Least Squares Problems", pages = "177--199", booktitle = "Sparse Matrix Computations", editor = "J.R. Bunch and D. J. Rose", publisher = "Academic Press, New York", kwds = "sparse, survey" } @article{bjor:78, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1978", title = "Comment on the Iterative Refinement of Least Squares Solutions", journal = "J. Amer. Statist. Assoc.", volume = "73", pages = "161--166", kwds = "ir, sne" } @inproceedings{bjor:79, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1979", title = "{SSOR} Preconditioning Methods for Sparse Least Squares Problems", pages = "21--25", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Computer Science and Statistics 12th Annual Symposium on the Interface", editor = "J. F. Gentleman", publisher = "University of Waterloo, Canada", kwds = "iter, precond" } @article{bjor:84, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1984", title = "A General Updating Algorithm for Constrained Linear Least Squares problems", journal = " SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "5", pages = "394--402.", kwds = "upd, sparse" } @article{bjor:87, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1987", title = "Stability Analysis of the Method of Semi-Normal Equations for Least Squares Problems", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "88/89", pages = "31--48", kwds = "err, ne" } @article{bjor:88, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1988", title = "A Bidiagonalization Algorithm for Solving Ill-posed Systems of Linear Equations", journal = "BIT", volume = "28", pages = "659--670", kwds = "sparse, lanczos" } @article{bjor:88a, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1988", title = "A Direct Method for Sparse Least Squares Problems with lower and Upper Bounds", journal = " Numer. Math.", volume = "54", pages = "19--32", kwds = "constr" } @inproceedings{bjor:90b, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1990", title = "Iterative Refinement and Reliable Computing", pages = "249--266", booktitle = "Reliable Numerical Computation", editor = "M. G. Cox and S. J. Hammarling", publisher = "Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK", kwds = "" } @incollection{bjor:90c, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1990", title = "Least Squares Methods", editor = "P. G. Ciarlet and J. L. Lions", booktitle = "Handbook of Numerical Analysis. I. Solution of Equations in $R^n$. Part 1", publisher = "Elsevier/North-Holland, Amsterdam", pages = "466--647", kwds = "survey" } @inproceedings{bjor:91, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1991", title = "Error Analysis of Least Squares Algorithms", pages = "41--73", booktitle = "Numerical Linear Algebra, Digital Signal Processing and Parallel Algorithms", series = "NATO ASI Series", volume = "70", editor = "G. H. Golub and P. {Van Dooren}", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Berlin", kwds = "err, signal,prll" } @article{bjor:91a, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1991", title = "Component-wise Perturbation Analysis and Errors Bounds for Linear Least Square Solutions", journal = "BIT", volume = "31", pages = "238--244", kwds = "pert, pert" } @inproceedings{bjor:91b, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1991", title = "Algorithms for Linear Least Squares Problems", pages = "57--92", booktitle = "Computer Algorithms for Solving Linear Algebraic Equations; The State of the Art", series = "NATO ASI Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences", volume = "77", editor = "E. Spedicato", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Berlin", kwds = "survey" } @inproceedings{bjor:92, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1992", title = "Pivoting and Stability in the Augmented System Method", pages = "1--16", booktitle = "Numerical Analysis 1991: Proceedings of the 14th Dundee Conference, June 1991", editor = "D. F. Griffiths and G. A. Watson", publisher = "Longman Scientific and Technical, Harlow, UK", series = "Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics 260", kwds = "augms, err, wlsq" } @article{bjor:94, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1994", title = "Numerics of {Gram-Schmidt} Orthogonalization", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "197--198", pages = "297--316", kwds = "survey, grsch" } @inproceedings{bjor:94a, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1994", title = "Generalized and Sparse Least Squares Problems", pages = "37--80", booktitle = "Algorithms for Continuous Optimization; The State of the Art", series = "NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences", volume = "434", editor = "E. Spedicato", publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht", kwds = "survey" } @book{bjor:96, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1996", title = " Numerical Methods for Least Squares Problems", publisher = "SIAM", address = "Philadelphia", kwds = "survey" } @inproceedings{bjor:97, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "1997", title = "Newton and {Rayleigh} Quotient Methods for Total Least Squares Problems", pages = "149--160", booktitle = "Recent Advances in Total Least Squares Techniques and Errors-in-Variables Modeling", editor = "Sabine Van Huffel", publisher = "SIAM, Philadelphia, PA", kwds = "tls, cg" } @inproceedings{bjor:02, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck", year = "2002", title = "Q Factorization of the Jacobian in Some Structured Nonlinear Least squares Problem", pages = "225--234", booktitle = "Total Least Squares and Errors-in-Variables Modeling", editor = "Sabine Van Huffel and Philippe Lemmerling", publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht", kwds = "qr,struct,tls" } @article{bjbo:71, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck and C. Bowie", year = "1971", title = "An Iterative Algorithm for Computing the Best Estimate of an Orthogonal Matrix", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "8", pages = "358--364", kwds = "svd, orth, iter" } @article{bjdu:80, author = "{\AA}. {Bj{\"o}rck} and I. S. Duff", year = "1980", title = "A Direct Method for the Solution of Sparse Linear Least Squares Problems", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "34", pages = "43-67", kwds = "ne, lud, sparse" } @techreport{bjel:79, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck and L. Eld\'en", year = "1979", title = "Methods in numerical algebra for ill-posed problems", institution = "Department of Mathematics, Link{\"o}ping University", address = "Sweden", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "LiTH-MAT-R-1979-33", kwds = "regul" } @article{bjep:94, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck and L. Eld\'en and H. Park", year = "1994", title = "Accurate Downdating of Least Squares Solutions", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "15", pages = "549--568", kwds = ",sne, downd" } @article{bjel:73, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck and T. Elfving", year = "1973", title = "Algorithms for Confluent {Vandermonde} Systems", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "21", pages = "130--137", kwds = "vand" } @article{bjelf:79, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck and T. Elfving", year = "1979", title = "Accelerated Projection Methods for Computing Pseudoinverse Solutions of Systems of Linear Equations", journal = "BIT", volume = "19", pages = "145--163", kwds = "ginv, iter, prll" } @article{bjes:98, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck and T. Elfving and Z. Strako{\v{s}}", year = "1998", title = "Stability of Conjugate Gradient and {L}anczos Methods for Linear Least Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "19:3", pages = "720--736", kwds = "cg, iter" } @article{bjgo:67, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck and G. H. Golub", year = "1967", title = "Iterative Refinement of Linear Least Squares Solution by {Householder} Transformation", journal = "BIT", volume = "7", pages = "322--337", kwds = "ir, qrd" } @article{bjgo:73, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck and G. H. Golub", year = "1973", title = "Numerical Methods for Computing Angles between Linear Subspaces", journal = "Math. Comp.", volume = "27", pages = "579--594", kwds = "csd" } @article{bjgv:94, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck and E. Grimme and P. {Van Dooren}", year = "1994", title = "An Implicit Shift Bidiagonalization Algorithm for Ill-Posed Systems", journal = "BIT", volume = "34", pages = "510--534", kwds = "regul, illp, lanczos" } @techreport{bjhp:00, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck and P. Heggernes and P. Matstoms", year = "2000", title = "Methods for Large Scale Total Least Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "22", pages = "413--429", kwds = "tls, iter" } @book{bjps:81, editor = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck and R. J. Plemmons and H. Schneider", year = "1981", title = "Large Scale Matrix Problems", publisher = "North-Holland, New York", kwds = "sparse, survey" } @article{bjpa:92, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck and C. C. Paige", year = "1992", title = "Loss and Recapture of Orthogonality in the Modified {Gram-Schmidt} Algorithm", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "13", pages = "176--190", kwds = "qrd, grsch" } @article{bjpa:94, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck and C. C. Paige", year = "1994", title = "Solution of Augmented Linear Systems using Orthogonal Factorizations", journal = "BIT", volume = "34", pages = "1--26", kwds = "qrd, grsch, augms" } @article{bjpe:70, author = "{\AA}. Bj{\"o}rck and V. Pereyra", year = "1970", title = "Solution of {Vandermonde} System of Equations", journal = "Math. Comp.", volume = "24", pages = "893--903", kwds = "vand" } bl- @article{blue:78, author = "J. L. Blue", year = "1978", title = "A Portable {Fortran} Program to Find the {Euclidean} Norm of a Vector", journal = "Trans. Math. Software", volume = "4", pages = "15-23", kwds = "blas, soft" } bo- @techreport{bova:97, author = "E. Y. Bobrovnikova and S. A. Vavasis", year = "1997", title = "Accurate Solution of Weighted Least Squares by Iterative Methods", institution = "Advanced Computing Research Institute, Cornell University", address = "Ithaca, NY", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "", kwds = "wlsq, iter" } @article{bobs:87, author = "P. T. Boggs and R. H. Byrd and R. B. Schnabel", year = "1987", title = "A Stable and Efficient Algorithm for Nonlinear Orthogonal Regression", journal = " SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "8", pages = "1052--1078", kwds = "nlsq, regr" } @article{bodb:89, author = "P. T. Boggs and J. R. Donaldson and R. H. Byrd and R. B. Schnabel", year = "1989", title = "{ODRPACK} Software for Weighted Orthogonal Distance Regression", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "15", pages = "348--364", kwds = "nlsq, regr" } @techreport{bobr:92, author = "P. T. Boggs and R. H. Byrd and J. E. Rogers and R. B. Schnabel", year = "1992", title = "User's Reference Guide for {ODRPACK} Version {\rm 2.01}---{Software} for Weighted Orthogonal Distance Regression", institution = "National Institute of Standards and Technology", address = "Boulder, CO", number = "NISTIR 4834", kwds = "nlsq, regr" } @article{bobr:86, author = "A. W. Bojanczyk and R. P. Brent", year = "1986", title = "Parallel Solution of Certain {Toeplitz} Least-Squares Problems", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "77", pages = "43-60", kwds = "prll, toep" } @article{bobh:86, author = "A.~W. Bojanczyk and R. P. Brent and F.~R. de Hoog", year = "1986", title = "{QR} Factorization of {Toeplitz} Matrices", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "49", pages = "81--94", kwds = "qrd, toep" } @techreport{bobh:93, author = "A.~W. Bojanczyk and R. P. Brent and F.~R. de Hoog", year = "1993", title = "A Weakly Stable Algorithm for General {Toeplitz} Matrices", institution = "Cornell University", address = "Ithaca, NY", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "TR-CS-93-15", kwds = "qrd, toep" } @article{bobv:87, author = "A. W. Bojanczyk and R. P. Brent and P. {Van Dooren} and F. de Hoog", year = "1987", title = "A Note on Downdating the {Cholesky} Factorization", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "8", pages = "210--221", kwds = "downd, chol" } @article{bonp:93, author = "A. W. Bojanczyk and J. G. Nagy and R. J. Plemmons", year = "1993", title = "Block {RLS} Using Row {Householder} Reflections", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "188/189", pages = "31--62", kwds = "upd, house, signal" } @inproceedings{bole:94, author = "A.~W. Bojanczyk and J. M. Lebak", year = "1994", title = "Downdating a {ULLV} Decomposition of Two Matrices", editor = "J. G. Lewis", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra", pages = "261--265", publisher = "SIAM, Philadelphia", kwds = "gqrd, downd" } @article{bogo:87, author = "D. Boley and G. H. Golub", year = "1987", title = "A Survey of Matrix Inverse Eigenvalue Problems", journal = "Inverse Problems", volume = "3", pages = "595--622", kwds = "eigv" } @article{book:79, author = "F. L. Bookstein", year = "1979", title = "Fitting Conic Sections to Scattered Data", journal = "Computer Graphics and Image Processing", volume = "9", pages = "56--71", kwds = "geom, nlsq" } @book{boor:78, author = "C. de Boor", year = "1978", title = "A Practical Guide to Splines", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "Berlin", kwds = "spline" } br- @phdthesis{bram:89, author = "R. Bramley", year = "1989", title = "Row-Projection Methods for Linear Systems", school = "Center for Supercomputing Research and Development, University of Illinois", address = "Urbana, IL", type = "{Ph.D.} thesis 881", kwds = "iter" } @article{brsa:92, author = "R. Bramley and A. Sameh", year = "1992", title = "Row Projection Methods for Large Nonsymmetric Linear Systems", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "13", pages = "168--193", kwds = "iter, sparse, prll" } @inproceedings{bren:88, author = "R. P. Brent", year = "1988", title = "Old and New Algorithms for {Toeplitz} Systems", editor = "Franklin T. Luk", booktitle = "Advanced Algorithms and Architectures for Signal Processing III", pages = "2--9", series = "SPIE Proceeding Series, Washington", kwds = "survey, toep" } bu- @article{bunc:71, author = "J. R. Bunch", year = "1971", title = "Analysis of the Diagonal Pivoting Method", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "8", pages = "656--680", kwds = "augms" } @article{bunc:85, author = "J. R. Bunch", year = "1985", title = "Stability of Methods for Solving {Toeplitz} Systems of Equations", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "6", pages = "349--364", kwds = "toep" } @article{bunc:87, author = "J. R. Bunch", year = "1987", title = "The Weak and Strong Stability of Algorithms in Numerical Linear Algebra", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "88/89", pages = "49--66", kwds = "pert, err" } @article{budv:89, author = "J. R. Bunch and J. W. Demmel and C. F. {Van Loan}", year = "1989", title = "The Strong Stability of Algorithms for Solving Symmetric Systems", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "10", pages = "494--499", kwds = "pert, err" } @article{bupa:71, author = "J. R. Bunch and B. N. Parlett", year = "1971", title = "Direct Methods for Solving Symmetric Indefinite Systems of Linear Systems", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. 