New preprints and reprints in pdf format:
V. Maz’ya, G. Rozenblum,
S. G. Mikhlin and multi-dimensional singular integrals.
Vladimir Maz’ya,
Solomon Grigoryevich Mikhlin (1908-1990).
Yurij Alkhutov, Gregory Chechkin and Vladimir Maz’ya,
Bojarski–Meyers Estimate for Solutions to Zaremba Problem
G. Barletta, A. Cianchi, V. Maz'ya,
Bounds for eigenfunctions of the Neumann p-Laplacian on noncompact
Riemannian manifolds.
V. Maz'ya,
Strong singularities of solutions to nonlinear elliptic equations.
V. Maz'ya, R McOwen,
Gradient estimate for solutions of second-order elliptic equations.
A. Cialdea, V. Maz'ya,
A survey of functional and $L_p$ dissipativity theory.
A. Cialdea, V. Maz'ya,
Criterion for the functional dissipativity of the Lamé operator.
V. Maz'ya, R McOwen,
Gilbarg-Serrin equation and lipschitz regularity.
F. Lanzara, V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt,
Fast computation of the multi-dimensional fractional Laplacian.
W. Masja,
Übersicht über einige Richtungen und Probleme der Theorie Elliptischer Gleichungen
A. Balci, A. Cianchi, L. Diening, V. Maz’ya,
A pointwise differential inequality and second-order regularity
for nonlinear elliptic systems.
V. Maz'ya et al.,
Obituary Rem Barantzev (in Russian).
A. Cianchi, V. Maz'ya,
Sobolev embeddings into Orlicz spaces and isocapacitary inequalities.
V. Maz'ya et al.,
Mikhail Shubin (obituary).
A. Cianchi, V. Maz'ya,
Friedrichs type inequalities in arbitrary domains.
G. Kresin, V. Maz'ya,
On sharp Agmon-Miranda maximum principles.
A. Cialdea, V. Maz'ya,
Criterion for the functional dissipativity of second order differential operators with.
F. Lanzara, V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt,
Fast computation of elastic and hydrodynamic potentials using approximate approximations.
G. Kresin, V. Maz'ya,
Sharp pointwise estimates for solutions of weakly
coupled second order parabolic system in a layer
F. Lanzara, V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt,
Approximations of solutions to nonstationary Stokes system.
G. Kresin, V. Maz'ya,
Sharp pointwise estimates for the gradients of solutions
to linear parabolic second order equation in the layer
V. Maz'ya, A. Movchan, M. Nieves,
On meso-scale approximations for vibrations of membranes with lower-dimensional clusters of inertial inclusions.
V. Maz'ya, I. Verbitsky,
Accretivity and form boundedness of second order differential operators.
F. Lanzara, V. Maz'ya,
Differentiability properties of the symbol of generalized Riesz potential with homogeneous characteristic.
A. Ashyralyev, L. Birbrair, J. Goldstein, П. Кучмент, В. Мазья, Б. Рубин, Е.М.Семенов, Ю. Эйдельман,
Памяти Павла Евсеевича Соболевского.
A. Ashyralyev, L. Birbrair, J. Goldstein, P. Kuchment, V. Maz’ya, B. Rubin, E. Semenov, Yu. Eidelman,
In memory of Pavel Evseevich Sobolevskii.
Ю. Егоров, А. Комеч, П. Кучмент, Е. Лакштанов, В. Мазья, С. Молчанов, Р. Новиков, М. Фрейдлин,
Борис Руфимович Вайнберг (к восьмидесятилетию со дня рождения).
A. Cianchi, V. Maz'ya,
Sobolev inequalities for the symmetric gradient in arbitrary domains.
I. Gel'man, V. Maz'ya,
Estimates for Differential Operators in Half-space. (Book)
F. Lanzara, V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt,
Accurate computation of the high dimensional diffraction potential over hyper-rectangles.
A. Cianchi, V. Maz'ya,
Second-order regularity for parabolic p-Laplace problems.
F. Lanzara, V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt,
Fast cubature of high dimensional biharmonic potential based on Approximate Approximations.
G. Kresin, V. Maz'ya,
Sharp estimates for the gradient of solutions to the heat equation.
V. Maz'ya, I. Verbitsky,
Accretivity of the general second order linear differential operator.
A. Cianchi, V. Maz'ya,
Optimal second-order regularity for the p-Laplace system.
V. Maz'ya, A. Movchan,
Meso-scale approximations of fields around clusters of defects.
