Spring 2025:
TATA42 Envariabelanalys 2
TATA82 Discrete mathematics
Preprints and publications
Boolean complexes of involutions, with V. Umutabazi, Annals of Combinatorics 27 (2023), 129–147.
Smoothness of Schubert varieties indexed by involutions in finite simply laced types,
with V. Umutabazi, Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 84 (2022), B84b.
Topology of posets with special
partial matchings,
with N. Abdallah and M. Hansson, Advances in Mathematics 348 (2019), 255–276.
A word property for twisted
involutions in Coxeter groups,
with M. Hansson, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 161 (2019), 220–235.
Combinatorial invariance of
Kazhdan-Lusztig-Vogan polynomials for fixed point free
with N. Abdallah, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 47
(2018), 543–560.
Supersolvability and the Koszul
property of root ideal arrangements,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 144
(2016), 1401–1413.
Permutation statistics of products
of random permutations,
Advances in Applied Mathematics 54 (2014), 1–10.
Criteria for rational smoothness
of some symmetric orbit closures,
Advances in Mathematics 229 (2012), 183–200.
Inversion arrangements and Bruhat
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 118 (2011), 1897–1906.
The topology of the space of
matrices of Barvinok rank two,
with J. Jonsson, Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie
51 (2010), 373–390.
Pattern avoidance and Boolean
elements in the Bruhat order on involutions,
with K. Vorwerk, Journal of Algebraic
Combinatorics 30 (2009), 87–102.
From Bruhat intervals to
intersection lattices and a conjecture of Postnikov,
with S. Linusson, J. Shareshian and J. Sjöstrand, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 116 (2009), 564–580.
Fixed points of zircon automorphisms,
Order 25 (2008), 85–90.
Twisted identities in Coxeter groups,
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 28 (2008), 313–332.
The finite antichain property in Coxeter groups,
Arkiv för matematik 45 (2007), 61–69.
Link complexes of subspace arrangements,
European Journal of Combinatorics 28 (2007), 781–790.
The topology of spaces of
phylogenetic trees with symmetry,
Discrete Mathematics 307 (2007), 1825–1832.
The combinatorics of
twisted involutions in Coxeter groups,
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 359
(2007), 2787–2798.
Fixed points of involutive
automorphisms of the Bruhat order,
Advances in Mathematics 195 (2005), 283–296.
Expected reflection distance in G(r,1,n) after a fixed number of reflections,
with N. Eriksen, Annals of Combinatorics 9 (2005), 21–33.
Directed subgraph complexes,
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 11(1) (2004), R75.
A note on blockers in posets,
with A. Björner, Annals of Combinatorics 8 (2004), 123–131.
Estimating the expected reversal distance after a fixed number of
reversals, with N. Eriksen, Advances in Applied Mathematics
32 (2004), 439–453.
Bruhat intervals of length 4 in Weyl groups,
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 102 (2003), 163–178.
Polygraph arrangements,
European Journal of Combinatorics 23 (2002), 937–948.
Quotient complexes and lexicographic shellability,
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 16 (2002), 83–96.
avoid everything