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Zha", year = "1991", title = "A Tree of Generalizations of the Ordinary Singular Value Decomposition", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "147", pages = "469--500", kwds = "gsvd" } @inproceedings{denn:77, author = "J. E. Dennis", year = "1977", title = "Nonlinear Least Squares and Equations", pages = "269--312", booktitle = "The State of the Art in Numerical Analysis", editor = "D. A. H. Jacobs", publisher = "Academic Press, New York", kwds = "nlsq, survey" } @article{degw:81, author = "J. E. Dennis and D. M. Gay and R. E. Welsch", year = "1981", title = "An Adaptive Nonlinear Least-squares Algorithm", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "7", pages = "348--368", kwds = "nlsq" } @article{degw:81a, author = "J. E. Dennis and D. M. Gay and R. E. Welsch", year = "1981", title = "Algorithm {\rm 573} {NL{\rm 2}SOL}: An Adaptive Nonlinear Least-squares Algorithm", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "7", pages = "369--383", kwds = "nlsq, soft" } @article{degw:83, author = "J. E. Dennis and D. M. Gay and R. E. Welsch", year = "1983", title = "Remark on Algorithm {\rm 573}", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "9", pages = "139", kwds = "nlsq, soft" } @book{desc:83, author = "J. E. Dennis and R. B. Schnabel", year = "1983", title = "Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations", publisher = "Prentice Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", kwds = "nlsq,opt" } @article{dest:86, author = "J. E. Dennis and T. Steihaug", year = "1986", title = "On the Successive Projection Approach to Least Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "23", pages = "717--733", kwds = "iter, sparse, prll" } @inproceedings{deap:78, author = "P. Deuflhard and V. Apostolescu", year = "1978", title = "An Underrelaxed {Gauss--Newton} Method for Equality Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares", booktitle = "Proceedings 8th IFIP Conference on Optimization Techniques", editor = "J. Stoer", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Berlin", series = "Lecture Notes in Control and Information Science", volume = "7", pages = "22--32", kwds = "nlsq, constr" } @inproceedings{deap:80, author = "P. Deuflhard and V. Apostolescu", year = "1980", title = "A Study of the {Gauss--Newton} Algorithm for the Solution of Nonlinear Least Squares Problems", booktitle = "Special Topics of Applied Mathematics", editor = "J. Frehse and D. Pallaschke and U. Trottenberg", publisher = "North-Holland, Amsterdam", kwds = "nlsq" } @article{desa:80, author = "P. Deuflhard and W. Sautter", year = "1980", title = "On Rank-Deficient Pseudoinverses", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "29", pages = "91--111", kwds = "rank,ginv" } @book{dobm:79, author = "J. Dongarra and J. R. Bunch and C. B. Moler and G. W. Stewart", year = "1979", title = "LINPACK Users' Guide", publisher = "SIAM", address = "Philadelphia", kwds = "lud, cond, qrd, svd, upd, downd, soft, survey" } @article{dodd:90, author = "J. J. Dongarra and J. {Du Croz} and I. S. Duff and S. Hammarling", year = "1990", title = "A Set of Level {\rm 3} Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "16", pages = "1--17", kwds = "prll, blas, soft" } @article{ddhh:88, author = "J. J. Dongarra and J. {Du Croz} and S. Hammarling and R. J. Hanson", year = "1988", title = "An Extended Set of {Fortran} Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "14", pages = "1--17", kwds = "blas, prll, soft" } @article{dogr:87, author = "J. J. Dongarra and E. Grosse", year = "1987", title = "Distribution of Mathematical Software via Electronic Mail", journal = "Comm. ACM", volume = "30", pages = "403--407", kwds = "soft" } @article{drma:98, author = "Z. Drma\v{c}", year = "1998", title = "Implementation of {Jacobi} Rotations for Accurate Singular Value Computation in Floating Point Arithmetic", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Comput.", volume = "18", pages = "1200--1222", kwds = "svd,err" } @book{drsm:81, author = "N. R. Draper and H. Smith", year = "1981", title = "Applied Regression Analysis, {\rm 2nd ed.}", publisher = "John Wiley", address = "New York", kwds = "stat, regr" } @article{duff:74, author = "I. S. Duff", year = "1974", title = "Pivot Selection and Row Orderings in {Givens} Reduction on Sparse Matrices", journal = "Computing", volume = "13", pages = "239--248", kwds = "perm, sparse, fill" } @article{duff:77, author = "I. S. Duff", year = "1977", title = "A Survey of Sparse Matrix Research", journal = "Proceedings of the IEEE", volume = "65", pages = "500--535", kwds = "survey, sparse" } @article{duff:77a, author = "I. S. Duff", year = "1977", title = "On Permutations to Block Triangular Form", journal = "J. Inst. Maths. Applic.", volume = "19", pages = "339--342", kwds = "survey, sparse" } @article{duff:81, author = "I. S. Duff", year = "1981", title = "On Algorithms for Obtaining a Maximum Transversal", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "7", pages = "315--330", kwds = "perm, sparse" } @article{duff:86, author = "I. S. Duff", year = "1986", title = "Parallel Implementation of Multifrontal Schemes", journal = "Parallel Computing", volume = "3", pages = "193--204", kwds = "prll, sparse" } @inproceedings{duff:94, author = "I. S. Duff", year = "1994", title = "The Solution of Augmented Systems", pages = "", booktitle = "Numerical Analysis 1993: Proceedings of the 15th Dundee Conference, June 1993", editor = "D. F. Griffiths and G. A. Watson", publisher = "Longman Scientific and Technical, Harlow, UK", series = "Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics", kwds = "sparse, aug, soft" } @inproceedings{duff:97, author = "I. S. Duff", year = "1997", title = "Sparse Numerical Linear Algebra: Direct Methods and Preconditioning", booktitle = "The State of the Art in Numerical Analysis", editor = "I. S. Duff and G. A. Watson", pages = "27--62", publisher = "Oxford University Press, London, UK", kwds = "la, stat" } @book{duer:86, author = "I. S. Duff and A. M. Erisman and J. K. Reid", year = "1986", title = "Direct Methods for Sparse Matrices", publisher = "Oxford University Press", address = "London", kwds = "sparse, survey" } @article{dume:89, author = "I. S. Duff and G. A. Meurant", year = "1989", title = "The Effect of Ordering on Preconditioned Conjugate Gradients", journal = "BIT", volume = "29", pages = "635--657", kwds = "sparse, precond " } @article{dugr:91, author = "I. S. Duff and N. I. M. Gould and J. K. Reid and J. A. Scott and K. Turner", year = "1991", title = "The Factorization of Sparse Symmetric Indefinite Matrices", journal = "IMA J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "11", pages = "181--204", kwds = "sparse, augms " } @article{dugl:89, author = "I. S. Duff and R. G. Grimes and J. G. Lewis", year = "1989", title = "Sparse Matrix Test Problems", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "15", pages = "1--14", kwds = "sparse, soft, test" } @techreport{dugl:92, author = "I. S. Duff and R. G. Grimes and J. G. Lewis", year = "1992", title = "User's Guide for {Harwell-Boeing} Sparse Matrix Test Problems Collection", institution = "Computing and Information Systems Department", address = "Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, UK", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "RAL-92-086", kwds = "sparse, soft, test" } @techreport{dumr:95, author = "I. S. Duff and M. Marrone and G. Radicati and C. Vittoli", year = "1995", title = "A Set of Level {\rm 3} Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Sparse Matrices", institution = "Computing and Information Systems Department", address = "Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, UK", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "RAL-TR-95-049", kwds = "soft" } @article{dumn:79, author = "I. S. Duff and N. Munksgaard and H. B. Nielsen and J. K. Reid", year = "1979", title = "Direct Solution of Sets of Linear Equations whose Matrix is Sparse Symmetric and Indefinite", journal = "J. Inst. Maths. Applic.", volume = "23", pages = "235--250", kwds = "sparse, augms" } @article{dure:76, author = "I. S. Duff and J. K. Reid", year = "1976", title = "A Comparison of Some Methods for the Solution of Sparse Overdetermined Systems of Linear Equations", journal = "J. Inst. Maths. Applic.", volume = "17", pages = "267--280", kwds = "sparse, survey" } @article{dure:78, author = "I. S. Duff and J. K. Reid", year = "1978", title = "An Implementation of {Tarjan's} Algorithm for the Block Triangularization of a Matrix", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "4", pages = "137--147", kwds = "sparse, graph" } @article{dure:79, author = "I. S. Duff and J. K. Reid", year = "1979", title = "Some Design Features of a Sparse Matrix Code", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "5", pages = "18--35", kwds = "sparse,lud" } @techreport{dure:82, author = "I. S. Duff and J. K. Reid", year = "1982", title = "{MA{\rm 27}}---{A} Set of {Fortran} Subroutines for Solving Sparse Symmetric Sets of Linear Equations", institution = "AERE, Harwell", address = "Oxfordshire, UK", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "R.10533", kwds = "sparse, soft" } @article{dure:83, author = "I. S. Duff and J. K. Reid", year = "1983", title = "The Multifrontal Solution of Indefinite Sparse Symmetric Linear Systems", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "9", pages = "302--325", kwds = "sparse,multfr " } @techreport{dure:95, author = "I. S. Duff and J. K. Reid", year = "1995", title = "{MA{\rm 47}}, {A Fortran} Code for Direct Solution of Indefinite Sparse Symmetric Linear Systems", institution = "Rutherford Appleton Laboratory", address = "Didcot, UK", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "RAL-95-001", kwds = "sparse, soft" } @book{dust:78, editor = "I. S. Duff and G. W. Stewart", year = "1978", title = "Sparse Matrix Proceedings", publisher = "SIAM", address = "Philadelphia", kwds = "sparse, survey" } @article{dufo:64, author = "H. M. Dufour", year = "1964", title = "R{\'e}solution des Systemes Lin{\'e}aires par la M{\'e}thode des R{\'e}sidues Conjugu{\'e}s", journal = "Bull. G{\'e}od{\'e}sique", volume = "71", pages = "65--87", kwds = "sparse, cg " } @article{dume:58, author = "A.~L. Dulmage and N.~S. Mendelsohn", year = "1958", title = "Coverings of Bipartite Graphs", journal = "Canad. J. Math.", volume = "10", pages = "517--534", kwds = "sparse, graph " } @article{dume:59, author = "A.~L. Dulmage and N.~S. Mendelsohn", year = "1959", title = "A Structure Theory of Bipartite Graphs of Finite Exterior Dimension", journal = "Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada", volume = "53, III", pages = "1--13", kwds = "sparse, graph " } @article{dume:63, author = "A.~L. Dulmage and N.~S. Mendelsohn", year = "1963", title = "Two Algorithms for Bipartite Graphs", journal = "J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math.", volume = "11", pages = "183--194", kwds = "sparse, graph " } @article{dwye:44, author = "P. S. Dwyer", year = "1944", title = "A Matrix Presentation of Least Squares and Correlation Theory with Matrix Justification of Improved Methods of Solution", journal = "Ann. Math. Statist.", volume = "15", pages = "82-89", kwds = "stat, regr" } @article{dwye:45, author = "P. S. Dwyer", year = "1945", title = "The Square Root Method and its Use in Correlation and Regression", journal = " J. Amer. Statist. Assoc.", volume = "40", pages = "493--503", kwds = "chol, regr" } @book{dwye:51, author = "P. S. Dwyer", year = "1951", title = "Linear Computations", publisher = "John Wiley", address = "New York", kwds = "stat, regr, survey" } @article{ecyo:36, author = "C. Eckhart and G. Young", year = "1936", title = "The Approximation of One Matrix by Another of Lower Rank", journal = "Psychometrica", volume = "1", pages = "211--218", kwds = "max, rank" } @techreport{eila:75, author = "E. L. Eichhorn and C. L. Lawson", year = "1975", title = "An {ALGOL} Procedure for Solution of Constrained Least Squares Problems", institution = "JPL", address = "Pasadena, CA", type = "Computing Memorandum", number = "No. 374", kwds = "constr, soft" } @article{eiss:81, author = "S. C. Eisenstat and M. H. Schultz and A. H. Sherman", year = "1981", title = "Algorithms and Data Structures for Sparse Symmetric {Gaussian} Elimination", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "2", pages = "225--237", kwds = "sparse, soft, ne" } @article{eigs:82, author = "S. C. Eisenstat and M. C. Gurky and M. H. Schultz and A. H. Sherman", year = "1982", title = "Yale Sparse Matrix Package, {\rm 1:} {The} Symmetric Codes.", journal = "Internat. J. Numer. Methods Engrg.", volume = "18", pages = "235--250", kwds = "sparse, soft, ne" } @article{eiip:95, author = "S. C. Eisenstat and I.~C.~F. Ipsen", year = "1995", title = "Relative Perturbation Techniques for Singular Value Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "32", pages = "1972--1988", kwds = "svd, pert", } @article{ekbl:88, author = "H. Ekblom", year = "1988", title = "A New Algorithm for the {Huber} Estimator in Linear Models", journal = "BIT", volume = "28", pages = "60--76", kwds = "rob, regr" } @article{elde:77, author = "L. Eld\'en", year = "1977", title = "Algorithms for the Regularization of Ill-conditioned Least Squares Problems", journal = "BIT", volume = "17", pages = "134--145", kwds = "regul, illp" } @article{elde:80, author = "L. Eld\'en", year = "1980", title = "Perturbation Theory for the Least Squares Problem with Linear Equality Constraints", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "17", pages = "338--350", kwds = "pert, constr" } @article{elde:83, author = "L. Eld\'en", year = "1983", title = "A Weighted Pseudoinverse, Generalized Singular Values, and Constrained Least Squares Problems", journal = "BIT", volume = "22", pages = "487--502", kwds = "ginv, constr, wlsq" } @article{elde:84, author = "L. Eld\'en", year = "1984", title = "An Efficient Algorithm for the Regularization of Ill-conditioned Least Squares Problems with a Triangular {Toeplitz} Matrix", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "5", pages = "229--236", kwds = "regul, illp, toep" } @article{elde:84a, author = "L. Eld\'en", year = "1984", title = "An Algorithm for the Regularization of Ill-conditioned Banded Least Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "5", pages = "237--254", kwds = "regul, illp" } @article{elde:84c, author = "L. Eld\'en", year = "1984", title = "A Note on the Computation of the Generalized Cross-validation Function for Ill-conditioned Least Squares Problems", journal = "BIT", volume = "24", pages = "467--472", kwds = "regul, illp" } @techreport{elde:88, author = "L. Eld\'en", year = "1988", title = "Parallel {QR} Decomposition of a Rectangular Matrix", institution = "Link{\"o}ping University", address = "Sweden", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "LiTH-MAT-R-78-3", kwds = "qrd, prll" } @article{elde:02, author = "L. Eld\'en", year = "2002", title = "Solving Quadratically Constrained Least Squares Problems Using a Differential-Geometric Approach", journal = "BIT", volume = "42:2", pages = "323--335", kwds = "regul, illp" } @article{elpa:94, author = "L. Eld\'en and H. Park", year = "1994", title = "Block Downdating of Least Squares Solutions", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix. Anal. Appl.", volume = "15", pages = "1018--1034", kwds = "upd, block" } @article{elpa:94a, author = "L. Eld\'en and H. Park", year = "1994", title = "Perturbation Analysis for Block Downdating of a {Cholesky} Decomposition", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "68", pages = "457--467", kwds = "downd, block" } @article{elsc:86, author = "L. Eld\'en and R. Schreiber", year = "1986", title = "A Systolic Array for the Regularization of Ill-Conditioned Least-Squares Problems with Triangular {Toeplitz} Matrix", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "77", pages = "137-147", kwds = "prll, toep, regul" } @techreport{elsk:82, author = "L. Eld\'en and I. Skoglund", year = "1982", title = "Algorithms for the Regularization of Ill-Conditioned Least Squares Problems with Tensor Product Structure, and Application to Space-Invariant Image Restoration", institution = "Link{\"o}ping University", address = "Sweden", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "LiTH-MAT-R-82-48", kwds = "kron, regul" } @techreport{elfv:78, author = "T. Elfving", year = "1978", title = "On the Conjugate Gradient Method for Solving Linear Least Squares Problems", institution = "Link{\"o}ping University", address = "Sweden", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "LiTH-MAT-R-78-3", kwds = "cg, iter" } @article{elfv:80, author = "T. Elfving", year = "1980", title = "Block-iterative Methods for Consistent and Inconsistent Linear Equations", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "35", pages = "1--12", kwds = "iter, uds, prll" } @article{elfv:98, author = "T. Elfving", year = "1998", title = "A Stationary Iterative Pseudoinverse Algorithm", journal = "BIT", volume = "38", pages = "275--282", kwds = "iter, ginv" } @article{elgu:01, author = "E. Elmroth and F. G. Gustavson", year = "2001", title = "A Faster and Simpler Recursive Algorithm for the {LAPACK} Routine DGELS", journal = "BIT", volume = "41", pages = "936--949", kwds = "qrd, prll" } @article{erti:75, author = "A. M. Erisman and W. F. Tinney", year = "1975", title = "On Computing Certain Elements of the Inverse of a Sparse Matrix", journal = "Comm. ACM", volume = "18", pages = "177--179", kwds = "covar, sparse" } @article{evli:88, author = "D. J. Evans and C. Li", year = "1988", title = "{Gauss--Seidel} and {SOR} Methods for Least Squares Problems", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "53", pages = "485--498", kwds = "iter" } @article{evli:89, author = "D. J. Evans and C. Li", year = "1989", title = "Numerical Aspects of the Generalized cg-Method Applied to Least Squares Problems", journal = "Computing", volume = "41", pages = "171--178", kwds = "cg, iter" } @article{evli:90, author = "D. J. Evans and C. Li", year = "1990", title = "The Theoretical Aspects of the GCG-Method Applied to Least-Squares Problems", journal = " Internat. J. Comput. Math.", volume = "35", pages = "207--229", kwds = "cg, iter" } %fa- @article{fakf:68, author = "D. K. Faddeev