Armen Asratian's research
Research Interests
- hamiltonian graphs
- bipartite graphs
- edge colorings of graphs
- interconnection between local and global properties of graphs
- applications of Graph Theory
Selected publications
Graph Theory
1. A localization method in Hamiltonian graph theory, J. Combin. Theory series B,
148 (2021), 209-238
(coauthors J. Granholm and N. Khachatryan)
2. Some local-global fenomena for locally finite graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics,
293 (2021) 166-176
(coauthors J. Granholm and N. Khachatryan)
3. Cyclic deficiency of graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 266 (2019) 171-185
(coauthors C.J. Casselgren and P. Petrosyan)
4. Some results on cyclic interval edge colorings of graphs, J. Graph Theory 87 (2018) 239-252
(coauthors C.J. Casselgren and P. Petrosyan)
5. Solution of Vizing's problem on interchanges for graphs with maximum degree 4 and related results,
J. Graph Theory 82 (2016) 350-373 (coauthor C.J.Casselgren)
6. New local conditions for a graph to be hamiltonian,
Graphs and Combinatorics, 22 (2006) 153-160
7. Some results on an edge coloring problem of Folkman and Fulkerson, Discrete Mathematics, 223 (2000) 13-25
8. Every 3-connected, locally connected claw-free graph is Hamilton-
connected, J. Graph Theory, 23 (1996), 191-201
9. Some localization theorems on hamiltonian
circuits, J. of Combinatorial Theory Series B 49 (1990) 287 - 294 (coauthor N.K.Khachatrian)
10. Investigation on interval edge colorings of graphs. J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B, 62(1994) 34-43 (coauthor R.R.Kamalian)
11. Transformations of edge colorings of a bipartite multigraph and their applications,
Soviet Math. Doclady, v.43, no.1, 1991 (coauthor A.N.Mirumyan)
12. A criterion for the unique edge
colorability of bipartite multigraphs (in Russian), Metody Diskret. Analiz, no.45 (1987),
3-20 (coauthors A.V.Kostochka and A.N.Mirumyan)
1. Compatible systems of distinct representatives (in Russian), Diskret. Analiz,
no.27, 1975,3-12
2. Estimation of the number of compatible systems of distinct
representatives (in Russian), Applied Math., no.1, 14-21,Yerevan Univ., 1981
3. Transformations of Latin squares (in Russian),
Diskretnaja Matem. 2(1990), no.3, 21-28 (coauthor A.N.Mirumyan)
4. On the number of nearly perfect matchings in almost regular uniform hypergraphs,
Discrete Math., 207 (1999) 1-8 (coauthor N.N. Kuzjurin)
5. On the number of partial Steiner systems,
Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 8 (2000) 347-352 (coauthor N.N. Kuzjurin)
Operations research
1. Transformations of school timetables (in Russian ), Mat. voprosy kybernetiky, no.4, 93-110, "Nauka", Moscow, 1992
(coauthor A.N.Mirumyan)
2. A generalized class-teacher model for some timetabling
problems, European Journal of Operational Research, 143 (2002) 531-542
(coauthor Werra)
3. New class of 0-1 integer programs with
tight approximation via linear relaxations,
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 53 (2001), 363-370
(coauthor N.N. Kuzjurin)