Minimal submanifolds, surfaces with prescribed mean curvature
Algebraic cmc hypersurface of order 3 in Euclidean spaces, submitted to
Pacific J. Math., 2018,
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New construction techniques for minimal surfaces,
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 2018, to appear [arXiv:1503.03234] ,(with Jens Hoppe)
A note on isoparametric polynomials,
Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 2014, 4(3):237-245 [arXiv:1209.0155] , -
Sharp pointwise gradient estimates for Riesz potentials with a bounded density,
Anal. Math. Physics., 2018,
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On the non-vanishing property for real analytic solutions of the \(p\)-Laplace equation,
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Minimal cubic cones via Clifford algebras,
Complex Anal. and Operator Theory, 2010, 4(3): 685-700 [arxiv:1003.0215] -
Disjoint minimal graphs,
Anal. Global Analysis and Geom., 2009, 35(2):139-155.
Doubly periodic maximal surfaces with singularities (with Sergienko V.V.),
Siberian Adv. Math. 2002, 12(1):77-91, [arxiv:0903.1368] -
On the Gauss map of embedded minimal tubes (with Reshetninkova I.M),
Note di Matematica 1999/2000, 19(1):7-17, [arxiv:0903.0228] -
Entire one-periodic maximal surfaces
(with Sergienko V.V.),
The Mansfield-Volgograd Journal, Ed.: James York Glimm, Mansfield University of Pennsylvania, 2000. 148-156. [arxiv:0902.3810] -
Minimal tubes of finite integral curvature
Siberian Math. J., 1998, 39(1):159-167, PDF -
External geometry of p-minimal surfaces,
Geometry from the Pacific Rim, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1997, 363-375, [arxiv:0903.0176] -
Denjoy-Ahlfors theorem for harmonic functions on Riemannian manifolds and external structure of minimal surfaces
(with Miklyukov V.M.)
Comm. Anal. Geom. 1996, 4(4):547-587, [arxiv:0903.2326] -
On the bore radius for minimal surfaces
Math. Notes 1996, 59(5-6):657-660, PDF -
Life-time of minimal tubes and coefficients of univalent functions in a circular ring,
Bull. Soc. Sci. Lett. Lodz Ser. Rech. Deform. 1995, 20:19-26, PDF -
Finiteness of the number of ends of minimal submanifolds in Euclidean space
Manuscripta Math., 1994, 82(3-4):313-330, [arxiv:0903.0169] -
Some estimates for the mean curvature of nonparametric surfaces defined over domains in \(\mathbb{R}^n\),
J. Math. Sci., 1994, 72(4):3250-3260, PDF -
A sharp lower bound for the first eigenvalue on a minimal surface,
Math. Notes, 1993, 54(1-2):835-840, PDF -
Some estimates for the mean curvature of graphs over domains in \(\mathbb{R}^n\),
Soviet Math. Dokl., 1991 42(2):387-390, PDF -
Some properties of tube minimal surfaces of arbitrary codimension
(with Miklyukov V.M.),
Math. USSR-Sb., 1991, 68(1):133-150, PDF -
The structure in the large of externally complete minimal surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\)
(with Miklyukov V.M.),
Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1987, 7:30-36 PDF
On one theorem of S.T. Yau and S.Y. Cheng,
Proc. XXIIth Sci. Student Conference, Novosibirsk, 1984, 66-68. PDF
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Last updated: 2019-11-29