and V. N. Kublanovskaya and V. N. Faddeeva", year = "1968", title = "Solution of Linear Algebraic Systems with Rectangular Matrices", journal = "Proc. Steklov Inst. Math.", volume = "96", pages = "93--111", kwds = "rank, qrd" } @incollection{fakf:68a, author = "D. K. Faddeev and V. N. Kublanovskaya and V. N. Faddeeva", year = "1968", title = "Sur les syst{\`e}mes lin{\'e}aires alg{\'e}briques de matrices rectangularies et malcondition{\'e}es", pages = "161--170", booktitle = "Programmation en Math{\'e}matiques Num{\'e}riques", publisher = "Editions Centre Nat. Recherche Sci., Paris VII", kwds = "qrd, rank" } @article{faho:55, author = "K. Fan and A.J. Hoffman", year = "1955", title = "Some Metric Inequalities in the Space of Matrices", journal = "Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.", volume = "6", pages = "111--116", kwds = "max" } @inproceedings{fare:85, author = "R. W. Farebrother", year = "1985", title = "The Statistical Estimation of the Standard Linear Model, {\rm 1756--1853}", pages = "77--99", booktitle = "Proc. First Internat. Tampere Seminar on Linear Statistical Models Appl. 1983", editor = "T. Pukkila and S. Puntanen", address = "University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland", kwds = "stat, hist" } @book{fare:88, author = "R. W. Farebrother", year = "1988", title = "Linear Least Squares Computations", publisher = "Marcel Dekker", address = "New York", kwds = "hist, survey" } @article{fafu:94, author = "D. W. Fausett and C. T. Fulton", year = "1994", title = "Large Least Squares Problems Involving {Kronecker} Products", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "15", pages = "219--227", kwds = "kron,qr" } @article{fern:89, author = "K. V. Fernando", year = "1989", title = "Linear Convergence of the Row Cyclic {Jacobi} and {Kogbetliantz} Methods", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "56", pages = "73--91", kwds = "svd" } @article{fern:98, author = "K. V. Fernando", year = "1998", title = "Accurately Counting Singular Values of Bidiagonal Matrices and Eigenvalues of Skew-Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrices", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "20:2", pages = "373--399", kwds = "svd, prll" } @article{fepa:94, author = "K. V. Fernando and B. N. Parlett", year = "1994", title = "Accurate Singular Values and Differential qd Algorithms", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "67", pages = "191-229", kwds = "svd" } @article{fier:96, author = "R. D. Fierro", year = "1996", title = "Perturbation Analysis For Two-Sided (or Complete) Orthogonal Decompositions", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "17", pages = "383--400", kwds = "rrqr, pert" } @article{fibu:94b, author = "R. D. Fierro and J. R. Bunch", year = "1994", title = "Collinearity and Total Least Squares", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "15", pages = "1167--1181", kwds = "tls" } @article{fibu:95, author = "R. D. Fierro and J. R. Bunch", year = "1995", title = "Orthogonal Projection and Total Least Squares", journal = "Numer. Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "2", pages = "135--154", kwds = "tls" } @article{fibu:95b, author = "R. D. Fierro and J. R. Bunch", year = "1995", title = "Bounding the Subspaces from Rank Revealing Two-sided Orthogonal Decompositions", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "16", pages = "743--759", kwds = "rrqr" } @article{fibu:96, author = "R. D. Fierro and J. R. Bunch", year = "1996", title = "Perturbation Theory for Orthogonal Projection Methods With Applications to Least Squares and Total Least Squares", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "234", pages = "71--96", kwds = "pert,tls" } @article{figh:97, author = "R. D. Fierro and G. H. Golub and P.C. Hansen and D. P. O'Leary", year = "1997", title = "Regularization by Truncated Total Least Squares", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Comput.", volume = "18:4", pages = "1223--1241", kwds = "tls, regul" } @inproceedings{fivv:97, author = "R. D. Fierro and L. Vanhamme and S. Van Huffel", year = "1997", title = "Total Least Squares Algorithms Based on Rank-Revealing Complete Orthogonal Decompositions", pages = "99--116", booktitle = "Recent Advances in Total Least Squares Techniques and Errors-in-Variable Modeling", editor = "Sabine Van Huffel", publisher = "SIAM, Philadelphia, PA", kwds = "tls, rrqr" } %fl- @article{flet:68, author = "R. Fletcher", year = "1968", title = "Generalized Inverse Methods for the Best Least Squares Solution of Systems of Non-Linear Equations", journal = "Comput. J.", volume = "10", pages = "392--399", kwds = "ginv, nlsq" } @techreport{flet:71} author = "R.~Fletcher", year = "1971", title = "A Modified Marquardt Subroutine for Nonlinear Least Squares", institution = "Atomic Energy Research Establishment", address = "Harwell, UK", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "R6799", note = "", kwds = "nlsq" } @article{flet:76, author = "R. Fletcher", year = "1976", title = "Factorizing Symmetric Indefinite Matrices", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "14", pages = "257--272", kwds = "augms" } @article{flet:85, author = "R. Fletcher", year = "1985", title = "Expected Conditioning", journal = "IMA J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "5", pages = "247--273", kwds = "cond, err" } @book{flet:87, author = "R. Fletcher", year = "1987", title = "Practical Methods of Optimization, {\rm 2nd ed.}", publisher = "John Wiley", address = "New York", kwds = "nlsq, opt, survey" } @article{flxu:87, author = "R. Fletcher and C. Xu", year = "1987", title = "Hybrid Methods for Nonlinear Least Squares", journal = "IMA J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "7", pages = "371--389", kwds = "cond, err" } @techreport{forb:89a, author = "A. B. Forbes", year = "1989", title = "Least-Squares Best-Fit Geometric Elements", institution = "National Physical Laboratory", address = "Teddington, UK", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "NPL DITC 140/89", note = "", kwds = "nlsq" } @techreport{forb:89b, author = "A. B. Forbes", year = "1989", title = "Robust Circle and Sphere Fitting by Least Squares", institution = "National Physical Laboratory", address = "Teddington, UK", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "NPL DITC 153/89", note = "", kwds = "nlsq" } @incollection{forb:90, author = "A. B. Forbes", year = "1990", title = "Least Squares Best Fit Geometrical Elements", pages = "311--319", booktitle = "Algorithms for Approximation II", editor = "J. C. Mason and M. G. Cox", publisher = "Chapman \& Hall, London", kwds = "nlsq" } @article{fors:56, author = "G. E. Forsythe", year = "1956", title = "Generation and Use of Orthogonal Polynomials for Data-fitting with a Digital Computer", journal = "J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math.", volume = "5", pages = "74--88", kwds = "poly" } @article{fogo:65, author = "G. E. Forsythe and G. H. Golub", year = "1965", title = "On the Stationary Values of a Second Degree Polynomial on the Unit Sphere", journal = "J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math.", volume = "13", pages = "1050--1068", kwds = "upd" } @book{fomm:77, author = "G. E. Forsythe and M. A. Malcolm and C. B. Moler", year = "1977", title = "Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", kwds = "survey, la, soft" } @book{fomo:67, author = "G. E. Forsythe and C. B. Moler", year = "1967", title = "Computer Solution of Linear Algebraic Systems", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", kwds = "survey, la" } @article{fost:86, author = "L. V. Foster", year = "1986", title = "Rank and Nullspace Calculations Using Matrix Decompositions Without Column Interchanges", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "74", pages = "47--71", kwds = "rank, rrqr, qrd" } @article{fost:90, author = "L. V. Foster", year = "1990", title = "The Probability of Large Diagonal Elements in the {QR} Factorization", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "11", pages = "531--544", kwds = "rank, qrd" } @inproceedings{fost:91, author = "L. V. Foster", year = "1991", title = "Modifications of the Normal Equations Method that are Numerically Stable", pages = "501--512", booktitle = "Numerical Linear Algebra, Digital Signal Processing and Parallel Algorithms", editor = "G. H. Golub and P. {Van Dooren}", series = "NATO ASI Series", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Berlin", kwds = "ne, grsch, ir, err,prll" } @techreport{fome:92, author = "R. Fourer and S. Mehrotra", year = "1992", title = "Solving Symmetric Indefinite Systems in an Interior Point Method for Linear Programming", institution = "Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Science", address = "Northwestern University, Evanston, IL", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "92-01", kwds = "augm, sparse, intpoint" } @techreport{fral:88, author = "C. Fraley", year = "1988", title = "Algorithms for Nonlinear Least Squares", institution = "Center for Large Scale Scientific Computation, Stanford University", address = "CA", number = "STAN-CLaSSiC-88-22", note = "", kwds = "nlsq, survey" } @article{fral:89, author = "C. Fraley", year = "1989", title = "Computational Behavior of {Gauss--Newton} Methods", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "10", pages = "515--532", kwds = "nlsq" } @article{freu:87, author = "R. Freund", year = "1987", title = "A Note on Two Block {SOR} Methods for Sparse Least Squares Problems", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "88/89", pages = "211--221", kwds = "iter" } @article{frgn:91, author = "R.~W. Freund and G.~H. Golub and N. Nachtigal", year = "1991", title = "Iterative Solution of Linear Systems", journal = "Acta Numerica", volume = "1", pages = "57--100", kwds = "iter" } ga- @article{gala:94, author = "E. Galligani and A. Laratta", year = "1994", title = "Error Analysis of Null Space Algorithm for Linear Equality Constrained Least Squares Problem.", journal = "Computing", volume = 52, pages = "161--176", kwds = "err, constr" } @techreport{gand:80, author = "W. Gander", year = "1980", title = "Algorithms for the {QR}-decomposition", institution = "Angewandte Mathematik, ETH", address = "Z{\"u}rich, Switzerland", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "80--02", note = "", kwds = "qrd, grsch" } @article{gand:81, author = "W. Gander", year = "1981", title = "Least Squares with a Quadratic Constraint", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "36", pages = "291-307", kwds = "constr, regul" } @article{gags:94, author = "W. Gander and G. H. Golub and R. Strebel", year = "1994", title = "Least-Squares Fitting of Circles and Ellipses", journal = "BIT", volume = "34", pages = "558--578", kwds = "nlsq" } @incollection{gama:97, author = "W. Gander and U. von Matt", year = "1997", title = "Some Least Squares Problems", pages = "83--102", booktitle = "Solving Problems in Scientific Computing Using {Maple} and {\sc Matlab}, 3rd ed.", editor = "W. Gander and J. H\v{r}bi\v{c}ek ", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Berlin", kwds = "nlsq" } @techreport{garz:51, author = "A. de la Garza", year = "1951", title = "An Iterative Method for Solving Systems Linear Equations", institution = "Union Carbide", address = "Oak Ridge, TN", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "K-731", kwds = "iter, prll" } @book{gaus:1809, author = "C. F. Gauss", year = "1963", title = "Theory of the Motion of the Heavenly Bodies Moving about the Sun in Conic Sections, {\rm C. H. Davis, Trans.}", publisher = "Dover", address = "New York", note = "First published in 1809", kwds = "stat, nlsq, regr, ne" } @incollection{gaus:1810, author = "C. F. Gauss", year = "1880", title = "Disquisitio de Elementis Ellipticis {Palladis}", booktitle = "Werke, {\rm VI}", publisher = "K{\"o}niglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu G{\"o}ttingen", pages = "1--24", note = "First published in 1810", kwds = "stat, nlsq, regr, ne" } @incollection{gaus:1821, author = "C. F. Gauss", year = "1880", title = "Theoria Combinationis Observationum Erroribus Minimis Obnoxiae, Pars Prior", booktitle = "Werke, IV", publisher = "K{\"o}niglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu G{\"o}ttingen", pages = "1--26", note = "First published in 1821", kwds = "regr, ne" } @incollection{gaus:1823, author = "C. F. Gauss", year = "1880", title = "Theoria Combinationis Observationum Erroribus Minimis Obnoxiae, Pars Posterior", booktitle = "Werke, IV", publisher = " K{\"o}niglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu G{\"o}ttingen", pages = "27-53", note = "First published in 1823", kwds = "regr, ne, upd" } @incollection{gaus:1826, author = "C. F. Gauss", year = "1880", title = "Theoria Combinationis Observationum Erroribus Minimis Obnoxiae, Supplementum", booktitle = "Werke, IV", publisher = "K{\"o}niglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu G{\"o}ttingen", pages = "55--93", note = "First published in 1826", kwds = "stat, geod, iter" } @book{gaus:95, author = "C. F. Gauss", year = "1995", title = "Theory of the Combination of Observations Least Subject to Errors. Part {\rm 1}, Part {\rm 2}, Supplement, {G. W. Stewart, Trans.}", publisher = "SIAM", address = "Philadelphia", kwds = "stat, ne, upd" } @article{gay:83, author = "D. M. Gay", year = "1983", title = "Algorithm {\rm 611}. {Subroutines} for Unconstrained Minimization Using a Model/Trust-region Approach", journal = " ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "9", pages = "503--524", kwds = "nlsq, soft" } @inproceedings{gay:84, author = "D. M. Gay", year = "1984", title = "A Trust-region Approach to Linearly Constrained Optimization", pages = "72--105", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1983 Dundee Conference on Numerical Analysis", editor = "D.F. Griffiths", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Berlin", series = " Lecture Notes in Mathematics", volume = "1066", kwds = "nlsq" } @inproceedings{gay:88, author = "D. M. Gay", year = "1988", title = "Interval Least Squares---a Diagnostic Tool", pages = "183--206", booktitle = "Reliability in Computing", editor = "R. E. Moore", publisher = "Academic Press, London", kwds = "err" } ge- @article{gent:73, author = "W. M. Gentleman", year = "1973", title = "Least Squares Computations by {Givens} Transformations Without Square Roots", journal = "J. Inst. Maths. Applic.", volume = "12", pages = "329--336", kwds = "qrd, rot" } @article{gent:75, author = "W. M. Gentleman", year = "1975", title = "Error Analysis of {QR} Decompositions by {Givens} Transformations", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "10", pages = "189--197", kwds = "err, rot" } @inproceedings{gent:76, author = "W. M. Gentleman", year = "1976", title = "Row Elimination for Solving Sparse Linear Systems and Least Squares Problems", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Dundee Conference on Numerical Analysis 1975", editor = "G. A. Watson", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Berlin", series = " Lecture Notes in Mathematics", volume = "506", pages = "122--133", kwds = "sparse, perm" } @phdthesis{geor:71, author = "J. A. George", year = "1971", title = "Computer Implementation of the Finite-Element Method", school = "Stanford University, CA", type = "{Ph.D.} thesis", kwds = "sparse" } @article{gehe:80, author = "J. A. George and M. T. Heath", year = "1980", title = "Solution of Sparse Linear Least Squares Problems Using {Givens} Rotations", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "34", pages = "69--83", kwds = "sparse, qrd, rot" } @article{gehp:81, author = "J. A. George and M. T. Heath and R. J. Plemmons", year = "1981", title = "Solution of Large-Scale Sparse Least Squares Problems Using Auxiliary Storage", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "2", pages = "416--429", kwds = "sparse, qrd" } @article{gehn:83, author = "J. A. George and M. T. Heath and E. G. Ng", year = "1983", title = "A Comparison of Some Methods for Solving Sparse Linear Least Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "4", pages = "177--187", kwds = "sparse, test" } @book{geli:81, author = "J. A. George and J. W.-H. Liu", year = "1981", title = "Computer Solution of Large Sparse Positive Definite Systems", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", kwds = "sparse, survey" } @article{geli:87, author = "J. A. George and J. W.-H. Liu", year = "1987", title = "{Householder} Reflections versus {Givens} Rotations in Sparse Orthogonal Decomposition", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "88/89", pages = "223--238", kwds = "sparse, rot, qrd" } @article{geli:89, author = "J. A. George and J. W.-H. Liu", year = "1989", title = "The Evolution of the Minimum Degree Ordering Algorithm", journal = "SIAM Review", volume = "31", pages = "1--19", kwds = "sparse, perm, hist" } @article{geln:84, author = "J. A. George and J. W.