List of Publications
A note on transformations of edge colorings of chordless graphs and triangle-free graphs,
C.J. Casselgren and P. Petrosyan,
Decomposing graphs into interval colorable subgraphs and no-wait multi-stage schedules,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 335 (2023) 25-35
(see also arXiv:2021)
A.S. Asratian and J. Granholm,
On Hamiltonicity of regular graphs with bounded second neighborhoods,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 316 (2022) 75-86
(see also arXiv:2021)
J. Granholm and N. Khachatryan, A localization method in Hamiltonian graph theory,
J. Combinatorial Theory Series B, 148 (2021), 209-238
(see also arXiv:1810.10430v1, 2018)
J. Granholm and N. Khachatryan, Some local-global fenomena for locally finite graphs,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 293 (2021) 166-176
(see also arXiv:1810.07023v1, 2018)
C.J. Casselgren and P. Petrosyan, Cyclic deficiency of graphs,
Discrete Applied Mathematics 266 (2019) 171-185
(see also arXiv:1711.04292v1, 2017)
C.J. Casselgren and P. Petrosyan, Some results on cyclic interval edge colorings of graphs, J. Graph Theory 87 (2018) 239-252
(see also arXiv:1606.09389v1, 2016)
A.S.Asratian and
C.J. Casselgren,
Solution of Vizing's problem on interchanges for graphs with maximum degree 4
and related results, J. Graph Theory 82 (2016) 350-373 (see also arXiv:1403.5807, 2014 )
A.S. Asratian,
C.J. Casselgren, J. Vandenbussche and D.B. West, Proper
path-factors and interval edge-coloring
of (3,4)-biregular
J. Graph Theory 61 (2009) 88-97
A.S. Asratian, A note on transformations of edge colorings of
graph, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser B, 99( 2009) 814-818
Asratian and
C.J. Casselgren, On path factors of (3,4)-biregular bigraphs, Graphs
& Combinatorics, 24(2008), 405-411
A.S. Asratian
and C.J. Casselgren, On interval edge colorings of
(\alpha,\beta)-biregular bipartite graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 307
(2007) 1951-1956
and N. Khachatryan, On the local nature of some classical theorems on
Hamilton cycles, Australasian
J. Combinatorics, 38(2007) 77-86
New local conditions for a graph to be hamiltonian,
and Combinatorics, 22 (2006) 153-160 pdf
A.Asratian and N. Kuzjurin, Two
sensitivity theorems in fuzzy integer
programming, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 134 (2004) 129-140 pdf
A.Asratian and N. Kuzjurin, Analysis of randomised rounding for integer programs,
Discrete Mathematics and Applications, 14 (2004) 543-554
A.S. Asratian and N. Oksimets, P_{k+1}-decomposition of eulerian
graphs: complexity and some solvable cases,
Electronic Notes in Discrete Math., 13 (2003), 1-5
A.S.Asratian and Werra, A generalized class-teacher model for some
timetabling problems, European Journal of Operational Research, 143
(2002) 531-542 pdf Werra, A.S. Asratian and S. Durand, Complexity of some special
types of timetabling problems, Journal of Scheduling, 5 (2002) 171-183
A.S.Asratian and N.N. Kuzjurin, New class of 0-1 integer programs with
tight approximation via linear relaxations, Mathematical Methods of
Operations Research, 53 (2001), 363-370
A.S.Asratian and N.N. Kuzjurin, On the number of partial Steiner
systems, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 8 (2000) 347-352
A.S.Asratyan and N.N. Kuzjurin, Approximation of optima of integer
programs of the packing-covering type (in Russian), Diskretnaja Matem.,
12(2000) 96-106
English translation in Discrete Math. and Applications, 10(2000), no.1,
A.S.Asratian and N.N. Kuzjurin, On the number of nearly perfect
matchings in almost regular uniform hypergraphs, Discrete Mathematics,
207 (1999), 1-8 (
This article has been selected for inclusion in a special volume of
Discrete Mathematics: "Editor's Choice, Edition 1999")
A.S.Asratian, Short solution of Kotzig's problem for bipartite
graphs, J. of Combinatorial Theory Ser. B, 74 (1998), no. 2, 160-168
A.S.Asratian, T.M.J. Denley and R. Häggkvist, Bipartite graphs and
their applications, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 131, Cambridge
University Press, 1998, 272 pp.
A.S. Asratian, N. Oksimets, Graphs with hamiltonian balls, Australasian
Combinatorics, 17 (1998), 185-198
A.S.Asratian, Every 3-connected, locally connected claw-free graph is
Hamilton- connected, J. Graph Theory, 23 (1996), 191-201
A.S.Asratian, G.V.Sarkisian, Some panconnected and pancyclic properties
of graphs with a local Ore - type condition, Graphs and Combinatorics,
12 (1996), 209-220
A.S.Asratian, R. Häggkvist and G.V.Sarkisian, A characterization
of panconnected graphs satisfying a local Ore - type condition, J.
