Conferences 1998 -
- On discrete homogeneity
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences symposium, General topology and related fields, June 3-5, Kyoto, Japan
- On pi-compatible topologies
International Conference on Topology and its Applications, July 3-7, Nafpaktos, Greece
- On the groups of topological isomorphisms of dense subgroups of R^n
International Conference on Topology and its Applications, July 7-11, Nafpaktos, Greece
On the reversibility of topological spaces and related notions
15th Annual Workshop on Topology and Dynamical Systems, May 21-25, North Bay, Canada
On reversible spaces
International Conference on Set-Theoretic Topology and its Applications: Joint with the 50th Symposium of General Topology and 2015 General Topology Symposium, August 24-26, Yokohama, Japan
On hereditarily reversible spaces
12th Annual Workshop on Topology and Dynamical Systems, May 25-29, North Bay, Canada
On reversible and bijectively related topological spaces
(Non) connectedness and (non) homogeneity
Vitali selectors in topological groups and related semigroups of sets
International Workshop on Applied Topology 2014, August 7-10, 2014, Jeonju, Korea
(Non) connectedness and (non) homogeneity
Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications, July 3-7, 2014, Nafpaktos, Greece
A poset of topologies on the set of real numbers
International Conference "Problems of Modern Topology and Applications", Maj 20-24, 2013, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Semigroups of sets without the Baire property
Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications, July 23-26, 2013, North Bay, Canada
A poset of topologies on the set of real numbers
International Conference on Topology and Geometry, September 2-6, 2013, Matsue, Japan
The (dis)connectedness of products with the box topology
The 2nd Eastern Africa Mathematics Programme 2012 Conference, August 22-25, Arusha, Tanzania
The small inductive dimension in Alexandroff spaces
IVth Workshop on Coverings, Selections and Games in Topology, June 25-30, Caserta, Italy
The (dis)connectedness of products with the box topology
International Topological Conference "Alexandroff Readings", May 21-25, Moscow, Russia
- Around a Hurewicz's formula (a talk joint with Y. Hattori)
2010 International Conference on Topology and its Applications, June 26-30, Nafpaktos, Greece
- Some topological properties of unions of Vitali sets (an invited talk)
Analysis, Topology and Applications 2010 (ATA 2010), June 20-25, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia
- On inductive dimension of spaces by normal bases (an invited talk joint with S. Iliadis and K.L. Kozlov)
Topological meeting, May 30-31, Matsue, Japan
- The relationaship between dimensions modulo absolutely multiplicative or additive Borel classes P, PtrInd, in separable metrizable spaces (an invited talk joint with Y. Hattori)
International Conference on Topology and its Applications at Kyoto, December 3-7, Kyoto, Japan
- Counterparts of Smirnovs compacta for inductive functions PtrInds (an invited talk joint with Y. Hattori)
Geometric topology, September 30-October 7, Dubrovnik, Croatia
- Inductive dimensions modulo P (an invited talk)
International Conference. Analysis & Topology, June 2-7, Lviv, Ukraina
- Additive and product theorems for ind (an invited talk joint with Y. Hattori)
International Conference on Topology and its Applications, June 23-26, Aegion, Greece
- On representations of spaces by unions of locally compact subspaces (a talk joint with Y. Hattori and H. Ohta)
III Japan-Mexico Joint Meeting on Topology and its Applications, December 6-10, Oaxaca, Mexico
- On the function cmp (an invited talk)
Geometric Topology: Infinite- Dimensional Topology, Absolut Extensors, Applications, May 26-30, Lviv, Ukraina
- Invited participant, Symposium J. Aarts, June, Delft, Holland
- On the relationship between cmp and def in the class of separable metrizable spaces (a talk)
V Iberoamerican Conference om General Topology and its Applications, June 10-14, Lorca, Spain
- On addition theorems for inductive dimensions (a talk joint with M. G. Charalambous)
Geometric topology II, September 29-October 5, Dubrovnik, Croatia
- Around the equality ind X = Ind X (an invited talk joint with Y. Hattori)
International Conference on Topology in Matsue, June 24-28, Matsue, Japan
- On a question of de Groot and Nishiura (a talk joint with Y. Hattori)
IX Prague Topological Simposium, August 19-25, Prague, Czech Republic
- On sum and product theorems for dimension Dind (a talk joint with B.A. Pasynkov)
Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications, July 26-29, Oxford, Ohio, USA
- On dimensional properties of Smirnov compacta (a talk)
International Conference on Topology and its Applications, August 23-27, Yokohama, Japan
- On conforming axiomatics (a talk)
III Iberoamerican Conference om General Topology and its Applications, April 07-09, Gandia, Spain
- On infinite-dimensional Cantor manifolds (a poster joint with E. Pol)
International Congress of Mathematicians, August 18-27, Berlin, Germany
- On locally r-incomparable families of infinite-dimensional Cantor manifolds (a talk)
Summer Conference on General Topology and ints Applications, June 24-27, Mexico City, Mexico
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Last updated: 2024-09-27