List of Publications

         A.S.Asratian, A note on transformations of edge colorings of chordless graphs and triangle-free graphs, arXiv:2024

         A.S.Asratian, C.J. Casselgren and P. Petrosyan, Decomposing graphs into interval colorable subgraphs and no-wait multi-stage schedules, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 335 (2023) 25-35 (see also arXiv:2021)

         A.S. Asratian and J. Granholm, On Hamiltonicity of regular graphs with bounded second neighborhoods, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 316 (2022) 75-86 (see also arXiv:2021)

         A.S.Asratian, J. Granholm and N. Khachatryan, A localization method in Hamiltonian graph theory, J. Combinatorial Theory Series B, 148 (2021), 209-238 (see also arXiv:1810.10430v1, 2018)

         A.S.Asratian, J. Granholm and N. Khachatryan, Some local-global fenomena for locally finite graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 293 (2021) 166-176 (see also arXiv:1810.07023v1, 2018)

         A.S.Asratian, C.J. Casselgren and P. Petrosyan, Cyclic deficiency of graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 266 (2019) 171-185 (see also arXiv:1711.04292v1, 2017)

         A.S.Asratian, C.J. Casselgren and P. Petrosyan, Some results on cyclic interval edge colorings of graphs, J. Graph Theory 87 (2018) 239-252 (see also arXiv:1606.09389v1, 2016)

         A.S.Asratian and C.J. Casselgren, Solution of Vizing's problem on interchanges for graphs with maximum degree 4 and related results, J. Graph Theory 82 (2016) 350-373 (see also arXiv:1403.5807, 2014 )

          A.S. Asratian, C.J. Casselgren, J. Vandenbussche and D.B. West, Proper path-factors and interval edge-coloring of (3,4)-biregular   bigraphs, J. Graph Theory 61 (2009) 88-97

         A.S. Asratian, A note on transformations of edge colorings of bipartite graph, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser B, 99( 2009) 814-818

         A.S. Asratian and C.J. Casselgren, On path factors of (3,4)-biregular bigraphs, Graphs & Combinatorics, 24(2008), 405-411

          A.S. Asratian and C.J. Casselgren, On interval edge colorings of (\alpha,\beta)-biregular bipartite graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 307 (2007) 1951-1956      
          A.Asratian and N. Khachatryan, On the local nature of some classical theorems on Hamilton cycles, Australasian J. Combinatorics, 38(2007) 77-86
       A.Asratian and N. Kuzjurin, Two sensitivity theorems in fuzzy integer programming, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 134 (2004) 129-140 pdf

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Last modified 2020-07-15 by asratian