-H. Liu and E. G. Ng", year = "1984", title = "Row Ordering Schemes for Sparse {Givens} Transformations, {I.} {Bipartite} Graph Model", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "61", pages = "55--81", kwds = "sparse, perm, rot" } @article{geln:86, author = "J. A. George and J. W.-H. Liu and E. G. Ng", year = "1986", title = "Row Ordering Schemes for Sparse {Givens} Transformations, {II.} {Implicit} Graph Model", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "75", pages = "203--223", kwds = "sparse, perm, rot" } @article{geln:86a, author = "J. A. George and J. W.-H. Liu and E. G. Ng", year = "1984", title = "Row Ordering Schemes for Sparse {Givens} Transformations, {III.} {Analysis} for a Model Problem", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "75", pages = "225--240", kwds = "sparse, perm, rot" } @article{geng:83, author = "J. A. George and E. G. Ng", year = "1983", title = "On Row and Column Orderings for Sparse Least Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "20", pages = "326--344", kwds = "sparse, perm, rot" } @techreport{geng:84, author = "J. A. George and E. G. Ng", year = "1984", title = "{SPARSPAK}: Waterloo Sparse Matrix Package User's Guide for {SPARSPAK-B}", institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo", address = "Canada", type = "Res. Report", number = "CS-84-37", note = "", kwds = "sparse, soft" } @article{geng:85, author = "J. A. George and E. G. Ng", year = "1985", title = "An Implementation of {Gaussian} Elimination with Partial Pivoting for Sparse Systems", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "6", pages = "390--409", kwds = "sparse, lud" } @article{geng:86, author = "J. A. George and E. G. Ng", year = "1986", title = "Orthogonal Reduction of Sparse Matrices to Upper Triangular Form Using {H}ouseholder Transformations", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "7", pages = "460--472", kwds = "sparse, qrd" } @article{geng:87, author = "J. A. George and E. G. Ng", year = "1987", title = "Symbolic Factorization for Sparse {Gaussian} Elimination with Partial Pivoting", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "8", pages = "877--898", kwds = "sparse, lud" } @article{geng:88, author = "J. A. George and E. G. Ng", year = "1988", title = "On the Complexity of Sparse {QR and LU} Factorization of Finite-Element Matrices", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "9", pages = "849--861", kwds = "sparse, qrd, lud" } @article{geln:88, author = "J. A. George and J. W.-H. Liu and E. G. Ng", year = "1988", title = "A Data Structure for Sparse {QR and LU} Factorization", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "9", pages = "100--121", kwds = "sparse, qrd, lud" } @article{gepv:78, author = "J. A. George and W. G. Poole and R. G. Voigt", year = "1978", title = "Incomplete Nested Dissection for Solving $n$ by $n$ Grid Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "15", pages = "90--112", kwds = "sparse, perm, nestdis" } gi- @phdthesis{gilb:80, author = "J. R. Gilbert", year = "1980", title = "Graph Separator Theorems and Sparse {Gaussian} Elimination", school = "Stanford University, CA", type = "{Ph.D.} thesis", kwds = "sparse, graph" } @article{gilb:94, author = "J. R. Gilbert", year = "1994", title = "Predicting Structure in Sparse Matrix Computation", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix. Anal. Appl.", volume = "15", pages ="62--79", kwds = "sparse, soft" } @article{gims:92, author = "J. R. Gilbert and C. Moler and R. Schreiber", year = "1992", title = "Sparse Matrices in {MATLAB}: Design and Implementation", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix. Anal. Appl.", volume = "13", pages ="333--356", kwds = "sparse, soft" } @article{ginp:97, author = "J. R. Gilbert and E. G. Ng and B. W. Peyton", year = "1997", title = "Separators and Structure Prediction in Sparse Orthogonal Factorization", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "262", pages = "83--97", kwds = "sparse, qrd" } @article{gipe:88, author = "J. R. Gilbert and T. Peierls", year = "1988", title = "Sparse Partial Pivoting in Time Proportional to Arithmetic Operations", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "9", pages ="862--874", kwds = "sparse" } @article{ggms:74, author = "P. E. Gill and G. H. Golub and W. Murray and M.A. Saunders", year = "1974", title = "Methods for Modifying Matrix Factorizations", journal = "Math. Comp", volume = "28", pages = "505--535", kwds = "upd, downd, chol, qrd" } @techreport{gihm:86, author = "P. E. Gill and S. J. Hammarling and W. Murray and M. A. Saunders and M. H. Wright", year = "1986", title = "User's Guide for {LSSOL} (version {\rm 1.0}): a {Fortran} Package for Constrained Linear Least-squares and Convex Quadratic Programming", institution = "Department of Operations Research, Stanford University", type = "{Report SOL}", address = "CA", kwds = "constr, quadpr, soft" } @inproceedings{gimu:76, author = "P. E. Gill and W. Murray", year = "1976", title = "Nonlinear Least Squares and Nonlinearly Constrained Optimization", booktitle = "Proceedings Dundee Conference on Numerical Analysis 1975", editor = "G. A. Watson", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Berlin", series = " Lecture Notes in Mathematics", volume = "506", pages = "135--147", kwds = "nlsq, quadpr" } @inproceedings{gimu:76a, author = "P. E. Gill and W. Murray", year = "1976", title = "The Orthogonal Factorization of a Large Sparse Matrix", pages = "201--212", booktitle = "Sparse Matrix Computations", editor = "J. R. Bunch and D. J. Rose", publisher = "Academic Press, New York", kwds = "sparse, qrd" } @article{gimu:78, author = "P. E. Gill and W. Murray", year = "1978", title = "Algorithms for the Solution of the Nonlinear Least Squares Problem", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "15", pages = "977--992", kwds = "nlsq" } @book{gimw:81, author = "P. E. Gill and W. Murray and M. H. Wright", year = "1981", title = "Practical Optimization", publisher = "Academic Press", address = "London and New York", kwds = "nlsq, opt, survey" } @inproceedings{gmsw:90, author = "P. E. Gill and W. Murray and M. A. Saunders and M. H. Wright", year = "1990", title = "A {Schur}-complement Method for Sparse Quadratic Programming", booktitle = "Reliable Numerical Computation", editor = "M. G. Cox and S. Hammarling", pages = "113--138", publisher = "Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK", kwds = "sparse, quadpr, augms" } @article{give:58, author = "W. Givens", year = "1958", title = "Computation of Plane Unitary Rotations Transforming a General Matrix to Triangular Form", journal = " SIAM J. Appl. Math.", volume = "6", pages = "26--50", kwds = "qrd, rot" } @article{glsm:90, author = "J. Gluchowska and A. Smoktunowicz", year = "1990", title = "Solving the Linear Least Squares Problem with Very High Relative Accuracy", journal = "Computing", volume = "45", pages = "345--354", kwds = "err, ir" } @book{gold:77, author = "H.~H. Goldstine", year = "1977", title = "A History of Numerical Analysis from the {\rm 16}th through the {\rm 19}th Century", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "New York", kwds = "hist" } @article{golu:65, author = "G. H. Golub", year = "1965", title = "Numerical Methods for Solving Least Squares Problems", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "7", pages = "206-216", kwds = "qrd, upd" } @article{golu:68, author = "G. H. Golub", year = "1968", title = "Least Squares, Singular Values and Matrix Approximations", journal = "Aplikace Matematiky", volume = "13", pages = "44--51", kwds = "svd, max" } @inproceedings{golu:69, author = "G. H. Golub", year = "1969", title = "Matrix Decompositions and Statistical Computation", pages = "365--397", booktitle = "Statistical Computation", editor = "R.C. Milton and J. A. Nelder", publisher = "Academic Press, New York", kwds = "qrd, grsch, stat" } @article{golu:73, author = "G. H. Golub", year = "1973", title = "Some Modified Matrix Eigenvalue Problems", journal = "SIAM Review", volume = "15", pages = "318--344", kwds = "upd" } @article{gohw:79, author = "G. H. Golub and M. T. Heath and G. Wahba", year = "1979", title = "Generalized Cross-Validation as a Method for Choosing a Good Ridge Parameter", journal = "Technometrics", volume = "21", pages = "215--223", kwds = "regul" } @article{gohs:87, author = "G. H. Golub and A. Hoffman and G. W. Stewart", year = "1987", title = "A Generalization of the {Eckhard-Young-Mirsky} Matrix Approximation Theorem", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "88/89", pages = "317--327", kwds = "max" } @article{goka:65, author = "G. H. Golub and W. Kahan", year = "1965", title = "Calculating the Singular Values and Pseudo-inverse of a Matrix", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal. Ser. B", volume = "2", pages = "205--224", kwds = "svd, lanczos" } @techreport{goks:76, author = "G. H. Golub and V. Klema and G. W. Stewart", year = "1976", title = "Rank Degeneracy and Least Squares Problems", institution = "Computer Science Department, Stanford University", address = "CA", type = " {Tech. Report}", number = "STAN-CS-76-559, August 1976", kwds = "rank, rrqr" } @inproceedings{golv:79, author = "G. H. Golub and R. J. LeVeque", year = "1979", title = "Extensions and Uses of the Variable Projection Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Least Squares Problems", pages = "1--12", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1979 Army Numerical Analysis and Computers Conf. ", publisher = "White Sands Missile Range, White Sands, NM, ARO Report 79-3", kwds = "nlsq, varpro" } @inproceedings{golu:77, author = "G. H. Golub and F. T. Luk", year = "1977", title = "Singular Value Decomposition: Applications and Computations", booktitle = "Trans. 22nd Conference of Army Mathematicians, ARO Report 77-1", pages = "577--605", kwds = "svd" } @article{golo:81, author = "G. H. Golub and F. T. Luk and M. L. Overton", year = "1981", title = "A Block {Lanczos} Method for Computing the Singular Values and Corresponding Singular Vectors of a Matrix", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "7", pages = "149--169", kwds = "svd, lanczos" } @inproceedings{golp:79, author = "G. H. Golub and F. T. Luk and M. Pagano", year = "1979", title = "A Sparse Least Squares Problem in Photogrammetry", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Computer Science and Statistics 12th Annual Symposium on the Interface", editor = "J. F. Gentleman", publisher = "University of Waterloo, Canada", pages = "26--30", kwds = "sparse, nestdis" } @article{gomt:86, author = "G. H. Golub and P. Manneback and P. Toint", year = "1986", title = "A Comparison Between some Direct and Iterative Methods for Large Scale Geodetic Least Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "7", pages = "799--816", kwds = "sparse, nestdis, iter, cg, precond" } @inproceedings{gosv:95, author = "G. H. Golub and K. Solna and P. {Van Dooren}", year = "1995", title = "A {QR}-Like {SVD} Algorithm for a Product/Quotient of Several Matrices", booktitle = "{SVD} and Signal Processing, III: Algorithms, Architectures and Applications", editor = "M. Moonen and B. {De Moor}", pages = "139--147", publisher = "Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam", kwds = "gqrd, gsvd" } @article{goma:91, author = "G. H. Golub and U. von Matt", year = "1991", title = "Quadratically Constrained Least Squares and Quadratic Problems", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "59", pages = "561--580", kwds = "regul, constr", } @inproceedings{goma:97, author = "G. H. Golub and U. von Matt", year = "1997", title = "Tikhonov Regularization for Large Scale Problems", pages = "", booktitle = "Workshop on Scientific Computing", editor = "G. H. Golub and S. H. Lui and F. Luk and R. Plemmons", publisher = "Springer-verlag, New York", kwds = "tls, lanczos" } @article{goma:97b, author = "G. H. Golub and U. von Matt", year = "1997", title = "Generalized Cross-Validation for Large Scale Problems", journal = "J. Comput. Graph. Stat..", volume = "6", pages = "1--34", kwds = "tls, regul, lanczos" } @article{gona:82, author = "G. H. Golub and S. G. Nash", year = "1982", title = " Nonorthogonal Analysis of Variance using a Generalized Conjugate-Gradient Algorithm", journal = "J. Amer. Statist. Assoc.", volume = "77", pages = "109--116", kwds = "cg, stat", } @article{gope:73, author = "G. H. Golub and V. Pereyra", year = "1973", title = "The Differentiation of Pseudoinverses and Nonlinear Least Squares Problems Whose Variables Separate", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "10", pages = "413--432", kwds = "pert, ginv, varpro," } @inproceedings{gope:76, author = "G. H. Golub and V. Pereyra", year = "1976", title = "Differentiation of Pseudoinverses, Separable Nonlinear Least Squares Problems and Other Tales", booktitle = "Generalized Inverses and Applications", editor = "M. Z. Nashed", pages = "303--324", publisher = "Academic Press, New York", kwds = "pert, ginv, varpro," } @article{gopl:80, author = "G. H. Golub and R. J. Plemmons", year = "1980", title = "Large-Scale Geodetic Least-Squares Adjustment by Dissection and Orthogonal Decomposition", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "34", pages = "3--28", kwds = "sparse, qrd, geod, nestdis" } @inproceedings{gops:88, author = "G. H. Golub and R. J. Plemmons and A. Sameh", year = "1988", title = "Parallel Block Schemes for Large-Scale Least-Squares Computations", pages = "171-179", booktitle = "High-Speed Computing, Scientific Applications and Algorithm Design", publisher = "University of Illinois Press", address = "", kwds = "iter, prll" } @article{gore:70, author = "G. H. Golub and C. Reinsch", year = "1970", title = "Singular Value Decomposition and Least Squares Solution", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "14", pages = "403--420", kwds = "svd, rank, reg" } @inproceedings{gosa:70, author = "G. H. Golub and M. A. Saunders", year = "1970", title = "Linear Least Squares and Quadratic Programming", pages = "229--256", booktitle = "Integer and Nonlinear Programming", editor = "J. Abadie", publisher = "North-Holland, Amsterdam", kwds = "qrd, opt, quadpr" } @article{gost:73, author = "G. H. Golub and G. P. Styan", year = "1973", title = "Numerical Computations for Univariate Linear Models", journal = "J. Statist. Comput. Simul.", volume = "2", pages = "253-274", kwds = "stat, regr, qrd" } @techreport{goun:69, author = "G. H. Golub and R. Underwood", year = "1969", title = "Stationary Values of the Ratio of Quadratic Forms Subject to Linear Constraints", institution = "Computer Science Department, Stanford University, CA", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "CS-142", note = "", kwds = "geig, regul" } @inproceedings{govl:79, author = "G. H. Golub and C. F. {Van Loan}", year = "1979", title = "Total least squares", pages = "69--76", booktitle = "Smoothing Techniques for Curve Estimation", editor = "T. Gasser and M. Rosenblatt", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, New York", kwds = "svd, tls" } @article{govl:80, author = "G. H. Golub and C. F. {Van Loan}", year = "1980", title = "An Analysis of the Total Least Squares Problem", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "17", pages = "883-893", kwds = "svd, tls" } @book{govl:96, author = "G. H. Golub and C. F. {Van Loan}", year = "1996", title = "Matrix Computations, {\rm 3rd ed.}", publisher = "Johns Hopkins University Press", address = "Baltimore", kwds = "la, survey" } @article{gova:61, author = "G. H. Golub and R. S. Varga", year = "1961", title = "{Chebyshev} semi-iterative methods, successive Overrelaxation Iterative Methods and Second Order {Richardson} Iterative Methods, {Parts I and II}", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "3", pages = "147--168", kwds = "iter" } @inproceedings{gowi:65, author = "G. H. Golub and J. H. Wilkinson", year = "1965", title = "Iterative Refinement of Least Squares Solutions", booktitle = "Proceedings of the IFIP Congress 65, New York, 1965", editor = "W. A. Kalenich", pages = "606--607", publisher = "Spartan Books, Washington", kwds = "ir, qrd, err" } @article{gowi:66, author = "G. H. Golub and J. H. Wilkinson", year = "1966", title = "Note on the Iterative Refinement of Least Squares Solution", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "9", pages = "139-148", kwds = "ir, qrd, err" } @article{gozh:94, author = "G. H. Golub and H. Zha", year = "1994", title = "Perturbation Analysis of the Canonical Correlation of Matrix Pairs", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "210", pages = "3--28", kwds = "pert, err" } @incollection{gozh:95, author = "G. H. Golub and H. Zha", year = "1995", title = "The Canonical Correlations of Matrix Pairs and Their Numerical Computation", booktitle = "Linear Algebra for Signal Processing", publisher = "IMA", editor = "A. Bojanczyk and G. Cybenko", volume = "69", pages = "27--49", series = "Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications", kwds = "pert, err" } gr- @article{grha:84, author = "W. H. Gragg and W. J. Harrod", year = "1984", title = "The Numerically Stable Reconstruction of {Jacobi} Matrices from Spectral Data", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "44", pages = "317--335", kwds = "eigv" } @article{gram:1883, author = "J. P. Gram", year = "1883", title = "{\"U}ber die {E}ntwickelung reeller {F}unktionen in {R}eihen mittelst der {M}ethode der kleinsten {Q}uadrate", journal = "J. Reine Angew. Math.", volume = "94", pages = "41--73", kwds = "grsch" } @article{gree:89, author = "A. Greenbaum", year = "1989", title = "Behavior of Slightly Perturbed {Lanczos} and Conjugate-gradient Recurrences", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "113", pages = "7--63", kwds = "cg, lanczos" } @article{grst:92, author = "A. Greenbaum and Z. 