V. Maz'ya,
Seventy Five (Thousand) Unsolved Problems in Analysis and Partial Differential Equations.
F. Lanzara, V. Maz'ya,
On eigenfunctions of the Fourier transform.
V. Maz'ya,
Solvability criteria for the Neumann p-Laplacian with irregular data.
A. Cialdea, V. Maz'ya,
The Lp-dissipativity of certain differential and integral operators.
G. Kresin, V. Maz'ya,
Generalized Poisson integral and sharp estimates for
harmonic and biharmonic functions in the half-space.
V. Maz'ya,
Elliptic equations in convex domains.
A. Cianchi, V. Maz'ya,
Quasilinear elliptic problems with general growth and merely integrable data.
F. Lanzara, V. Maz'ya,
Note on a nonstandard eigenfunction
of the planar Fourier transform.
G. Barletta, A. Cianchi, V. Maz'ya,
Quasilinear elliptic equations on noncompact Riemannian manifolds.
G. Kresin, V. Maz'ya,
Sharp estimates for the gradient of the generalized Poisson integral for a half-space.
A. Cianchi, V. Maz'ya,
Second-order L2-regularity in nonlinear elliptic problems.
A. Cialdea, V. Maz'ya,
The Lp-dissipativity of first order partial differential operators.
A. Cianchi, V. Maz'ya,
Global boundedness of the gradient for a class of nonlinear
elliptic systems.
V. Maz'ya, A. Movchan, M. Nieves,
Eigenvalue problem in a solid with many inclusions: asymptotic analysis.
F. Lanzara, V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt,
A fast solution method for time dependent multi-dimensional Schroedinger equations.
G. Luo, V. Maz'ya,
Pointwise Inequalities for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems.
V. Maz'ya, R. McOwen,
Differentiability of solutions to the Neumann problem with low-regularity data via dynamical systems.
V. Maz'ya, A. Movchan, M. Nieves,
Meso-scale models and approximate solutions for solids containing clouds of voids.
Виктор Петрович Хавин (V. P. Havin, obituary).
V. Maz'ya,
Topics on Wiener regularity for elliptic equations and systems.
A. Cianchi, V. Maz'ya,
Sobolev inequalities in arbitrary domains.
F. Lanzara, V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt,
Approximation of solutions to multidimensional parabolic equations by Approximate Approximations.
G. Kresin, V. Maz'ya,
Invariant convex bodies for strongly elliptic systems.
Sv. Mayboroda, V. Maz'ya,
Polyharmonic capacity and Wiener test of higher order.
G. Kresin, V. Maz'ya,
Criteria for invariance of convex bodies for linear parabolic systems.
A. Cialdea, V. Maz'ya,
Semi-bounded partial differential operators.
A. Cianchi, V. Maz'ya,
Global gradient estimates in elliptic problems
under minimal data and domain regularity.
V. Maz'ya,
Notes on Hölder regularity of a boundary point with respect to an elliptic operator of second order
R. McOwen, V. Maz'ya,
Second order differentiability for
solutions of elliptic equations in the plane.
Ю. Алхутов, В. Мазья,
-- коэрцитивность и оценки функции Грина задачи Неймана в выпуклой области.
G. Kresin, V. Maz'ya,
Optimal pointwise estimates for derivatives of solutions to
Laplace, Lamé and Stokes equations.
I. Kamotski, V. Maz'ya,
Estimate for a solution to the water wave problem in the presence of a submerged body.
A. Cialdea, V. Maz'ya,
Lp-dissipativity of the Lamé operator.
N. Grachev, V. Maz'ya,
Solvability of boundary singular integral operators of elasticity on surfaces with conic points.
N. Grachev, V. Maz'ya,
Solvability of a boundary integral equation on a polyhedron.
F. Lanzara, V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt,
Fast cubature formulas of volume potentials over rectangular domains.
A. Cianchi, V. Maz'ya,
Global boundedness of the gradient for a class of nonlinear elliptic systems.
N. Grachev, V. Maz'ya,
Solvability of a boundary integral equation on a polyhedron.
N. Grachev, V. Maz'ya
Invertibility of boundary integral operators of elasticity on surfaces with conic points.
F. Lanzara, V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt,
Computation of volume potentials over bounded domains via approximate approximations.
N. Grachev, V. Maz'ya
Estimates for kernels of inverse operators of integral equations of elasticity on surfaces with conic points.