Graph Theory, 22 (1996), 95-103
A.S.Asratian, R.R.Kamalian, Investigation on interval edge colorings of
graphs. J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B, 62(1994) 34-43
A.S.Asratian, A criterion for some hamiltonian graphs to be
Hamilton-connected. Australasian J. Combin. 10 (1994) 193-198
A.S.Asratian, Some properties of graphs with local Ore conditions. Ars
Combinatoria, 41(1995), 907-106
A.S.Asratyan and A.N.Mirumyan, On transformations of edge colorings of
the complete bipartite graph K(n,n) (in Russian), Doklady Acad.Nauk of
Republic of Armenia, 95, no.1, 1995, 1-5
A.S. Asratyan, G.V.Sarkisyan, Some hamiltonian properties of graphs
with local Ore- type conditions (in Russian). Doklady Acad.Nauk
Republic of Armenia, 94 (1993) 274-276
A.S.Asratyan and A.N.Mirumyan, Counterexamples to the Kotzig problem
(in Russian ), Diskretnaja Matematika, 4 (1992) 96-98 ( Math.Rev.
93h:05069) English translation in "Discrete Math. Appl.", 3 (1993),
no.1, 59-61
A.S.Asratyan, A.N.Mirumyan, Transformations of school timetables (in
Russian ), Mat. voprosy kybernetiky, no.4, 93-110, "Nauka", Moscow,
1992 ( MR 94d:90033 )
A.S. Asratian, N.K.Khachatrian, Stable properties of graphs, Discrete
Math. 90 (1991) 143-152
A.S.Asratyan and A.N.Mirumyan, Transformations of edge colorings of a
bipartite multigraph and their applications, Soviet Math. Doclady,
v.43, no.1, 1991 (MR 92e:05044)
A.S.Asratyan and G.V.Sarkisyan, On cyclic properties of some
hamiltonian graphs (in Russian ), Diskretnaja Matematika, 3 (1991), no.
4, 91-104 (MR 93e:05061ab ) English translation in Discrete Math.
Appl., 2 (1992), no. 6, 623-637
A.S. Asratian and N.K.Khachatrian, Some localization theorems on
hamiltonian circuits, J. of Combinatorial Theory Series B 49 (1990) 287
- 294
A.S.Asratyan and A.N.Mirumyan, Transformations of Latin squares (in
Russian), Diskretnaja Matem. 2(1990), no.3, 21-28 ( MR 91m:05034 )
A.S.Asratyan , O.Ambartsumyan, G.V.Sarkisyan, Some local conditions for
the hamiltonicity and pancyclicity of a graph (in Russian ), Doklady
Acad. Nauk Armenian SSR, 91 (1990) 19-22 (MR 92g:05124 )
A.S.Asratyan , A.V.Kostochka, A.N.Mirumyan, A criterion for the unique
edge colorability of bipartite multigraphs (in Russian), Metody
Diskret. Analiz, no.45 (1987), 3-20 (MR 89f:05072)
A.S.Asratyan, R.R.Kamalyan, Interval edge coloring of multigraphs (in
Russian), Applied Math., no.5, Yerevan University, 1987, 25-34 (MR
A.S.Asratyan, N.K.Khachatryan, Investigation of the Hamiltonian
property of a graph using neighborhoods of vertices (in Russian),
Doklady Acad. Nauk Armenian SSR, 81(1985), no.1, 103-106 (MR 87d:05110)
A.S.Asratyan and G.T.Akopyan, Problems and exercises of graph theory
(in Armenian), Textbook, Yerevan University Press, 1985, 70 pp.
A.S.Asratyan, N.K.Khachatryan, Two theorems on hamiltonian graphs (in
Russian), Matem. Zametki, 35 (1984), no.1, 55-61 (MR 85i:05154 )
(English translation in Math. Notes, 35 (1984), no.1, 32-35 )
A.S.Asratyan, Investigation of imbedded c-matchings and c-coverings (in
Russian), Applied Math., no. 3, 56-66, Yerevan Univ., 1984 (MR
A.S.Asratyan, Estimation of the number of compatible systems of
distinct representatives (in Russian), Applied Math., no.1, 14-21,
Yerevan University, 1981 (MR 87j:05006)
A.S.Asratyan, Some NP-complete problems on imbedded c-matchings of a
bipartite multigraph (in Russian), Doklady Acad.Nauk Armenian SSR, 73
(1981), 259-264 (MR 84a:68 033)
A.S. Asratyan, Some chromatic property of a graph (in Russian), Voprosy
Kibernetiki, 1980, 112-116, Moscow
A.Asratyan, Some suffitient conditions for the color-feasibility of a
sequence of integers in a bipartite multigraph (in Russian),
Combinatorial-algebraic methods in applied mathematics, 25-34, Gor'kov.
Gos.Univ., Gor'ki, 1981 (MR 85i:05103)
A.Asratyan, The construction of an edge coloring of a special form in a
bipartite graph and its applications in problems of scheduling theory,
Moscow University Bull., Ser. Comput. Math. and Cybernetics, 1(1978)
59-65 (MR 58 # 10555)
A.S.Asratyan, On the existence of edge coloring of a special form in a
bipartite graph (in Russian), A collection of papers on mathematical
cybernetics, no. 2, 30-40, Comput. Centre, Acad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow 1977
A.A.Sapozhenko, A.S.Asratyan, N.N.Kuzjurin, A survey of some results in
covering problems (in Russian), Diskret. Analiz., no.30, 1977, 46-75
A.Asratyan, Compatible systems of distinct representatives (in Russian
), Diskret. Analiz, no.27, 1975, 3-12 (see MR 53 # 10586) pdf
Some preprints
A.S.Asratian, Investigations on an edge coloring problem of Folkman and
Fulkerson, Preprint of Luleå University, 1998, 27 pp.
A.S.Asratian, A note on weekly school timetables without interruptions,
Preprint of Luleå University, 1998, 8 pp.
Last modified 2020-07-15 by asratian