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Grosse", year = "1980", title = "Tensor Spline Approximations", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "34", pages = "29--41", kwds = "sparse, kron" } @article{gumi:98a, author = "M. Gu", year = "1998", title = "New Fast Algorithms for Structured Linear Least Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix. Anal. Appl.", volume = "20:1", pages = "244--269", kwds = "struct, toepl", } @article{gumi:98b, author = "M. Gu", year = "1998", title = "Backward Perturbation Bounds for Linear Least Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix. Anal. Appl.", volume = "20:2", pages = "363--372", kwds = "err", } @article{guei:95, author = "M. Gu and S. C. Eisenstat", year = "1995", title = "Downdating the Singular Value Decomposition", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix. Anal. Appl.", volume = "16", pages = "793--810", kwds = "svd, downd", } @article{guei:96, author = "M. Gu and S. C. Eisenstat", year = "1996", title = "Efficient Algorithms for Computing a Strong Rank-Revealing {QR} Factorization", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix. Anal. Appl.", volume = "17", pages = "848--869", kwds = "rrqr", } @phdthesis{gull:93, author = "M. Gulliksson", year = "1993", title = "Algorithms for Overdetermined Systems of Equations", school = "Institute of Information Processing, University of Ume{\aa}", address = "Ume{\aa}, Sweden", type = "{Ph.D.} thesis", number = "UMINF 93-11", kwds = "qrd, wlsq,nlsq" } @article{gull:94, author = "M. Gulliksson", year = "1994", title = "Iterative Refinement for Constrained and Weighted Linear Least Squares", journal = "BIT", volume = "34", pages = "239--253", kwds = "err, ir, wlsq, qrd", } @article{gull:95, author = "M. Gulliksson", year = "1995", title = "Backward Error Analysis for the Constrained and Weighted Linear Least Squares Problem when Using the Weighted {QR} Decomposition", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix. Anal. Appl.", volume = "16", pages = "675--687", kwds = "err, wlsq, qrd", } @article{gull:95b, author = "M. Gulliksson", year = "1995", title = "On Modified {Gram-Schmidt} for Weighted and Constrained Linear Least Squares", journal = "BIT", volume = "35", pages = "458--473", kwds = "err, wlsq, grsch", } @article{guwe:92, author = "M. Gulliksson and P.-{\AA}. Wedin", year = "1992", title = "Modifying the {QR} Decomposition to Constrained and Weighted Linear Least Squares", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix. Anal. Appl.", volume = "13:4", pages = "1298--1313", kwds = "qrd, wlsq" } @techreport{guwe:93, author = "M. Gulliksson and P.-{\AA}. Wedin", year = "1993", title = "Numerical Aspects on Algorithms for Overdetermined Linear Systems in $l_p$ Norm", institution = "Institute of Information Processing, University of Ume{\aa}", address = "Ume{\aa}, Sweden", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "UMINF--93-11", kwds = "nlsq, wlsq, constr", } @article{guwe:00, author = "M. Gulliksson and P.-{\AA}. Wedin", year = "2000", title = "Perturbation Theory for Generalized and Constrained Linear Least Squares", journal = "Numer. Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "7", pages = "181--196", kwds = "glsq" } @article{gusw:97, author = "M. Gulliksson and I. S{\"o}derquist and P.-{\AA}. Wedin", year = "1997", title = "Algorithms for Constrained and Weighted Nonlinear Least Squares", journal = "SIAM J. Optim.", volume = "7", pages = "208--224", kwds = "nlsq, wlsq, constr", } @inproceedings{gust:76, author = "F. G. Gustavson", year = "1976", title = "Finding the Block Lower Triangular Form of a Matrix", pages = "275--289", booktitle = "Sparse Matrix Computations", editor = "J. R. Bunch and D. J. Rose", publisher = "Academic Press, New York", kwds = "sparse" } ha- @incollection{hach:74, author = "G. D. Hachtel", year = "1974", title = "Extended Applications of the Sparse Tableau Approach---Finite Elements and Least Squares", booktitle = "Basic questions in design theory", editor = "W. Spillers", publisher = " North-Holland, Amsterdam", kwds = "sparse, augms" } @incollection{hach:76, author = "G. D. Hachtel", year = "1976", title = "The Sparse Tableau Approach to Finite Element Assembly", booktitle = "Sparse Matrix Computations", editor = "J.R. Bunch and D. J. Rose", publisher = "Academic Press, New York", kwds = "sparse, augms" } @article{haly:80, author = "L. A. Hageman and F. T. Luk and D. M. Young", year = "1980", title = "On the Equivalence of Certain Iterative Acceleration Methods", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "17", pages = "852--873", kwds = "iter" } @article{hamm:74, author = "S. Hammarling", year = "1974", title = "A Note on Modifications to the {Givens} Plane Rotation", journal = "J. Inst. Maths. Applic.", volume = "13", pages = "215--218", kwds = "rot" } @incollection{hamm:86, author = "S. 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Ye", year = "1990", title = "Computational Aspects of an Interior Point Algorithm for Quadratic Programming Problems with Box Constraints", booktitle = "Large Scale Numerical Optimization, Proceedings, Cornell University, Ithaca, October 19--20, 1989 ", editor = "T. F. Coleman and Y. Li", pages = "92--112", publisher = "SIAM, Philadelphia", kwds = "sparse, constr" } @article{hank:91, author = "M. Hanke", year = "1991", title = "Accelerated {Landweber} Iterations for the Solution of Ill-posed Equations", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "60", pages = "341--373", kwds = "illp, regul, iter" } @book{hank:95, author = "M. Hanke", year = "1995", title = "Conjugate Gradient Type Methods for Ill-posed Problems", publisher = "Longman Scientific and Technical, Harlow, UK", series = "Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics", kwds = "illp, regul, iter" } @article{haha:93, author = "M. Hanke and P. C. Hansen", year = "1993", title = "Regularization Methods for Large-Scale Problems", journal = "Surveys Math. Indust.", volume = "3", pages = "253--315", kwds = "illp, regul, sparse" } @article{hane:93, author = "M. Hanke and M. Neumann", year = "1992", title = "The Geometry of the Set of Scaled Projections", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "190", pages = "137--148", kwds = "wlsq" } @article{hans:87, author = "P. C. Hansen", year = "1987", title = "The Truncated {SVD} as a Method for Regularization", journal = "BIT", volume = "27", pages = "534--553", kwds = "svd, illp, regul" } @article{hans:90, author = "P. C. Hansen", year = "1990", title = "Truncated Singular Value Decomposition Solutions to Discrete Ill-Posed Problems with Ill-determined Numerical Rank", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "11", pages = "503--518", kwds = "svd, illp, rank" } @article{hans:90a, author = "P. C. Hansen", year = "1990", title = "Relations between {SVD} and {GSVD} of Discrete Regularization Problems in Standard and General Form", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "141", pages = "165--176", kwds = "illp, regul,gsvd" } @article{hans:92, author = "P. C. Hansen", year = "1992", title = "Analysis of Ill-Posed Problems By Means of the {L}-Curve", journal = "SIAM Review", volume = "34", pages = "561--580", kwds = "illp, regul" } @book{hans:98, author = "P. C. Hansen", year = "1998", title = "Rank-Deficient and Discrete Ill-Posed Problems. Numerical Aspects of Linear Inversion.", publisher = "SIAM", address = "Philadelphia", kwds = "illp, regul" } @article{hans:94, author = "P. C. Hansen", year = "1994", title = "Regularization Tools: A Matlab Package for Analysis and Solution of Discrete Ill-posed Problems", journal = "Numer. Algorithms", volume = "6", pages = "1--35", kwds = "illp, regul" } @article{hans:95, author = "P. C. Hansen", year = "1995", title = "Test Matrices for Regularization Methods", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Comput.", volume = "16", pages = "506--512", kwds = "illp, regul" } @article{hage:93, author = "P. C. Hansen and H. Gesmar", year = "1993", title = "Fast Orthogonal Decomposition of Rank Deficient {Toeplitz} Matrices", journal = "Numer. Algorithms", volume = "4", pages = "151-166", kwds = "qrd, toep" } @article{haol:93, author = "P. C. Hansen and D. O'Leary", year = "1993", title = "The Use of the {L}-Curve in the Regularization of Discrete Ill-Posed Problems", journal = " SIAM J. Sci. Comput.", volume = "14", pages = "1487--1503", kwds = "illp, regul" } @inproceedings{haol:97, author = "P. C. Hansen and D. O'Leary", year = "1997", title = "Regularization Algorithms Based on Total Least Squares", pages = "127--137", booktitle = "Recent Advances in Total Least Squares Techniques and Errors-in-Variable Modeling", editor = "Sabine Van Huffel", publisher = "SIAM, Philadelphia, PA", kwds = "tls, regul" } @article{haos:97, author = "P. C. Hansen and Tz. Ostromsky and A. Sameh and Z. Zlatev", year = "1997", title = "Solving Sparse Linear least Squares Problems on Some Supercomputers by Using Large Dense Blocks", journal = "BIT", volume = "37:3", pages = "535--590", kwds = "sparse, prll" } @article{hans:86, author = "R. J. Hanson", year = "1986", title = "Linear Least Squares with Bounds and Linear Constraints", journal = " SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "7", pages = "826--834", kwds = "constr" } @article{hala:69, author = "R. J. Hanson and C. L. Lawson", year = "1969", title = "Extensions and Applications of the {Householder} Algorithm for Solving Linear Least Squares Problems", journal = "Math. Comp.", volume = "23", pages = "787--812", kwds = " qrd, rank" } @article{haph:75, author = "R. J. Hanson and J. L. Phillips", year = "1975", title = "An Adaptive Numerical Method for Solving Linear {Fredholm} Equations of the First Kind", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "24", pages = "291--307", kwds = "regul" } @article{hjod:93, author = "D. R. G. Hare and C. R. Johnson and D. D. Olesky and P. V. D. Driessche", year = "1993", title = "Sparsity Analysis of the {QR} Factorization", journal = " SIAM J. Matrix. Anal. Appl.", volume = "14", pages = "655--669", kwds = "sparse" } @article{have:87, author = "V. Hari and K. Veseli{\'c}", year = "1987", title = "On {Jacobi} Methods for Singular Value Decompositions", journal = " SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput.", volume = "8", pages = "741--754", kwds = "svd" } @techreport{haha:79, author = "K. H. Haskell and R. J. Hanson", year = "1979", title = "Selected Algorithms for the Linearly Constrained Least Squares Problem: A User's Guide", institution = "Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "SAND78-1290", note = "", kwds = "constr" } @article{haha:81, author = "K. H. Haskell and R. J. Hanson", year = "1981", title = "An Algorithm for Linear Least Squares Problems with Equality and Nonnegativity Constraints", journal = "Math Programming", volume = "21", pages = "98--118", kwds = "constr" } %he- @article{heat:82, author = "M. T. Heath", year = "1982", title = "Some extensions of an algorithm for sparse linear least squares problems", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "3", pages = "223--237", kwds = "sparse, qrd" } @article{heat:84, author = "M. T. Heath", year = "1984", title = "Numerical Methods for Large Sparse Linear Least Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "5", pages = "497--513", kwds = "sparse, survey" } @article{hepw:84, author = "M. T. Heath and R. J. Plemmons and R. C. Ward", year = "1984", title = "Sparse Orthogonal Schemes for Structural Optimization Using the Force Method", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "5", pages = "514--532", kwds = "sparse, nullsp" } @article{help:86, author = "M. T. Heath and A. J. Laub and C. C. Paige and R. C. Ward", year = "1986", title = "Computing the {SVD} of a Product of Two Matrices", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "7", pages = "1147--1149", kwds = "gsvd, jacobi" } @techreport{hebd:73, author = "M. D. Hebden", year = "1973", title = "An algorithm for minimization using exact second derivatives", type = "{Tech. Report}", institution = "Atomic Energy Research Establishment", address = "Harwell, England", number = "T. P. 515", kwds = "illp" } techreport{hema:96, author = "P. Heggernes and P. Matstoms", year = "1996", title = "Finding Good Column Orderings for Sparse {QR} Factorizations", type = "{Tech. Report}", institution = "Department of Mathematics, Link{\"o}ping University", address = "Sweden", number = "LiTH-MAT-1996-20", kwds = "sparse, qrd" } @book{helm:1880, author = "F. R. Helmert", year = "1880", title = "{Die Mathematischen und Physikalischen Theorien der h{\"o}heren Geod{\"a}sie, {\rm 1} Teil}", publisher = "B. G. Teubner Verlag", address = "Leipzig", kwds = "geod, nestdis" } @book{ch8:helm:1907, author = "F. R. Helmert", year = "1907", title = "Die Ausgleichungsrechnung Nach der Methode der Kleinsten Quadrate", publisher = "B. G. Teubner Verlag", address = "Leipzig", edition = "Second", kwds = "," } @article{henr:79, author = "P. Henrici", year = "1979", title = "Fast {Fourier} Methods in Computational Complex Analysis", journal = "SIAM Review", volume = "21", pages = "481--527", kwds = "fft" } @article{hese:81, author = "H. V. Henderson and S. R. Searle", year = "1981", title = "The vec-Permutation Matrix, the vec operator and {Kronecker} Products: A Review", journal = "Linear and Multilinear Algebra", volume = "9", pages = "271--188", kwds = "kron" } @article{helr:73, author = "G. T. Herman and A. Lent and S. W. Rowland", year = "1973", title = "{ART}: {Mathematics} and Applications", journal = "J. Theoret. Biol.", volume = "42", pages = "1--32", kwds = "iter" } @article{hest:58, author = "M. R. Hestenes", year = "1958", title = "Inversion of Matrices by Biorthogonalization and Related Results", journal = "J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math.", volume = "6", pages = "51--90", kwds = "cg, lanczos" } @article{hest:75, author = "M. R. Hestenes", year = "1975", title = "Pseudoinverses and Conjugate Gradients", journal = "Comm. ACM", volume = "18", pages = "40--43", kwds = "ginv, cg" } @article{hest:52, author = "M. R. Hestenes and E. Stiefel", year = "1952", title = "Methods of Conjugate Gradients for Solving Linear System", journal = "J. 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Anal.", volume = "26(5)", pages = "1252--1265", kwds = "err" } @inproceedings{high:90, author = "N. J. Higham", year = "1990", title = "Computing Error Bounds for Regression Problems", booktitle = "Contemporary Mathematics 112: Statistical Analysis of Measurement Error Models and Applications", editor = "P. J. Brown and W. A. Fuller", pages = "195--210", publisher = "American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI", kwds = "stat, pert, regr" } @inproceedings{high:90b, author = "N. J. Higham", year = "1990", title = "Analysis of the {Cholesky} Decomposition of a Semi-Definite Matrix", pages = "161--185", booktitle = "Reliable Numerical Computation", editor = "M. G. Cox and S. J. Hammarling", publisher = "Clarendon Press, Oxford", kwds = "chol" } @inproceedings{high:90c, author = "N. J. Higham", year = "1990", title = "How Accurate is {Gaussian} Elimination?", pages = "137--154", booktitle = "Numerical Analysis 1989: Proceedings of the 13th Dundee Conference", editor = "D. F. 