V. Maz'ya,
Representations and estimates for inverse operators in the harmonic potential theory for polyhedra.
Sv. Mayboroda, V. Maz'ya,
Regularity of solutions to the polyharmonic equation in general domains.
B. Jaye, V. Maz'ya, I. Verbitsky,
Quasilinear elliptic equations and weighted Sobolev-Poincaré inequalities with distributional weights.
I. Kamotski, V. Maz'ya,
On linear water wave problem in the presence of a critically submerged body.
G. Kresin, V. Maz'ya,
Sharp real-part theorems for high order derivatives.
G. Kresin, V. Maz'ya,
Sharp real-part theorems in the upper half-plane and similar estimates for harmonic functions.
V. Maz'ya, A. Movchan, M. Nieves,
Green’s kernels and meso-scale approximations in perforated domains. Asymptotic analysis.
V. Galaktionov and V. Maz’ya,
Boundary characteristic point regularity for Navier–Stokes
equations: blow-up scaling and Petrovskii-type criterion (a formal approach).
A. Cianchi, V. Maz’ya,
Gradient regularity via rearrangements for p-Laplacian type elliptic boundary value problems.
A. Cianchi, V. Maz’ya,
Boundedness of solutions to the Schrödinger equation under Neumann boundary conditions.
R. Alvarado, D. Brigham, V. Maz’ya, M. Mitrea and E. Ziade,
Sharp geometric maximum principles for semi-elliptic operators with singular drift.
R. Cianchi, V. Maz’ya,
Bounds for eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on noncompact Riemannian manifolds.
R. Alvarado, D. Brigham, V. Maz’ya, M. Mitrea, E. Ziadé,
On the regularity of domains satisfying
a uniform hour-glass condition and a sharp
version of the Hopf—Oleinik boundary point
V. Maz'ya, T. Shaposhnikova, D. Tampieri,
Solomon Grigoryevich Mikhlin.
B. Jaye, V. Maz'ya, I. Verbitsky,
Existence and regularity of positive solutions
to elliptic equations of Schrodinger type.
V. Galaktionov, V. Maz'ya,
Boundary characteristic point regularity for
semilinear reaction-diffusion equations: towards an ODE criterion
V. Maz'ya, S. Poborchi,
Existence and uniqueness of an energy
solution to the Dirichlet problem for
the Laplace equation in the exterior
of a multi-dimensional paraboloid.
I. Kamotski, V. Maz’ya,
On the third boundary value problem in domains with cusps.
V. Maz'ya, A. Movchan,
Uniform asymptotics of Green’s kernels in perforated domains and meso-scale approximations.
V. Maz'ya, T. Shaposhnikova,
Recent progress in elliptic equations and systems of arbitrary order with rough coefficients in Lipschitz domains.
V. Maz'ya, R. McOwen,
Differentiability of solutions to second-order elliptic equations via dynamical systems.
G. Kresin, V. Maz'ya,
Sharp pointwise estimates for directional derivatives of harmonic functions in a multidimensional ball.
V. Maz'ya, T. Shaposhnikova,
Brezis-Gallouet-Wainger type inequality for irregular domains.
M. Dindos, V. Maz'ya,
Lp solvability of the Stationary Stokes problem on domains with conical singularity in any dimension.
A. Cianchi, V. Maz'ya,
Global Lipschitz regularity for a class of quasilinear elliptic equations.
A. Cianchi, V. Maz'ya,
On the discreteness of the spectrum of the Laplacian on noncompact Riemannian manifolds.
V. Maz'ya, A. Movchan, M. Nieves,
Mesoscale asymptotic approximations to solutions of mixed boundary value problems in perforated domains.
A. Carbery, V. Maz’ya, M. Mitrea and D. Rule,
The Integrability of Negative Powers of the Solution of the Saint Venant Problem.
V. Maz'ya, S. Poborchi,
On Solvability of
Boundary Integral Equations of Potential Theory
for a Multi-Dimensional Cusp Domain.
A. Cialdea, V. Maz'ya,
A quasi-commutativity property of the
Poisson and composition operators.
G. Kresin, V. Maz'ya,
Optimal estimates for the gradient of
harmonic functions in the multidimensional half-space.
V. Maz'ya, M. Mitrea, T. Shaposhnikova,
The Inhomogeneous Dirichlet Problem for the Stokes System in Lipschitz Domains with Unit Normals Close to VMO.
(PDF) A. Alvino, A. Cianchi, V. Maz’ya, A. Mercaldo,
Well-posed elliptic Neumann problems involving irregular data and domains.
