6. Miscellaneous
Papers in control theory:
- Global controllability and bang-bang steering of certain nonlinear systems, SIAM J. Control 11:4(1973), 607-619.
- A New Approach to Nonlinear Controllability, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 44:3(1973), 763-772.
- Finite bang-bang controllability for certain non-linear systems, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh 77:A(1977), 137-144.
- Inequalities of Bohr's type approached via optimal control, departmental report 1971-24, University of Göteborg.
- Linear Control Theory Applied to a Minimum-Maximum Problem, J. Approx. Theory 38:1(1983), 90-100.
Ordinary differential equations:
- On Two Theorems by Hartman and Wintner. An Application of the Wazewski Retract Method, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 66:1(1978), 232-236.
- A Deterministic Model in Biomathematics. Asymptotic Behavior and Threshold Conditions, by G.A. and I. Mellander, Math.Biosciences 49(1980), 207-222.
- On a Differential Equation Arising from Compartmental Analysis, by G.A. and R. B. Kellogg, Math. Biosciences 38(1978), 113-122.
Comments on some problems in physics:
- Axiomatic derivation of Fermat's principle, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 18:3(1970), 675-681.
- On an elliptic boundary value problem with mixed boundary conditions, arising in suspended sediment transport theory, by G.A. and B.Winzell, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 9:1(1978), 143-150.
- A new finite element method for estimating the penetration of frost into ground, proceedings of the symposium "Problèmes a frontières libres", Maubuisson 1984, 318-329.
- Diffusion of Sediment in Long Channels, Proc. Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 104(1978), 821-837.
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Last updated: 2019-11-29