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Paige", year = "1985", title = "The General Linear Model and the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "70", pages = "269--284", kwds = "glsq, gsvd" } @article{paig:86, author = "C. C. Paige", year = "1986", title = "Computing the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "7", pages = "1126--1146", kwds = "gsvd, jacobi" } @inproceedings{paig:90, author = "C. C. Paige", year = "1990", title = "Some Aspects of Generalized {QR} Factorizations", pages = "71--91", booktitle = "Reliable Numerical Computation", editor = "M. G. Cox and S. J. Hammarling", publisher = "Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK", kwds = "gqrd" } @article{paig:94, author = "C. C. Paige", year = "1994", title = "History and Generality of the {CS}-Decomposition", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "208/209", pages = "303--326", kwds = "glsq, gsvd" } @techreport{pata:92, author = "C. T. Pan and P. T. P. Tang", year = "1992", title = "Bounds on Singular Values Revealed by {QR} Factorizations", institution = "Mathematics and Computer Science Division", address = "Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL", type = "Preprint", number = "MCS-P332-1092, Oct. 1992", kwds = "rrqr" } @article{pang:82, author = "J. -S. Pang", year = "1982", title = "On the Convergence of a Basic Iterative Method for the Implicit Complementarity Problem", journal = "J. Optim. Theory Appl.", volume = "37", pages = "149--162", kwds = "iter, constr" } @article{pasa:77, author = "C. C. Paige and M. A. Saunders", year = "1977", title = "Least Squares Estimation of Discrete Linear Dynamic Systems Using Orthogonal Transformations", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "14", pages = "180--193", kwds = "contr, qrd" } @article{pasa:81, author = "C. C. Paige and M. A. Saunders", year = "1981", title = "Toward a Generalized Singular Value Decomposition", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "18", pages = "398--405", kwds = "gsvd, csd" } @article{pasa:82, author = "C. C. Paige and M. A. Saunders", year = "1982", title = "{LSQR}. {An} Algorithm for Sparse Linear Equations and Sparse Least Squares", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "8", pages = "43--71", kwds = "iter, cg, lanczos" } @article{pasa:82a, author = "C. C. Paige and M. A. Saunders", year = "1982", title = "Algorithm {\rm 583} {LSQR}: Sparse Linear Equations and Sparse Least Squares", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "8", pages = "195--209", kwds = "iter, cg, lanczos, soft" } @article{past:02a, author = "C. C. Paige and Z. Strako{\v{s}}", year = "2002a", title = "Scaled Total Least Squares Fundamentals", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "91:1", pages = "117--146", kwds = "tls" } @inproceedings{past:02b, author = "C. C. 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Wei", year = "1994", title = "History and Generality of the {CS} Decomposition", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "108/109", pages = "303--326", kwds = "csd, survey" } @article{pan:90, author = "C. T. Pan", year = "1990", title = "A Modification to the {LINPACK} Downdating Algorithm", journal = "BIT", volume = "30", pages = "707--722", kwds = "upd, signal, hyp" } @article{pan:93, author = "C. T. Pan", year = "1993", title = "A Perturbation Analysis on the Problem of Downdating a {Cholesky} Factorization", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "183", pages = "103--116", kwds = "upd, pert" } @article{papl:89, author = "C. T. Pan and R. J. Plemmons", year = "1989", title = "Least Squares Modifications with Inverse Factorizations: Parallel Implementations", journal = "J. Comput. Appl. Math.", volume = "27", pages = "109--127", kwds = "upd, prll" } @article{pasc:91, author = "V. Pan and R. Schreiber", year = "1991", title = "An Improved Newton Iteration for the Generalized Inverse of a Matrix, with Applications", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "12", pages = "1109--1130", kwds = "iter, ginv" } @article{pasp:89, author = "E. P. Papadopoulou and Y. G. Saridakis and T. S. Papatheodorou", year = "1989", title = "Block {AOR} Iterative Schemes for Large-Scale Least-Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "26", pages = "637--660", kwds = "iter" } @article{pael:95a, author = "H. Park and L. Eld\'en", year = "1995", title = "Downdating the Rank-Revealing {URV} Decomposition", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix. Anal. Appl.", volume = "16", pages = "138--155", kwds = "upd, rrqr" } @techreport{pael:95b, author = "H. Park and L. Eld\'en", year = "1995", title = "Stability Analysis and Fast Algorithms for Triangularization of {Toeplitz} Matrices", institution = "Department of Mathematics, Link{\"o}ping University", address = "Sweden", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "LiTH-MAT-R-1995-16", kwds = "toep, qrd" } @article{pavh:95, author = "H. Park and S. {Van Huffel}", year = "1995", title = "Two-Way Bidiagonalization Scheme for Downdating the Singular Value Decomposition", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "222", pages = "23--40", kwds = "upd, svd" } @book{parl:80, author = "B. N. Parlett", year = "1980", title = "The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", kwds = "eig, survey" } @article{pare:70, author = "B. N. Parlett and J. K. Reid", year = "1970", title = "On the Solution of a System of Linear Equations whose Matrix is Symmetric but not Definite", journal = "BIT", volume = "10", pages = "386--397", kwds = "augms" } @article{part:61, author = "S. V. Parter", year = "1961", title = "The Use of Linear Graphs in {Gauss} Elimination", journal = "SIAM Review", volume = "3", pages = "119--130", kwds = "sparse, graph" } @phdthesis{paze:73, author = "P. Pazelt", year = "1973", title = "{Ein Algoritmus zur L{\"o}sung von Ausgleichproblemen mit Ungleichungen als Nebenbedingungen}", school = "University of W{\"u}rtzburg", address = "Germany", type = "Diplomarbeit", kwds = "constr, soft" } @article{penr:55, author = "R. Penrose", year = "1955", title = "A Generalized Inverse for Matrices", journal = "Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.", volume = "51", pages = "406--413", kwds = "ginv" } @article{penr:56, author = "R. Penrose", year = "1956", title = "On Best Approximate Solutions of Linear Matrix Equations", journal = "Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.", volume = "52", pages = "17--19", kwds = "ginv" } @article{pere:67, author = "V. Pereyra", year = "1967", title = "Iterative Methods for Solving Nonlinear Least Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "4", pages = "27--36", kwds = "nlsq, ginv" } @article{pewi:70, author = "G. Peters and J. H. Wilkinson", year = "1970", title = "The Least Squares Problem and Pseudo-Inverses", journal = "Comput. J.", volume = "13", pages = "309--316", kwds = "lud, ne, rank" } @article{pewi:79, author = "G. Peters and J. H. Wilkinson", year = "1979", title = "Inverse Iteration, Ill-conditioned Equations and {Newton's} Method", journal = "SIAM Review", volume = "3", pages = "339--360", kwds = "eig, illp" } @article{pile:97, author = "D. J. Pierce and J. G. Lewis", year = "1997", title = "Sparse Multifrontal Rank Revealing {QR} Factorization", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "18", pages = "159--181", kwds = "sparse, qrd" } pl- @article{plac:72, author = "R. L. Placket", year ="1972", title = "The Discovery of the Method of Least Squares", journal = "Biometrika", volume = "59", pages = "239--251", kwds = "hist" } @article{plem:72, author = "R. J. Plemmons", year = "1972", title = "Monotonicity and Iterative Approximations Involving Rectangular Matrices", journal = "Math. 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Graphics", volume = "21:4", pages = "", kwds = "nlsq, geom" } pu- @phdthesis{pugl:93, author = "C. Puglisi", year = "1993", title = "{QR} Factorization of Large Sparse Overdetermined and Square Matrices with the Multifrontal Method in a Multiprocessing Environment", school = "Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse", institution = "CERFACS", address = "Toulouse, France", type = "{Ph.D.} thesis", kwds = "sparse, thesis" } qu- @techreport{qusb:95, author = "G. Quintana-Ort{\'i} and X. Sun and C. H. Bischof", year = "1995", title = "A {BLAS}-3 Version of the {QR} Factorizations with Column Pivoting", institution = "Mathematics and Computer Science Division, University of Minnesota", address = "Argonne National Laboratory", type = "Preprint", number = "MCS-P551-1295", kwds = "rrqr" } ra- re- @article{rawe:77, author = "H. Ramsin and P.-{\AA}. 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Gragg", year = "1990", title = "{FORTRAN} subroutines for updating the {QR} decomposition", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "16", pages = "369--377", kwds = "upd, downd, soft, qrd, grsch" } @article{reag:91, author = "L. Reichel and G. S. Ammar and W. B. Gragg", year = "1991", title = "Discrete Least Squares Approximation by Trigonometric Polynomials", journal = "Math. Comp.", volume = "57", pages = "273--289", kwds = "poly" } @article{reid:67, author = "J. K. Reid", year = "1967", title = "A Note on the Least Squares Solution of a Band System of Linear Equations by {Householder} Reductions", journal = "Comput J.", volume = "10", pages = "188--189", kwds = "band, house, qrd" } @inproceedings{reid:71, author = "J. K. Reid", year = "1971", title = "On the Method of Conjugate Gradients for the Solution of Large Systems of Linear Equations", pages = "231--254", booktitle = "Large Sparse Sets of Linear Equations", editor = "J.~K. Reid", publisher = "Academic Press, New York", kwds = "sparse, iter, cg" } @article{reid:72, author = "J. K. Reid", year = "1972", title = "On the Use of Conjugate Gradients for Systems of Linear Equations Possessing {``Property A''}", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "9", pages = "325--332", kwds = "iter, cg" } @techreport{reid:84, author = "J. K. Reid ", year = "1984", title = "{TREESOLVE}, a {Fortran} Package for Solving Large Sets of Linear Finite Element Solutions", institution = "Computer Science and Systems Division, AERE Harwell", address = "Oxfordshire, UK", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "CSS 155, 1984", kwds = "sparse, multfr" } @inproceedings{reid:87, author = "J. K. Reid ", year = "1987", title = "Sparse Matrices", booktitle = "The State of the Art in Numerical Analysis", editor = "A. Iserles and M. J. D. Powell", pages = "59--86", publisher = "Oxford University Press, London, UK", kwds = "sparse" } @techreport{reid:98, author = "J. K. Reid", year = "1998", title = "Implicit Scaling of Linear Least Squares Problems", institution = "Rutherford Appleton Laboratory", address = "Chilton, UK", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "RAL-TR-98-027", kwds = "qrd, wlsq" } @article{rein:71, author = "C. H. Reinsch", year = "1971", title = "Smoothing by Spline Functions", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "16", pages = "451--454.", kwds = "spline, regul" } %ri- @article{rice:66, author = "J. R. Rice", year = "1966", title = "Experiments on {Gram-Schmidt} orthogonalization", journal = "Math. Comp.", volume = "20", pages = "325--328", kwds = "grsch, err" } @techreport{rice:83, author = "J. R. Rice", year = "1983", title = "{PARVEC} Workshop on Very Large Least Squares Problems and Supercomputers", institution = "Purdue University", address = "West Lafayette, IN", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "CSD-TR 464", kwds = "sparse, survey" } @article{riga:67, author = "J. L. Rigal and J. Gaches", year = "1967", title = "On the Compatability of a Given Solution with the Data of a Linear System", journal = "J. Assoc. Comput. Mach.", volume = "14", pages = "543--548", kwds = "err" } @article{rijk:89, author = "P. P. M. de Rijk", year = "1989", title = "A One-sided {Jacobi} Algorithm for Computing the Singular Value Decomposition on a Vector Computer", journal = " SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput.", volume = "10", pages = "359--371", kwds = "svd, prll" } @article{rile:56, author = "J. D. Riley", year = "1956", title = "Solving Systems of Linear Equations with a Positive Definite Symmetric but Possibly Ill-Conditioned Matrix", journal = "Math. Tables Aids. Comput.", volume = "9", pages = "96--101", kwds = "regul" } %ru- @inproceedings{rose:72, author = "D. J. Rose", year = "1972", title = "A Graph-Theoretic Study of the Numerical Solution of Sparse Positive Definite Systems of Linear Equations", booktitle = "Graph Theory and Computing", editor = "R. C. Read", pages = "183--217", publisher = "Academic Press, New York", kwds = "sparse, graph" } @article{ropg:96, author = "J. B. Rosen and H. Park and J. Glick", year = "1996", title = "Total Least Norm Formulation and Solution for Structured Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "17", pages = "110--126", kwds = "struct" } @article{ropg:98, author = "J. B. Rosen and H. Park and J. Glick", year = "1998", title = "Structured Total Least Norm for Nonlinear Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "20", pages = "14--30", kwds = "struct, nnls" } @article{ruhe:79, author = "A. Ruhe", year = "1979", title = "Accelerated {Gauss-Newton} Algorithms for Nonlinear Least Squares Problems", journal = "BIT", volume = "19", pages = "356--367", kwds = "nlsq" } @article{ruhe:83, author = "A. Ruhe", year = "1983", title = "Numerical Aspects of {Gram-Schmidt} Orthogonalization of Vectors", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "52/53", pages = "591--601", kwds = "grsch, orth" } @article{ruwe:80, author = "A. Ruhe and P.-{\AA}. Wedin", year = "1980", title = "Algorithms for Separable Nonlinear Least Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM Review", volume = "22", pages = "318--337", kwds = "varpro, nlsq" } rut- @article{ruti:54, author = "H. Rutishauser", year = "1954", title = "Der {Quotienten-Differenzen-Algorithmus}", journal = "ZAMP", volume = "5", pages = "233--251", kwds = "svd" } @incollection{ruti:59, author = "H. Rutishauser", title = "Theory of Gradient Methods", year = "1959", booktitle = "Refined Methods for Computation of the Solution and the Eigenvalues of Self-Adjoint Boundary Value Problems", editor = "M. Engeli and Th. Ginsburg and H. Rutishauser and E. Stiefel", publisher = "Birkh{\"a}user", address = "Basel/Stuttgart", pages = "24--50", kwds = "nlsq, opt" } @book{ruti:67, author = "H. Rutishauser", year = "1967", title = "Description of {Algol} {\rm 60}", series = "Handbook for Automatic Computation, Vol. 1a", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "Berlin", kwds = "prog" } @article{ruti:68, author = "H. Rutishauser", year = "1968", title = "Once Again: The Least Squares Problem", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "1", pages = "479--488", kwds = "regul" } @book{ruti:76, author = "H. Rutishauser", year = "1976", title = "{Vorlesungen {\"u}ber Numerische Mathematik}. Band {\rm 1}", publisher = "Birkh{\"a}user", address = "Basel", kwds = " survey" } sa- @article{saad:80, author = "Y. Saad", year = "1980", title = "On the Rates of Convergence of the {Lanczos} and Block-{Lanczos} Methods", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "17", pages = "687--706", kwds = "iter, lanczos" } @article{saad:88, author = "Y. 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Saunders", year = "1979", title = "Sparse Least Squares by Conjugate Gradients: {A} Comparison of Preconditioning Methods", booktitle = "Proceedings of Computer Science and Statistics: Twelfth Annual Conference on the Interface", editor = "", pages = "", publisher = "", address = "Waterloo, Canada", kwds = "iter, precond, cg" } @article{saun:95, author = "M. A. Saunders", year = "1995", title = "Solution of Sparse Rectangular Systems Using {LSQR} and {CRAIG}", journal = "BIT", volume = "35", pages = "588--604", kwds = "iter, cg, lanczos" } @article{saut:78, author = "W. Sautter", year = "1978", title = "{F}ehleranalyse f{\"u}r die {G}auss-{E}limination zur {B}erechnung der {L}{\"o}sung minimaler {L}{\"a}nge", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "30", pages = "165--184", kwds = "rank, ginv" } sc- @article{scha:85, author = "R. Schaback", year = "1985", title = "Convergence Analysis of the General {Gauss-Newton} Algorithm", journal = "Numer. 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Palermo. Ser. 1", volume = "25", pages = "53--77", kwds = "grsch" } @article{scta:86, author = "R. Schreiber and W.