V. Maz'ya, A. Movchan,
Asymptotic treatment of perforated domains without homogenization.
T. Jin, V. Maz'ya, J. V. Schaftingen,
Pathological solutions to elliptic problems in divergence form with continuous coefficients.
S. Mayboroda, V. Maz'ya,
Pointwise estimates for the polyharmonic Green function in general domains.
F. Lanzara, V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt,
Tensor product approximations of high dimensional potentials,
V. Maz'ya, A. Movchan, M. Nieves,
Green's kernels for transmission problems in bodies with small inclusions.
G. Luo, V. Maz'ya,
Wiener Type Regularity of a Boundary Point for the 3D Lamé System.
V. Maz'ya, A. Movchan,
Uniform asymptotic approximations of Green's functions
in a long rod.
V. Maz'ya, S. Poborchi,
On the Solvability of the Neumann Problem for
a Planar Domain with a Peak.
V. Maz'ya,
Boundedness of the gradient of a solution to the
Neumann-Laplace problem in a convex domain.
V. Maz'ya,
Integral and isocapacitary inequalities.
V. Maz'ya,
Estimates for differential operators of vector analysis
involving L1-norm.
V. Maz'ya, S. Poborchi,
Однозначная разрешимость интегрального уравнения для
гармонического потенциала простого слоя на границе области с пиком
V. Maz'ya, R. McOwen
On the Fundamental Solution of an Elliptic Equation in Nondivergence Form.
F. Lanzara, V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt,
Approximate Hermite quasi-interpolation
S. Costea ̧V. Maz'ya,
Conductor inequalities and criteria for
Sobolev-Lorentz two-weight inequalities.
V. Maz'ya, T. Shaposhnikova,
A collection of sharp dilation invariant inequalities for
differentiable functions
V. Maz'ya, A. Movchan,
Uniform asymptotics of Green's kernels for mixed and Neumann
roblems in domains with small holes and inclusions..
S. Mayboroda, V. Maz'ya,
Boundedness of the gradient and Wiener test for
solutions of the biharmonic equation.
J. Lang, V. Maz'ya,
Essential norms and localization moduli of Sobolev embeddings for general domains .
A. Cianchi, V. Maz'ya,
Neumann problems and isocapacitary inequalities.
V. Maz'ya, A. Movchan, M. Nieves,
Uniform asymptotic formulae for Green's
tensors in elastic singularly perturbed domains
with multiple inclusions.
V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt,
Approximate Approximations.
O. Costin, V. Maz'ya,
Sharp Hardy-Leray inequality for axisymmetric divergence-free fields.
F. Lanzara, V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt,
Approximate approximations on nonuniform grids.
V. Maz'ya, A. Movchan, M. Nieves,
Uniform asymptotic formulae for Green's tensors in elastic singularly perturbed domains.
V. Maz'ya, M. Mitrea, T. Shaposhnikova.
The Dirichlet problem in Lipschitz domains for higher order elliptic systems with rough coefficients.
V. Maz'ya, S. Poborchi,
О разрешимости задачи Неймана в области с пиком.
V. Maz'ya, J. Rossmann,
A maximum modulus estimate for solutions of the Navier-Stokes system in domains of polyhedral type.
V. Maz'ya, S. Poborchi,
On solvability of the Neumann problem in energy space for a domain with peak.
S. Mayboroda, V. Maz'ya,
Boundedness of the Hessian of a biharmonic function in a convex domain.
G. Kresin, V. Maz'ya,
Sharp pointwise estimates for solutions of strongly elliptic second order systems with boundary data from Lp.
V. Maz'ya,
A new type of integral equations related to
the co-area formula (Reduction of dimension
in multi-dimensional integral equations).
V. Maz'ya,
Bourgain-Brezis type inequality with explicit constants.
G. Luo, V. Maz'ya,
Weighted positivity of second order elliptic
V. Mazya, A. Movchan,
Uniform asymptotic approximations of
Green's functions in a long rod.
Мазья, В., Поборчий, С.,
Теоремы вложения и продолжения для функций в нелипшицевых областях.
G. Kresin, V. Maz'ya,
Sharp Real Part Theorems.
G. Kresin, V. Maz'ya,
Sharp Bohr's type real part theorem.
F. Lanzara, V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt,
Approximate approximations with data on a perturbed uniform grid.
V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt,
Potentials of Gaussians and approximate wavelets.