-P. Tang", year = "1986", title = "On Systolic Arrays for Updating the {Cholesky} Factorization", journal = "BIT", volume = "26", pages = "451--466", kwds = "chol,syst,upd,downd" } @article{scvl:89, author = "R. Schreiber and C. F. {Van Loan}", year = "1989", title = "A Storage Efficient {WY} Representation for Products of {Householder} Transformations", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "10", pages = "53--57", kwds = "block, prll, house" } @inproceedings{schw:92, author = "H. Schwetlick", year = "1992", title = "Nonlinear Parameter Estimating: Models, Criteria and Algorithms", pages = "164--193", booktitle = "Numerical Analysis 1991: Proceedings of the 14th Dundee Conference, June 1991", editor = "D. F. Griffiths and G. A. Watson", publisher = "Longman Scientific and Technical, Harlow, UK", series = "Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics 260", kwds = "nlsq, robust, orthreg" } @article{scti:85, author = "H. Schwetlick and V. Tiller", year = "1985", title = "Numerical Methods for Estimating Parameters in Nonlinear Models with Errors in the Variables", journal = "Technometrics", volume = "27", pages = "17--24", kwds = "nlsq, tls, orthreg" } @article{scti:89, author = "H. Schwetlick and V. Tiller", year = "1989", title = "Nonstandard Scaling Matrices for Trust Region {G}auss-{N}ewton Methods", journal = "SIAM J. Sci Statist. Comput.", volume = "10", pages = "654--670", kwds = "nlsq, tls, orthreg" } @inproceedings{scol:72, author = "H. D. Scolnik", year = "1972", title = "On the Solution of Non-linear Least Squares Problems", booktitle = "Proceedings of the {IFIP} Congress 71", editor = "H. Freeman", pages = "1258--1265", publisher = "North-Holland, Amsterdam", kwds = "varpro, nlsq" } @book{sebe:77, author = "G. A. F. Seber", year = "1977", title = "Linear Regression Analysis", publisher = "John Wiley", address = "New York", kwds = "regr, stat, survey" } @article{seid:1874, author = "P. L. Seidel", year = "1874", title = "{\"U}ber ein {V}erfahren, die {G}leichungen, auf welche die {M}ethode der kleinsten {Q}uadrate f{\"u}hrt, sowie lineare {G}leichungen {\"u}berhaupt, durch successive {A}nn{\"a}herung aufzul{\"o}sen", journal = "Abh. Bayer Akad. Wiss.", volume = "11:81", pages = "", kwds = "iter" } @article{sham:75, author = "L. F. Shampine", year = "1975", title = "Discrete Least Squares Polynomial Fits", journal = "Comm. ACM", volume = "18", pages = "179--180", kwds = "scale, lud" } @article{sher:78, author = "A. H. Sherman", year = "1978", title = "Algorithm {\rm 533}, {NSPIV}, a {FORTRAN} Subroutine for Sparse {Gaussian} Elimination with Partial Pivoting", journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software", volume = "4", pages = "391--398", kwds = "sparse, lud" } @article{sieg:65, author = "I. H. Siegel", year = "1965", title = "Deferment of Computation in the Method of Least Squares", journal = "Math. Comp.", volume = "19", pages = "329--331", kwds = "augms" } sk- @article{skee:79, author = "R. D. Skeel", year = "1979", title = "Scaling for Numerical Stability in {Gaussian} Elimination", journal = "J. Assoc. Comput. Mach.", volume = "26", pages = "494--526", kwds = "scale, lud" } @article{skee:80, author = "R. D. Skeel", year = "1980", title = "Iterative Refinement Implies Numerical Stability for {Gaussian} Elimination", journal = "Math. Comp.", volume = "35", pages = "817--832", kwds = "ir, lud" } sl- @article{slui:69, author = "A. van der Sluis", year = "1969", title = "Condition Numbers and Equilibration of Matrices", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "14", pages = "14--23", kwds = "pert, cond, scale" } @article{slui:75, author = "A. van der Sluis", year = "1975", title = "Stability of the Solutions of Linear Least Squares Problems", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "23", pages = "241--254", kwds = "err, pert" } @article{slve:79, author = "A. van der Sluis and G. Veltkamp", year = "1979", title = "Restoring Rank and Consistency by Orthogonal Projection", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "28", pages = "257--278", kwds = "rank, orth" } @incollection{slvo:87, author = "A. van der Sluis and H. van der Vorst", year = "1987", title = "Numerical Solution of Large Sparse Linear Equations and Least Squares Problems", booktitle = "Seismic Tomography", editor = "G. Nolet", publisher = "Reidel, Dordrecht, the Netherlands", pages = "49--83", kwds = "rank, orth" } @article{slvo:90, author = "A. van der Sluis and H. van der Vorst", year = "1990", title = "{SIRT-} and {CG-}Type Methods for Iterative Solution of Sparse Linear Least-Squares Problems", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "130", pages = "257--302", kwds = "iter, cg" } @article{sost:74, author = "T. S{\"o}derstr{\"o}m and G. W. Stewart", year = "1974", title = "On the Numerical Properties of an Iterative Method for Computing the Moore--Penrose Generalized Inverse", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "11", pages = "61--74", kwds = "iter, ginv" } @phdthesis{sode:93, author = "I. S{\"o}derquist", year = "1993", title = "Computing Parameters in Nonlinear Least Squares Models", school = "University of Ume{\aa}", institution = "Department of Computer Science", address = "Sweden", type = "{Ph.D.} thesis", kwds = "nlsq, constr" } %st- @article{spat:82, author = "H. Sp{\"a}th", year = "1982", title = "On Discrete Linear Orthogonal $L_p$ Approximation", journal = "Z. Angew. Math. Mech.", volume = "62", pages = "354--355", kwds = "nlsq, geom" } @article{spat:86, author = "H. Sp{\"a}th", year = "1986", title = "Orthogonal Least Squares Fitting with Linear Manifolds", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "48", pages = "441--445", kwds = "nlsq, geom" } @article{spat:90, author = "H. Sp{\"a}th", year = "1990", title = "Modified {Gram-Schmid}t for Solving Linear Least Squares Problems is Equivalent to {Gaussian} Elimination for the Normal Equations", journal = "Appl. Math.", volume = "20", pages = "587--589", kwds = "ne, grsch" } @book{spat:92, author = "H. Sp{\"a}th", year = "1992", title = "Mathematical Algorithms for Linear Regression", publisher = "Academic Press", address = "New York", kwds = "regr, stat, survey" } @article{stew:69, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1969", title = "On the Continuity of the Generalized Inverse", journal = "SIAM J. Appl. Math.", volume = "17", pages = "33--45", kwds = " pert, ginv" } @book{stew:73, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1973", title = "Introduction to Matrix Computations", publisher = "Academic Press", address = "New York", kwds = " survey" } @article{stew:76, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1976", title = "The Economical Storage of Plane Rotations", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "25", pages = "137--138.", kwds = "qrd, rot" } @article{stew:77, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1977", title = "Perturbation Bounds for the {QR} Factorization of a Matrix", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "14", pages = "509--518", kwds = "err, qrd" } @inproceedings{stew:77a, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1977", title = "Research Development and {LINPACK}", booktitle = "Mathematical Software III", editor = "J. R. Rice", publisher = "Academic Press, New York", pages = "1-14", kwds = "soft, pert, survey" } @article{stew:77b, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1977", title = "On the Perturbation of Pseudo-Inverses, Projections, and Linear Least Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM Review", volume = "19", pages = "634-662", kwds = " pert, ginv, orth" } @article{stew:79, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1979", title = "The Effects of Rounding Error on an Algorithm for Downdating a {Cholesky} Factorization", journal = "J. Inst. Maths. Applic.", volume = "23", pages = "203-213", kwds = " err, downd, chol" } @article{stew:79a, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1979", title = "A Note on the Perturbation of Singular Values", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "28", pages = "213--216", kwds = "svd, pert" } @article{stew:80, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1980", title = "The Efficient Generation of Random Orthogonal Matrices with an Application to Condition Estimators", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "17", pages = "403--404", kwds = " rand, qrd, cond, orth" } @article{stew:81, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1981", title = "On the Implicit Deflation of Nearly Singular Systems of Linear Equations", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "2", pages = "136--140", kwds = "rank,ginv" } @article{stew:82, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1982", title = "Computing the {CS} Decomposition of a Partitioned Orthogonal Matrix", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "40", pages = "297-306", kwds = "svd, csd, orth" } @inproceedings{stew:83, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1983", title = "A Method for Computing the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition", pages = "207--220", booktitle = "Matrix Pencils. Proceedings, Pite Havsbad, 1982", editor = "B. K{\aa}gstr{\"o}m and A. Ruhe", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Berlin", series = "Lecture Notes in Mathematics", volume = "973", kwds = "gsvd" } @techreport{stew:83a, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1983", title = "A Generalization of the {Eckart-Young} Approximation Theorem", institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland", address = "College Park, MD", number = "TR-1325", kwds = "pert, max, tls" } @techreport{stew:83b, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1983", title = "A Nonlinear Version of {Gauss's} Minimum Variance Theorem with Applications to an Errors-in-the-Variables Model", institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland", address = "College Park, MD", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "TR-1263", kwds = "tls, regr, nlsq, pert" } @article{stew:84, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1984", title = "Rank Degeneracy", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "5", pages = "403--413", kwds = "rank, rrqr" } @article{stew:84a, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1984", title = "On the Invariance of Perturbed Null Vectors under Column Scaling", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "44", pages = "61--65", kwds = "scale, pert" } @article{stew:84b, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1984", title = "On the Asymptotic Behavior of Scaled Singular and {QR} Decompositions", journal = "Math. Comp.", volume = "43(168)", pages = "168--489", kwds = "rank, rrqr" } @article{stew:87, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1987", title = "Collinearity and Least Squares Regression", journal = "Statistical Science", volume = "2", pages = "68-100", kwds = "stat, regr, tls, rank" } @article{stew:90, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1990", title = "On Scaled Projections and Pseudoinverses", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "132", pages = "115--117", kwds = "wlsq" } @inproceedings{stew:90a, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1990", title = "Perturbation Theory and Least Squares with Errors in the Variables", booktitle = "Contemporary Mathematics 112: Statistical Analysis of Measurement Error Models and Applications", editor = "P. J. Brown and W. A. Fuller", pages = "171--181", publisher = "American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI", kwds = "stat, pert, regr" } @techreport{stew:91, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1991", title = "On an Algorithm for Refining a Rank-Revealing {URV} Factorization and a Perturbation Theorem for Singular Values", institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland", address = "College Park, MD", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "UMIACS-TR-91-38, CS-TR-2626", kwds = "rrqr, pert, svd" } @article{stew:92, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1992", title = "An Updating Algorithm for Subspace Tracking", journal = "IEEE Trans. Signal Process.", volume = "40", pages = "1535--1541", kwds = "upd, rrqr" } @article{stew:93a, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1993", title = "Updating a Rank-Revealing {ULV} Decomposition", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "14", pages = "494--499", kwds = "upd, rrqr" } @article{stew:93b, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1993", title = "On the Perturbation of {LU}, {Cholesky}, and {QR} Factorizations", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "14", pages = "1141--1145", kwds = "pert, qrd, chol" } @article{stew:93c, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1993", title = "On the Early History of the Singular Value Decomposition", journal = "SIAM Review", volume = "35", pages = "551--566", kwds = "svd, hist" } @article{stew:95, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1995", title = "On the Stability of Sequential Updates and Downdates", journal = "IEEE Trans. Signal Process.", volume = "43", pages = "1643--1648", kwds = "downd, stab" } @article{stew:97, author = "G. W. Stewart", year = "1997", title = "On the Weighting Method for Least squares Problems with Linear Equality Constraints", journal = "BIT.", volume = "37:4", pages = "961--967", kwds = "wlsq, constr" } @book{stsu:90, author = "G. W. Stewart and J.{-G}. Sun", year = "1990", title = "Matrix Perturbation Theory", publisher = "Academic Press", address = "Boston", kwds = "pert, survey" } @article{stst:98, author = "M. Stewart and G. W. Stewart", year = "1998", title = "On Hyperbolic Triangularization: Stability and Pivoting", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "19:4", pages = "8471--860", kwds = "hyp, downd" } @article{stie:52, author = "E. Stiefel", year = "1952/53", title = "{Ausgleichung ohne Aufstellung der Gausschen Normalgleichungen}", journal = "Wiss. Z. Tech. Hochsch. Dresden", volume = "2", pages = "441--442", kwds = "cg, iter" } @article{stie:77, author = "S. M. Stigler", year = "1977", title = "An Attack on {Gauss}, Published by {Legendre} in {\rm 1820}", journal = "Hist. Math.", volume = "4", pages = "31--35", kwds = "hist" } @article{stie:81, author = "S. M. Stigler", year = "1981", title = "{Gauss} and the Invention of Least Squares", journal = "Ann. Statist.", volume = "9", pages = "465--474", kwds = "hist" } @article{stie:1887, author = "T. J. Stieltjes", year = "1887", title = "Sur les racines de l'{\'e}quation $x_n=0$", journal = "Acta. Math.", volume = "9", pages = "385--400", kwds = "iter" } @article{stoe:71, author = "J. Stoer", year = "1971", title = "On the Numerical Solution of Constrained Least Squares Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "8", pages = "382--411", kwds = "constr, upd" } @article{stra:91, author = "Z. Strako{\v{s}}", year = "1991", title = "On the Real Convergence of the Conjugate Gradient Method", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "154/156", pages = "535--549", kwds = "cg, lanczos, iter" } @article{stra:74, author = "C. N. Strand", year = "1974", title = "Theory and Methods Related to the Singular Function Expansion and {Landweber's} Iteration for Integral Equations of the First Kind", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. 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Sun", year = "1995", title = "On Perturbation Bounds for the {QR} Factorization", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "215", pages = "95--111", kwds = "pert, qrd" } @article{sun:95a, author = "J.-G. Sun", year = "1995", title = "Perturbation Analysis of the {Cholesky} Downdating and {QR} Updating Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "16", pages = "760--775", kwds = "err, pert, upd", } @article{sun:96, author = "J.-G. Sun", year = "1996", title = "Optimal Backward Perturbation Bounds for the Linear Least-Squares Problem With Multiple Right-Hand Sides", journal = "IMA J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "16", pages = "1--11", kwds = "err, pert", } @article{susu:97, author = "J.-G. Sun and Zheng Sun", year = "1997", title = "Optimal Backward Perturbation Bounds for Underdetermined Systems", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "18", pages = "393--402", kwds = "err, pert", } %sw- @article{swee:84, author = "D. R. 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Tikhonov", year = "1963", title = "Regularization of Incorrectly Posed Problems", journal = "Soviet Math.", volume = "4", pages = "1624--1627", kwds = "regul, survey" } @article{tiwa:67, author = "W. F. Tinney and J. W. Walker", year = "1967", title = "Direct Solution of Sparse Network Equations by Optimally Ordered Triangular Factorization", journal = "Proc. IEEE", volume = "55", pages = "1801--1809", kwds = "sparse" } @article{vest:91, author = "N. Vempati and I. W. Slutsker and W. F. Tinney", year = "1991", title = "Enhancements to {Givens} Rotations for Power System State Estimation", journal = "IEEE Trans. Power Systems", volume = "6", pages = "842--849", kwds = "sparse" } @article{tsao:75, author = "N.-K. Tsao", year = "1975", title = "A Note on Implementing the {Householder} Transformation", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "12", pages = "53--58", kwds = "house" } @article{toin:87, author = "P. L. Toint", year = "1987", title = "On Large Scale Nonlinear Least Squares Calculations", journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.", volume = "8", pages = "416--435", kwds = "sparse, nlsq" } @techreport{toin:87a, author = "P. L. Toint", year = "1987", title = "{VE{\rm 10}AD} A routine for Large-Scale Nonlinear Least Squares", type = "{Harwell} Subroutine Library", institution = "AERE Harwell", address = "Oxfordshire, UK", kwds = "sparse, nlsq, soft" } @techreport{vhjs:76, author = "J. {Van Heijst} and J. Jacobs and J. Scherders", year = "1976", title = "Kleinste-{Kvadraten} {Problemen}.", institution = "Department of Mathematics, Eindhoven University of Technology", address = "Eindhoven, the Netherlands", type = "{Tech. Report}", kwds = "iter, svd" } @phdthesis{vhuf:87, author = "S. {Van Huffel}", year = "1987", title = "Analysis of the Total Least Squares Problem and Its Use in Parameter Estimation", school = "Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium", institution = "ESAT Lab., Department of Electr. Eng.", type = "{Ph.D.