V. Kondratiev, V. Maz'ya, M. Shubin,
Gauge optimization and spectral
properties of magnetic Schroedinger operators, arXiv:math. SP/0601057.
A. Cialdea, V. Maz'ya,
Criteria for the Lp-dissipativity of systems
of second order differential equations.
V. Maz'ya, J. Rossmann,
Mixed boundary value problems for the
Navier-Stokes system in polyhedral domains.
S. Filippas, V. Maz'ya, A. Tertikas,
Critical Hardy-Sobolev inequalities.
V. Maz'ya, A. Movchan,
Uniform asymptotic formulae for Green's
functions in singularly perturbed domains.
V. Maz'ya, A. Movchan,
Uniform asymptotic formulae for Green's kernels
in regularly and singularly perturbed domains.
V.Mazya, S.Poborchi,
Embedding theorems for Sobolev spaces in a
domain with cusp and in a Hölder domain, (Russian).
F. Lanzara, V.Maz'ya, G.Schmidt,
Approximate approximations from scattered data.
V. Maz'ya, T. Shaposhnikova,
Higher regularity in the layer potential theory
for Lipschitz domains,
Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 54, no.1, 99-142.
V. Maz'ya, T. Shaposhnikova,
Traces of multipliers in pairs of weighted Sobolev spaces
Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, 3, 91-115.
V. Mazya, J. Rossmann,
Schauder estimates for solutions to a mixed
boundary value problems for Stokes system in polyhedral domains.
V. Maz'ya, R. McOwen,
Asymptotics for solutions of elliptic equations
in double divergence form.
V. Maz'ya, M. Shubin,
Can one see the fundamental frequency of a
drum? (to appear in Letters in Mathematical Physics).
V. Maz'ya,
criteria in the qualitative spectral analysis of the Schrödinger
operator, (to appear in B. Simon's Festschrift, "Proceedings of
Symposia in Pure Mathematics")
V. Maz'ya, Conductor and capacitary inequalities for functions on
topological spaces and their applications to Sobolev type
Journal of Functional Analysis, 224, no. 2, 408-430.
V. Kozlov, V. Maz'ya,
Asymptotic formula for solutions to elliptic
equations near the Lipschitz boundary,
Ann. Mat. Pura ed Appl., 184, no. 2, 185-213.
Maz'ya, V., Shubin, M.,
Discreteness of spectrum and positivity criteria for
Schrödinger operators,
Annals of Mathematics, 162, 1-24.
A. Cialdea, V. Maz'ya,
Criterion for the Lp-dissipativity of second order
differential operators with complex coefficients,
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 84,
S. Filippas, V. Maz'ya, A. Tertikas,
On a question of Brezis and Marcus.
V. Maz'ya, J. Rossmann,
Pointwise estimates for Green's kernel of a mixed boundary value
problem to the Stokes system in a polyhedral cone.
V. Maz'ya and J. Rossmann,
Lp estimates of solutions to mixed boundary value
for the Stokes system in polyhedral domains.
V. Maz'ya, I. Verbitsky,
Form boundedness of the general second order differential
(to appear in Comm. Pure Appl. Math.).
V. Maz'ya, I. Verbitsky,
The form boundedness criterion
for the relativistic Schrödinger operator.
E. Gibiansky , V. Maz'ya and A. Movchan,
Three-scale asymptotics for a
diffusion problem coupled with the wave equation
(to appear in Applicable Analysis).
S. Filippas, V. Maz'ya, A. Tertikas,
Sharp Hardy-Sobolev inequalities,
C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 339, no. 7, pp 483-486.
G. Kresin and V. Maz'ya,
Sharp pointwise estimates for analytic functions by
of the real part,
Complex Variables, 49, no.14, 997-1023.
- (PDF)
V. Maz'ya, Conductor
inequalities and criteria for Sobolev type two-weight
(to appear in the Journal of Computational and Applied
V. G. Maz'ya and I. E. Verbitsky,
Infinitesimal form boundedness and Trudinger's subordination
for the Schrödinger operator
(to appear in Inventiones Mathematicae).
V. Maz'ya and T. Shaposhnikova,
Characterization of multipliers in pairs of Besov spaces,
Operator Theoretical Methods and Applications to Mathematical
Physics: The Erhard Meister Memorial Volume, Birkhäuser, pp 365-387.