} thesis", kwds = "tls, regr, thesis" } @article{vhuf:91, author = "S. {Van Huffel}", year = "1991", title = "Iterative Algorithms for Computing the Singular Subspace of a Matrix Associated with its Smallest Singular Values", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "154/156", pages = "675--709", kwds = "tls, iter" } @article{vhpa:95, author = "S. {Van Huffel} and H. Park", year = "1995", title = "Efficient Reduction Algorithms for Bordered Band Matrices", journal = "Numer. Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "2", pages = "95--113", kwds = "upd, svd" } @article{vhva:87, author = "S. {Van Huffel} and J. Vandewalle", year = "1987", title = "Algebraic Relationships Between Classical Regression and Total Least-squares Estimation", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "93", pages = "149--162", kwds = "tls" } @article{vhva:88a, author = "S. {Van Huffel} and J. Vandewalle", year = "1988", title = "Analysis and Solution of the Nongeneric Total Least Squares Problem", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "9", pages = "360--372", kwds = "tls" } @article{vhva:89, author = "S. {Van Huffel} and J. Vandewalle", year = "1989", title = "Analysis and Properties of the Generalized Total Least Squares Problem {$AX \approx B$} when Some or all Columns in {$A$} are Subject to Error", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix. Anal. Appl.", volume = "10", pages = "294--315", kwds = "tls" } @book{vhva:91, author = "S. {Van Huffel} and J. Vandewalle", year = "1991", title = "The Total Least Squares Problem: Computational Aspects and Analysis", publisher = "SIAM", series = "Frontiers in Applied Mathematics", volume = "9", address = "Philadelphia", kwds = "tls, survey" } @article{vhvh:87, author = "S. {Van Huffel} and J. Vandewalle and A. Haegemans", year = "1987", title = "An Efficient and Reliable Algorithm for Computing the Singular Subspace of a Matrix, Associated with its Smallest Singular Values", journal = "J. Comp. Appl. Math.", volume = "19", pages = "313--330", kwds = "tls, svd" } @article{vhzh:91, author = "S. {Van Huffel} and H. Zha", year = "1991", title = "The Restricted Total Least Squares Problem: Formulation, Algorithm, and Properties", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "12", pages = "292--309", kwds = "tls, svd" } @article{vhzh:93, author = "S. {Van Huffel} and H. 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F. {Van Loan}", year = "1985", title = "Computing the {CS} and the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "46", pages = "479--492", kwds = "csd, gsvd" } @article{vanl:85a, author = "C. F. {Van Loan}", year = "1985", title = "On the Method of Weighting for Equality Constrained Least Squares", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "22", pages = "851--864", kwds = "constr, wlsq" } @book{vanl:92, author = "C. F. {Van Loan}", year = "1992", title = "Computational Frameworks for the {Fourier} Transform", publisher = "SIAM", series = "Frontiers in Applied Mathematics", volume = "10", address = "Philadelphia", kwds = "fft, survey" } @article{vara:73, author = "J. M. Varah", year = "1973", title = "On the Numerical Solution of Ill-conditioned Linear Systems with Applications to Ill-posed Problems", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. Anal.", volume = "10", pages = "257--267", kwds = "illp, regul" } @article{vara:75, author = "J. M. Varah", year = "1975", title = "A Lower Bound for the Smallest Singular Value of a Matrix", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "11", pages = "1--2", kwds = "cond, svd" } @article{vara:79, author = "J. M. Varah", year = "1979", title = "A Practical Examination of some Numerical Methods for Linear Discrete Ill-posed Problems", journal = "SIAM Review", volume = "21", pages = "100--111", kwds = "illp, regul" } @article{vara:94, author = "J. M. Varah", year = "1994", title = "Backward Error Estimates for {Toeplitz} Systems", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "15", pages = "408--417", kwds = "err, toep" } @article{vara:96, author = "J. M. Varah", year = "1996", title = "Least Squares Data Fitting with Implicit Functions", journal = "BIT", volume = "36:4", pages = "842--854", kwds = "geom, nlsq" } @book{varg:62, author = "R. S. 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Wald\'en", year = "1994", title = "Least Squares Methods and Application in Robotics", school = "Department of Mathematics, Link{\"o}ping University", address = "Sweden", type = "{Ph.D.} thesis", kwds = "regul, nlsq" } @article{waks:95, author = "B. Wald\'en and R. Karlsson and J.-G. Sun", year = "1995", title = "Optimal Backward Perturbation Bounds for the Linear Least Squares Problem", journal = "Numer. Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "2", pages = "271--286", kwds = "err, pert" } @article{wamp:69, author = "R. H. Wampler", year = "1969", title = "An Evaluation of Linear Least Squares Computer Programs", journal = "J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards", volume = "73B", pages = "59--90", kwds = "stat, regr, err, grsch, test" } @article{wamp:70, author = "R. H. Wampler", year = "1970", title = "A Report on the Accuracy of some Widely Used Least Squares Computer Programs", journal = "J. Amer. Statist. 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Watson", year = "1984", title = "The Numerical Solution of Total $\ell_p$ Approximation Problems", booktitle = " Numerical Analysis. Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Conference Dundee, Scotland 1983", editor ="D.F. Griffiths", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Berlin", series = " Lecture Notes in Mathematics", volume = "630", pages = "72--105", kwds = "rob" } @techreport{wedi:72a, author = "P.-{\AA}. Wedin", year = "1972", title = "The Non-Linear Least Squares Problem from a Numerical Point of View. {I} {Geometrical} Properties", institution = "Department of Computer Sciences, Lund University", address = "Lund, Sweden", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "", kwds = "nlsq, pert" } @article{wedi:72, author = "P.-{\AA}. Wedin", year = "1972", title = "Perturbation Bounds in Connection with the Singular Value Decomposition", journal = "BIT", volume = "12", pages = "99--111", kwds = "svd, pert, rank" } @article{wedi:73a, author = "P.-{\AA}. Wedin", year = "1973", title = "On the Almost Rank Deficient Case of the Least Squares Problem", journal = "BIT", volume = "13", pages = "344--354", kwds = "pert, rank, svd" } @article{wedi:73b, author = "P.-{\AA}. Wedin", year = "1973", title = "Perturbation Theory for Pseudo-Inverses", journal = "BIT", volume = "13", pages = "217--232", kwds = "pert, rank, ginv" } @techreport{wedi:74, author = "P.-{\AA}. Wedin", year = "1974", title = "On the {Gauss-Newton} Method for the Nonlinear Least Squares Problems", institution = "Institute for Applied Mathematics", address = "Stockholm, Sweden", type = "Working Paper", number = "24", kwds = "nlsq" } @techreport{wedi:78, author = "P.-{\AA}. Wedin", year = "1978", title = "Perturbations of the Pseudo-Inverse and the Linear Least Squares Problem Analysed with Suitable Matrix Decompositions", institution = "Institute of Information Processing, University of Ume\aa", address = "Sweden", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "UMINF--69.78", kwds = "pert, ginv" } @techreport{wedi:79, author = "P.-{\AA}. Wedin", year = "1979", title = "Notes on the Constrained Linear Least Squares Problem. {A} New Approach Based on Generalized Inverses", institution = "Institute of Information Processing, University of Ume\aa", address = "Sweden", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "UMINF--75.79", kwds = "constr, ginv" } @techreport{wedi:85, author = "P.-{\AA}. Wedin", year = "1985", title = "Perturbation Theory and Condition Numbers for Generalized and Constrained Linear Least Squares Problems", institution = "Institute of Information Processing, University of Ume\aa", address = "Sweden", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "UMINF--125.85", kwds = "pert, ginv, constr, cond, wlsq" } @article{wei:90, author = "M. Wei", year = "1990", title = "Perturbation of the Least Squares Problem", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "141", pages = "177--182", kwds = "pert" } @article{wei:92, author = "M. Wei", year = "1992", title = "The Analysis for the Total Least Squares Problems with More than One Solution", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix. Anal. Appl.", volume = "13", pages = "746--763", kwds = "tls, pert" } @article{wei:92a, author = "M. Wei", year = "1992", title = "Algebraic Relations Between the Total Least Squares and Least Squares Problems with More than One Solution", journal = "Numer. Math.", volume = "62", pages = "123--148", kwds = "tls, pert" } @article{wei:92b, author = "M. Wei", year = "1992", title = "Algebraic Properties of the Rank-Deficient Equality Constrained and Weighted Least Squares Problem", journal = "Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "161", pages = "27--43", kwds = "constr, pert" } @article{wei:92c, author = "M. Wei", year = "1992", title = "Perturbation Theory for the Rank-Deficient Equality Constrained and Weighted Least Squares Problem", journal = "SIAM J. Numer. 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Wilkinson", year = "1977", title = "Some recent advances in numerical linear algebra", pages = "1--53", booktitle = "The State of the Art in Numerical Analysis", editor = "D.A.H. Jacobs", publisher = "Academic Press, New York", kwds = "eig" } @article{wilk:86, author = "J. H. Wilkinson", year = "1986", title = "Error Analysis Revisited", journal = "IMA Bulletin", volume = "22", pages = "192--200", kwds = "error, hist" } @book{wire:71, author = "J. H. Wilkinson and C. Reinsch", year = "1971", title = "Handbook for Automatic Computation Volume II. Linear Algebra", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "New York", kwds = "soft, eig, svd, qrd, survey" } @article{witt:36, author = "H. Wittmeyer", year = "1936", title = "{E}influss der {{\"A}nderung} einer {M}atrix auf der {L}{\"o}sung des zugeh{\"o}rigen {G}leichungssystems, sowie auf die charakterischen {Z}ahlen und die {E}igenvektoren", journal = "Z. Angew. Math. 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Barlow", year = "1998", title = "An Efficient Rank Detection Procedure for Modifying the {ULV} Decomposition", journal = "BIT", volume = "38", pages = "781--801", kwds = "upd, rrqr" } @book{youn:71, author = "D. M. Young", year = "1971", title = "Iterative Solution of Large Linear Systems", publisher = "Academic Press", address = "New York", kwds = "iter, survey" } @phdthesis{yuan:93, author = "J.-Y. Yuan", year = "1993", title = "Iterative Methods for the Generalized Least-Squares Problem", school = "Instituto de Matem\'atica Pura e Aplicada", address = " Rio de Janeiro, Brazil", type = "{Ph.D.} thesis", kwds = "iter, thesis" } @article{yuan:93a, author = "J.-Y. Yuan", year = "1993", title = "The Convergence of the {\rm 2}-block {SAOR} Method for the Least-Squares Problem ", journal = "Appl. Numer. Math.", volume = "11", pages = "429--441", kwds = "iter" } %za- @article{zha:91, author = "H. Zha", year = "1991", title = "Implicit {QR} Factorization of a Product of Three Matrices", journal = "BIT", volume = "31", pages = "375--379", kwds = "qrd, ginv, test" } @article{zha:91a, author = "H. Zha", year = "1991", title = "Restricted Singular Value Decomposition of Matrix Triples", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "12", pages = "172--194", kwds = "qrd, ginv, test" } @article{zha:92, author = "H. Zha", year = "1992", title = "A Two-way Chasing Scheme for Reducing a Symmetric Arrowhead Matrix to Tridiagonal Form", journal = "J. Numerical Linear Algebra Appl.", volume = "1", pages = "49--57", kwds = "svd, upd" } @article{zha:93, author = "H. Zha", year = "1993", title = "A Componentwise Perturbation Analysis of the {$QR$} Decomposition", journal = "SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.", volume = "14", pages = "1124--1131", kwds = "qrd, pert" } @article{zhzh:98, author = "H. Zha and Z. Zhang", year = "1998", title = "Modifying the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition with Applications in Direction-of-Arrival Finding", journal = "BIT", volume = "38", pages = "200--216", kwds = "upd, gsvd" } @incollection{zele:62, author = "M. Zelen", year = "1962", title = "Linear Estimation and Related Topics", booktitle = "Survey of Numerical Analysis", editor = "J. Todd", publisher = "McGraw-Hill, New York", pages = "558--584", kwds = "stat, hist" } @article{ziel:86, author = "G. Zielke", year = "1986", title = "Report on Test Matrices for Generalized Inverses", journal = "Computing", volume = "36", pages = "105--162", kwds = "ginv, test" } @phdthesis{zimm:77, author = "P. Zimmermann", year = "1977", title = "{Ein Algorithmus zur L{\"o}sung linearer Least Squares Probleme mit unteren und oberen Schranken als Nebenbedingungen}", school = "Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg", address = "Germany", institution = "Institut f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Statistik", type = "{D}iplomarbeit", kwds = "constr" } @article{zlat:82, author = "Z. Zlatev", year = "1982", title = "Comparison of Two Pivotal Strategies in Sparse Plane Rotations", journal = " Comput. Math. Appl.", volume = "8", pages = "119--135", kwds = "sparse, perm, rot" } @book{zlat:92, author = "Z. Zlatev", year = "1992", title = "Computational Methods for General Sparse Matrices", publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers", address = "Norwell, MA", kwds = "sparse, perm, rot" } @techreport{zlni:79, author = "Z. Zlatev and H. Nielsen", year = "1979", title = "{LLSS{\rm 01}} - A {Fortran} Subroutine for Solving Least Squares Problems ({User's} Guide)", institution = "Institute of Numerical Analysis, Technical University of Denmark", address = "Lyngby, Denmark", type = "{Tech. Report}", number = "79-07", kwds = "soft, sparse" } @article{zlni:88, author = "Z. Zlatev and H. Nielsen", year = "1988", title = "Solving Large and Sparse Linear Least-Squares Problems by Conjugate Gradient Algorithms", journal = "Comput. Math. Appl.", volume = "15", pages = "185--202", note = "", kwds = "cg, precond, sparse, iter" } @unpublished{altkeys, author = "Zzzzz, Rip van", year = "1991", title = "Alternate Key Words", kwds = " approximate methods (appr) augmented system (augms) backward perturbation (pert), banded least squares (band), blas (blas), block angular system (basys), block methods (block), Chebyshev approximation (cheb), Cholesky (chol), condition (cond), conjugate gradients (cg), constrained least squares (constr), control theory (contr), covariance matrix (covar), CS decomposition (csd), downdating (downd), eigenvalue problem (eigv) equilibration (scale), error estimate (err), fast Fourier transform (fft), fill-in (fill), generalized eigenvalue problems (geig), generalized inverse (ginv), generalized linear model (glsq), generalized QR decomposition (gqrd), geodesy (geod), geometric elements, fitting (geom), generalized singular value decomposition (gsvd), Givens rotation (rot), graph theory (graph), Gram-Schmidt (grsch), history of least squares (hist), Householder (house), hyperbolic rotation/Householder (hyp), ill-posed (illp), interior point methods (intpoint), interval analysis (err), iterative method (iter), iterative refinement (ir), Kronecker product (kron), Lanczos (lanczos), linear algebra general (la), LU decomposition (lud), matrix approximation (max), nested dissection (nestdis), nonlinear least squares (nlsq), normal equations (ne), null basis (nullsp) optimization (opt), ordering for sparsity (perm), orthogonalization (orth), orthogonal regression (orthreg), precision (err), preconditioning (precond), pseudo-inverse (ginv), parallel computation (prll), perturbation theory (pert), polynomial approximation (poly), projection (orth), QR decomposition (qrd), quadratic programming (quadpr), random matrix (rand), rank degenerate problems (rank), rank revealing QR factorization (rrqr), recursive least squares (rls), regularization (regul), regression (regr), robust estimation (rob), scaling (scale), signal processing (signal), singular value decomposition (svd), software (soft), sparse (sparse), spline approximation (spline), statistics (stat), structured least squares (struc) survey paper/book (survey), systolic (syst), test matrix (test), Toeplitz (toep), total least squares (tls), underdetermined systems (uds), updating, downdating (upd, downd), Vandermonde systems (vand), variable projection (varpro), vector processing (prll), weighted least squares (wlsq)" }