V. Kondratiev, V. Maz'ya, M. Shubin,
Discreteness of spectrum and strict positivity criteria for
magnetic Schrödinger operators,
Comm. Partial Differential Equations, 29, no. 3-4, pp
Maz'ya, V., Roßmann, J.,
Schauder estimates for solutions to boundary value problems for
second order elliptic systems in polyhedral domains,
Appl. Analysis, 83, no. 3, pp 271-308.
V. Maz'ya, J. Elschner, J. Rehberg, G. Schmidt,
Solutions for quasilinear nonsmooth evolution
systems in Lp,
Archive for Rat. Mech. Analysis, 171, no. 2, pp 219-262.
V. Kozlov, V. Maz'ya,
An asymptotic theory of higher order operator differential
equations with nonsmooth nonlinearities,
Journal of Functional Analysis, 217, pp 448-488.
V. Maz'ya, A. Slutskii,
Asymptotic solution to the Dirichlet problem for a
two-dimensional Riccati's type equation near a corner point,
Asymptotic Analysis, 39, no. 2, pp 169-185.
. Lanzara, V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt,
Numerical solution of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation
by approximate approximations,
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 10, no. 6, 645-660.
V. Maz'ya,
Lectures on isoperimetric and isocapacitary inequalities in the
theory of Sobolev spaces,
Contemporary Mathematics, 338, Heat Kernels and Analysis
on Manifolds, Graphs, and Metric
Spaces, American Math. Society, pp 307-340.
V. Kozlov, V. Maz'ya,
Asymptotic formula for solutions to the Dirichlet problem for
elliptic equations with discontinuous coefficients near the
Ann. Scuola. Norm. Sup. Pisa, 2, no 3, pp 551-600.
H. Hellsten, V. Maz'ya, B. Vainberg,
The spectrum of water waves produced by moving point sources,
and a
related inverse problem,
Wave Motion, 38, pp 345-354.
V. Karlin, V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt,
High accuracy periodic solutions to the Sivashinsky
Journal of Computational Physics, , pp 209-231.
V. Maz'ya, J. Roßmann,
Weighted Lp estimates of solutions to
boundary value problems for second order elliptic systems in
polyhedral domains,
Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 83, no. 7, pp 435-467.
V. Maz'ya, G. Schmidt, W. Wendland,
On the computation of multi-dimensional single layer harmonic
potentials via approximate approximations,
Calcolo, 40, no. 1, pp 33-53.
V.A. Kozlov, V. Maz'ya,
Asymptotics of a singular solution to
the Dirichlet problem for elliptic equations with discontinuous
coefficients near the boundary,
Function Spaces, Differential
Operators and Nonlinear
Analysis, 75-115, Birkhäuser.
V. Maz'ya, I. Verbitsky,
The Schrödinger operator on the energy space:
boundedness and compactness criteria,
Acta Mathematica, 188, pp 263--302.
V. Maz'ya and T. Shaposhnikova,
On the Brezis and Mironescu conjecture concerning a
Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality for fractional Sobolev
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 81, pp
V. Maz'ya and T. Shaposhnikova,
On the Bourgain, Brezis, and Mironescu Theorem
Concerning Limiting Embeddings of Fractional Sobolev Spaces,
Journal of Functional Analysis, 195, pp 230-238.
V. Maz'ya, T. Shaposhnikova,
Sharp pointwise interpolation inequalities for derivatives,
Journal of Functional Analysis and its
Applications, 36, no. 1, pp 36-58.
V. Maz'ya, J. Roßmann,
Point estimates for Green's matrix to boundary value problems
for second order elliptic systems in a polyhedral cone,
Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 82, no. 5, pp 291-316.
V. Maz ya, T. Shaposhnikova,
An elementary proof of the Brezis and Mironescu theorem on the
composition operator in fractional Sobolev spaces,
Journal of Evolution Equations, 2, pp 113-125.
V. Maz'ya,
The Wiener test for higher order elliptic equations,
Duke Mathematical Journal, 115, no. 3, pp 479-512.
V. Maz'ya and A. S. Slutskii,
Asymptotic analysis of the Navier-Stokes system in a plane
domain with thin channels,
Asymptotic Analysis, 23, no. 1, pp 59-89.
V. Kozlov, V. Maz'ya,
Angle singularities of solutions to the Neumann problem
for the two-dimensional Riccati's equation,
Asymptotic Analysis, 19, no. 1, pp 57-79.
V. Maz'ya,
Behaviour of solutions to the Dirichlet problem for
the biharmonic operator at a boundary point.
Back to Vladimir Maz'ya's home page.
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